Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

C'mon. What's the Cookie Body Count?

I met my son's friend's dad at the hospital. They tested him for allergies and he was admitted to the hospital because he had a reaction. You don't have to have a body count. You can end up in the hospital. I was also at a fish restaurant and a lady was taken out on a stretcher because of something she ate. The police department came too.

I have food allergies. I do NOT demand that the rest of the world accommodate me! God and goddess, THINK!

That is because you are only thinking about yourself. Aren't you superior?
There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to teach otherwise, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children groomed, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children's trust to be bought, tell them to accept the cookies.
If you want your children to feel obligated to a gift, tell them to accept the cookies.

Are you drunk?

No. I have a college degree from an accredited college which gives me all the rights and privileges according to the state in which it was issued.

Were you trying to make a POINT, or were you just posting the text version of what pigeons do to a parked car?
Using a FAUX risk to destroy liberty is what you Nanny Staters prefer to do.

You can't find anyone who was actually harmed, but you wish to destroy freedom anyway.

Very telling.


The POSSIBILITY of somebody having allergy ( because nobody knows) is resulting on everybody banned from having fun they have had for 15 years. Because the kid can not say "no, thank you" and the asshole mom can't ask the cookie lady to avoid the allergy ingredients.
I met my son's friend's dad at the hospital. They tested him for allergies and he was admitted to the hospital because he had a reaction. You don't have to have a body count. You can end up in the hospital. I was also at a fish restaurant and a lady was taken out on a stretcher because of something she ate. The police department came too.

I have food allergies. I do NOT demand that the rest of the world accommodate me! God and goddess, THINK!

That is because you are only thinking about yourself. Aren't you superior?

Please at least TRY to make a coherent point. That failed utterly, if such was your intention.

then how about whining mom....ask cookie mom to make sure not to give a cookie to her kid instead of punishing everyone?

would be the adult thing to do...

What the cookie mom should have done is got permission from the parents and or the school and she would have had authority.

how do you know she dd not? she has been doing this for 15 years until this asshole complained. You can have all the permissions under the sun, but when one leftard asshole complains - the PC gestapo is going to ruin the fun for everybody. Even if everybody else is perfectly fine with it.

Because you can't give permission without consent forms and someone complained which means she didn't have consent.
I bet the kids are more at risk just riding the school bus than they are in being near some cookies.

And your examples are of adults who were not offered cookies by a nice lady. But thank you for proving that nobody can prevent everyone from random risks in life.

How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

so what? if you are allergic to something - it is YOUR responsibility to saty away from it, not everybody else.
You can not eat cookies, because you are allergic to them? then say "no, thank you".
and stay safe and out of the hospital

It is mandated by law that they go to school and you can't hold them hostage with ingredients that will make them sick in the same shared space.

They can't opt out of public school unless they can afford to go to private school.
* pondering *

Does ChuckT get signed consent forms when he propositions drunk unattractive women at dive bars?
How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

so what? if you are allergic to something - it is YOUR responsibility to saty away from it, not everybody else.
You can not eat cookies, because you are allergic to them? then say "no, thank you".
and stay safe and out of the hospital

It is mandated by law that they go to school and you can't hold them hostage with ingredients that will make them sick in the same shared space.

They can't opt out of public school unless they can afford to go to private school.

Ah, so you prefer to hold everyone else hostage.

Thanks for clearing that up.
I bet the kids are more at risk just riding the school bus than they are in being near some cookies.

And your examples are of adults who were not offered cookies by a nice lady. But thank you for proving that nobody can prevent everyone from random risks in life.

How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

I feel pretty certain, if someone's child had been taken to the hospital due to the cookie ladies cookies, it would have made news.

I have severe allergies, so do my kids. Guess what? I never once told anyone not to serve the things they were allergic to, as they were taught, from a very young age what would happen to them, if they were to indulge. Guess what? I never had an emergency where I had to take them to the hospital due to their not listening.

I do understand the fears of a parent with children of allergies, but if they truly were fearful of their eating those cookies, they could approach that cookie lady and tell her their child is not able to indulge, and please don't give them one, even suggest an alternative, if they feared their child couldn't handle not being able to eat one. I am sure that cookie lady, seeing as she was doing this as a kindness would have gone out of her way, to have something for that child, or quit bringing them all together. But, no, rather they would be selfish and have all punished for their childs not being able to indulge by anonymously complaining.


exactly. but you can not expect form the nannystaters any personal responsibility and as Chuck already stated - he won't teach kids any personal responsibility until the age of 18 and the next day they will magically turn to responsible adults. Overnight :D
Unfortunately you don't have empathy for them because you aren't sick.

Wrong. You have no empathy for them because you wish them to not develop into responsible adults who can take care of themselves.

Cross contamination can make children sick regardless of whether they are responsible for themselves.

cross contamination can easily happen at school during lunch or during the bud ride when some other kid will eat their cookies form home.
You are going to impose food police on the bus?
How would you like taking your kids to the hospital and spending the day in the E.R. because someone exposed them to cookies repeatedly? Do you know what it is like having an allergy?

I know of people who get nose bleeds from being around animals. They're allergic.

I feel pretty certain, if someone's child had been taken to the hospital due to the cookie ladies cookies, it would have made news.

I have severe allergies, so do my kids. Guess what? I never once told anyone not to serve the things they were allergic to, as they were taught, from a very young age what would happen to them, if they were to indulge. Guess what? I never had an emergency where I had to take them to the hospital due to their not listening.

I do understand the fears of a parent with children of allergies, but if they truly were fearful of their eating those cookies, they could approach that cookie lady and tell her their child is not able to indulge, and please don't give them one, even suggest an alternative, if they feared their child couldn't handle not being able to eat one. I am sure that cookie lady, seeing as she was doing this as a kindness would have gone out of her way, to have something for that child, or quit bringing them all together. But, no, rather they would be selfish and have all punished for their childs not being able to indulge by anonymously complaining.


exactly. but you can not expect form the nannystaters any personal responsibility and as Chuck already stated - he won't teach kids any personal responsibility until the age of 18 and the next day they will magically turn to responsible adults. Overnight :D

Kids in elementary school touch the food and touch each other. My boss' grand child was told to stay out of preschool and other activities because young children wipe their nose with their hands and don't use tissues and her immune system couldn't handle it according to the doctor and had to get ear surgery because of ear infections. Any food that they eat will be on their hands and can be transferred to any student.
Cross contamination could happen anywhere. That is why Responsible Parents teach their children to take Responsible Precautions to protect themselves.
Wrong. You have no empathy for them because you wish them to not develop into responsible adults who can take care of themselves.

Cross contamination can make children sick regardless of whether they are responsible for themselves.

cross contamination can easily happen at school during lunch or during the bud ride when some other kid will eat their cookies form home.
You are going to impose food police on the bus?

So its okay for kids to get sick as long as it isn't your kids.
Cross contamination could happen anywhere. That is why Responsible Parents teach their children to take Responsible Precautions to protect themselves.

Like not go to school? I'm sure that is going to work.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat, and is covered with shed cat hair but no cat is on that bus or plane.

If you have some life threatening condition it is up to you to do what you need to do but not impose on everyone else to change their lives to suit you and your condition.
Cross contamination could happen anywhere. That is why Responsible Parents teach their children to take Responsible Precautions to protect themselves.

Like not go to school? I'm sure that is going to work.

You just said that cross contamination can happen (despite whatever prohibitions the Nanny Staters put in place). Given that risk, isn't it reckless endangerment for the parents to send such children to public school?

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