Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

If anyone has a party and invites Chuck T to their house, you better have a list if all ingredients you serve him.

He is a self righteous, myopic, stick in the mud liberal afterall.

What sorts of dipshits do we need to concern ourselves with?

Oh btw, pretty soon people will need to provide lists of ingredients when they throw house parties.

Please tell the difference Chuck T.

No wait. Please dont.
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How lovely. The Thought Police have done their work very well indeed.
spelling has absolutely NOTHING to do with knowing that "I have a life-threatening condition and I can not take any food from ANYBODY except at home". Period.
even a 5 yo is able to learn that and follow that rule. And they do. If they have responsible smart parents who teach them that.

They also teach that you can not go with any stranger ever and can not take any toys or books from anybody as well - but that is for a totally different reason.
Also potentially lethal.

And the cookies came with a list of ingredients? Really?

who cares? if you don't want your child to eat stranger's food - you teach them that, not impose your restrictions on other children.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to teach otherwise, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children groomed, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children's trust to be bought, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children to feel obligated to a gift, tell them to accept the cookies.
If anyone has a party and invites Chuck T to their house, you better have a list if all ingredients you serve him.

He is a self righteous, myopic, stick in the mud liberal afterall.

What sorts of dipshits do we need to concern ourselves with.

Oh btw, pretty soon people will need to provide lists of ingredients when they house parties.

Please tell the difference Chuck T.

No wait. Please dont.

I'm actually vilified as a Republican.
who cares? if you don't want your child to eat stranger's food - you teach them that, not impose your restrictions on other children.

I have no power to impose restrictions on other children. I just have my sense of rightness and I have my own views.

yes you do - with your stupid complaints, as the asshole in the OP did. And you defended her as you would do the same - impose your restrictions on other children instead of teaching your own.
Typical leftard nannystater.

The school is the only one with the power here and I did not complain to the school. Therefore I couldn't have restricted anything.
Sorry but the school cannot ban a private citizen from giving cookies to people.

Yes the can. The students are on the school bus and under their supervision. They can indeed not allow a private citizen to give things to students under their care.
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint
PUBLISHED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013 | UPDATED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013

A Minnesota mother dubbed the 'Cookie Lady' who has been baking treats for the kids on her children's bus for 15 years has been shut down by an anonymous complaint. Every Friday, Anne Tabat has met the school bus in her subdivision with a basket of cookies. It began as a thank you to the bus driver. And, Tabat said, she couldn't give the driver a cookie without giving one to every child on the bus.

Tabat said the cookies were also a way to get to know her neighbors. 'I didn't live in the suburbs until I turned 40,' she told Minnesota Public Radio.'Look at the way these houses are designed here. They're not designed with a friendly neighborliness community in mind. I haven't been in most of the houses in my neighborhood.

'People live such busy lives; you don't talk to your neighbors, you don't know your neighbors.'

But for the first time in many years, Tabat wasn't at the bus stop yesterday. She received a phone call from the school this week telling her someone had complained and that she should cease and desist the dispensing of cookies. She said she never really had a straight answer about the specifics of the complaint.

'She (the woman who complained) didn’t bother to know me, the bus driver, or anything about the cookie-bus thing. I don’t care if I get shut down, the kids are going to live,' she said.

'I woke up the day after this and thought ‘let’s have a protest, let’s sign a petition,’ but the person this would fall back on would be the bus driver.

'Whatever you do I don’t want anything to stick to the bus driver because this was meant to thank the bus driver.'

Tabat said it was soon time to end the tradition - the last of her three kids will graduate high school soon - but she wanted to stop baking on her own terms.

'I know all these well-meaning people who do kindly gestures but they backfire because they’re not thinking about things like that. That’s not what this is about,' she said.

Read more: Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint | Mail Online
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What are the odds that the anonymous moron is some intolerant, arrogant left wing, know it all bitch?

the school cant ban her from giving out cookies on a public street...or tell her who she can and cant give cookies to....on a public street.

