Moment hundreds of PA high school students walk out after school board said transgender students must be allowed to use whichever bathroom they choose

Six, you seem to be under the impression that being registered for one party or the other forces a person to vote just one way when anyone is free to vote however they want. Likewise, even if you register independent, you are still going to most likely vote for a democrat or republican, or you can try voting for an independent candidate, but when is the last time a 3rd party candidate won a big race? So basically, voting indy is just a vote thrown away.

He voted for Biden, everything he said is hypocritical bullshit.

They should be ignored and shunned at every turn.

If they want to be a tranny ok, but it's not societies responsibility to play into their fantasy. Trannies are all just cosplayer freakshow nutballs that should never be indulged.

If our society still favored overall American values, morals, standards and pride trannies would barely be a thing because all those cross dressing fags would more than likely had grown up to be better people.

They will always be around to some extent, but at least they used to stay in their closet and not pushed it on the public.

It's good to know some kids still have a sense of reality about them.

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