Who ever is making the complaint..... they should tall their kid not to take the cookie. Its pretty simple. Its called personal responsibility for your own actions over nanny state control.

They are kids and can't see the dangers. That is why they are kids. Until they are 18, they made decisions like a child and not an adult.

then how about whining mom....ask cookie mom to make sure not to give a cookie to her kid instead of punishing everyone?

would be the adult thing to do...
Sorry but the school cannot ban a private citizen from giving cookies to people.

Yes the can. The students are on the school bus and under their supervision. They can indeed not allow a private citizen to give things to students under their care.

What if two kids trade lunches? How do you stop that?
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some leftard nutjob, that's for sure.
Or maybe some parent who has a kid with a food allergy.

under the PC gestapo rules you shut down EVERYBODY's fun, because your kid is too stupid to know he/she has allergies and can not take a cookie.

Typical leftardism - if I can not have one, nobody will.

your reasoning is the exact example why leftardism is a totalitarian mental disorder.

Can't teach the kid to say, "No, thank you."?

the school cant ban her from giving out cookies on a public street...or tell her who she can and cant give cookies to....on a public street.

Who ever is making the complaint..... they should tall their kid not to take the cookie. Its pretty simple. Its called personal responsibility for your own actions over nanny state control.

They are kids and can't see the dangers. That is why they are kids. Until they are 18, they made decisions like a child and not an adult.

then how about whining mom....ask cookie mom to make sure not to give a cookie to her kid instead of punishing everyone?

would be the adult thing to do...

What the cookie mom should have done is got permission from the parents and or the school and she would have had authority.
I didn't see any notation of ages on the school bus.

This could be a 1st or 2nd grader we are talking about that is being given food without the parents permission.

Young kids aren't always known for their superior logic abilities to say no when all around them are munching on a treat.

And even then,

Local News | Allergic Reaction To Cookie Kills Girl | Seattle Times Newspaper

If something happened to one of those kids, what kind of consequences do you think the school would be facing?

Take your best guess.

actually, she stated she would have been retiring from doing it soon any way as her last is getting ready to graduate soon, therefore it would have to be high school kids.
No, it would not have to be.

Lots of school buses have many different aged children.

Until you determine it was just that school bus, you are presuming.

She stated she made the cookies to thank the driver of her childrens bus. Since her child would be graduating soon anyway, one can pretty well assume it was high schoolers, unless they live in a district that has all schools on one campus.

wrong post
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Sorry but the school cannot ban a private citizen from giving cookies to people.

Yes the can. The students are on the school bus and under their supervision. They can indeed not allow a private citizen to give things to students under their care.

What if two kids trade lunches? How do you stop that?

My son gave up peanut butter because he sat with his best friend at the school lunch table which is an allergy free table.

Eating a cookie after you brushed your teeth and sitting at school all day with sugar on your teeth for hours will lead to cavities especially when this lady does it frequently.
I didn't see any notation of ages on the school bus.

This could be a 1st or 2nd grader we are talking about that is being given food without the parents permission.

Young kids aren't always known for their superior logic abilities to say no when all around them are munching on a treat.

And even then,

Local News | Allergic Reaction To Cookie Kills Girl | Seattle Times Newspaper

If something happened to one of those kids, what kind of consequences do you think the school would be facing?

Take your best guess.

a 1st or a 2nd grader is pretty capable of understanding that he/she is not permitted to eat the cookie because he/she might die.
If you explain it to the kid and not guard the 5-6-7 yo from the very reality of his condition FOR LIFE.

And the whole bus of kids and the driver and the mom who baked the cookies should not be punished because one kid MIGHT have food allergy and his parents are too stupid to explain to him that he can not have a cookie if he has allergy.

that is the whole point here - the PC gestapo - because one possibility of inconvenience, ALL have to suffer.

As much as an inconvenience I find this policy apparently there is a need, although I do find it very curious that the same kids who have allergies eat lunch in very close proximity to the rest of the school population.

I think that the age of the kids on the bus is probably mixed, more having to do with the area the bus goes to than the grade level of the kids, if it is a small community. So there may be both elementary and high school kids on the same bus. An older child is going to be aware of avoiding food he/she is allergic to, but a younger child may not be.

As far as the cafeteria, elementary kids are supervised by their teachers and teacher's aids who are very aware of any student's food allergies.

I think this may be a food allergy thing. I do think a parent has the right to oversee what his/her child is eating. If it is a young child, a parent would be very concerned about people giving him or her food that you don't know about.
Riddle me this, nanny stater: what's to prevent the kids from trading food amongst themselves? If the allergic kid is so sensitive, how on earth can his parents allow him to associate with anyone unsupervised?
For fuck's sake -- don't you understand this is a school liability issue? By not addressing the complaint, the school is LIABLE.

Something happens and the school gets sued, the whole damn town has to pay.

was cookie mom giving out cookies.... on school grounds?

no she was not. She was giving out cookies as the kids got off the bus in her division....and giving one to the driver.
Quote: Originally Posted by depotoo
... therefore it would have to be high school kids.
"...for the last fifteen school years Anne has greeted the elementary bus that stops at the end of our street with a basket of freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookies."

Cookie lady is a real sweet find - Chanhassen Villager: Commentaries

Guess that answers that.
you got me. Strange, I missed it saying that on another site. Makes me wonder if they were talking about 6 years ago when the people that were telling about her and their kids were then in elementary. Either way, according to your source, if correct, yes, it is elementary. Though, since most parents actually greet their elementary kids when they get off the bus, maybe it is a disgruntled parent that doesn't want to take on that responsibility of meeting their child and their child shouldn't have chocolate chip cookies, for whatever reason? Therefore, all must be punsihed for their childs allergy or whatever. Or their having to tell their child, no, you are allergic, but the others aren't, therefore they can have some. Sorry life isn't fair sometimes.
For fuck's sake -- don't you understand this is a school liability issue? By not addressing the complaint, the school is LIABLE.

Something happens and the school gets sued, the whole damn town has to pay.

No, it is not a school liability issue.
It's a parental responsibility issue. The reason we have so many of the societal issues we do today is because of the attitude you display.
Yes. It is.

The school bus is an extension of the school.

That places the responsibility of what happens on the school bus on the school.

This isn't difficult, people.

i agree.... the school bus is part of the school.

my question is was cookie mom handing out cookies to kids IN the school bus or on the street? The street is not and extension of the school.

if the issue is "getting kids home safely" was wasn't whining mom there to meet her kid at the bus making sure said kid got home safely?
Aside from that, she puts the school district in a position of possibly violating legal contracts called 504 plans that many food allergy families have for accommodations. If a child were to eat a cookie and die while on the school bus, there would be serious consequences for the district, the school bus driver and sadly the kids who witnessed their friend die. Obviously, that would not be her intention but, with nearly 13% of children now having life threatening food allergies, the potential for a child dying is very real.

-from the comments by a user named Ann

No, it is not a school liability issue.
It's a parental responsibility issue. The reason we have so many of the societal issues we do today is because of the attitude you display.
Yes. It is.

The school bus is an extension of the school.

That places the responsibility of what happens on the school bus on the school.

This isn't difficult, people.

i agree.... the school bus is part of the school.

my question is was cookie mom handing out cookies to kids IN the school bus or on the street? The street is not and extension of the school.

if the issue is "getting kids home safely" was wasn't whining mom there to meet her kid at the bus making sure said kid got home safely?
The Cookie lady gave the cookies to the kids getting off the school bus, at her stop, the bus driver and -- (now follow me here) ---

the remaining kids on the school bus.

I know it takes some thought to work through the logistics, but I imagine you'll figure it out soon.
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