Mommy why are the stores empty

what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.
As we move toward automation we will have to move toward socialism. In a fully automated society where the labor of man is not needed, Society will have to be fully socialist and ownership of property will have to cease to exist. The problem is moving too quickly and in my estimation we are trying to be 100 years ahead of schedule. To quickly we will fail. The left wants way to fucking much.
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.
BTW, our laws haven't changed. It is still illegal to take other people's property. It's not even considered civil to do so. The left is regressing toward an uncivil society. One we had built until they started tearing it down. A civil democratic society debates issues and votes for resolution. Then they accept the resolution and if they don't like it they can start debating it once again. Anything else, in my estimation, is taking us back to caveman days.
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.
As we move toward automation we will have to move toward socialism. In a fully automated society where the labor of man is not needed, Society will have to be fully socialist and ownership of property will have to cease to exist. The problem is moving too quickly and in my estimation we are trying to be 100 years ahead of schedule. To quickly we will fail. The left wants way to fucking much.

Wanting people to be able to affordably see to their medical needs is never too much.
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.
BTW, our laws haven't changed. It is still illegal to take other people's property.

Laws are changing. We are making things like no knock warrants highly restricted or outright banned in many places.

Kneeling on someone's neck is being made illegal.

It's not even considered civil to do so. The left is regressing toward an uncivil society. One we had built until they started tearing it down. A civil democratic society debates issues and votes for resolution. Then they accept the resolution and if they don't like it they can start debating it once again. Anything else, in my estimation, is taking us back to caveman days.

Take it up with the founders.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.
As we move toward automation we will have to move toward socialism. In a fully automated society where the labor of man is not needed, Society will have to be fully socialist and ownership of property will have to cease to exist. The problem is moving too quickly and in my estimation we are trying to be 100 years ahead of schedule. To quickly we will fail. The left wants way to fucking much.

Wanting people to be able to affordably see to their medical needs is never too much.
And free college and universal basic income and free rent and on and on it goes.

Medical for all will tank our economy and it will never recover.

Medical care is not a right.

Making it less expensive? For those in need? sure. They can already go to the hospital anytime they want and they won't have to pay for it.
It also attacks the very way in which food and things are distributed. It attacks the idea of property, and it attacks the idea that in order for someone to have a roof over their head or have a meal ticket, they have to work for a boss, in order to buy things that people just like them somewhere else in the world had to make under the same conditions. It points to the way in which that's unjust. And the reason that the world is organized that way, obviously, is for the profit of the people who own the stores and the factories. So you get to the heart of that property relation, and demonstrate that without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free. One Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting'

PErson actually thinks "free" stuff will continue to show up to be looted. Not once does reality intrude into their thinking. Why do we pay for crap like this to be sold to idiot public school do nothings
you don't seem to realize just how low the profit margin is for supermarkets.

Most supermarkets operate at a 2% profit margin or even less.

But hey if you want to grow all your own fruits and vegetables and raise your own chickens and cattle go right ahead and then let me know how much money you save.
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.

Real facts in evidence show you to not just be wrong, but epically wrong.
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.
BTW, our laws haven't changed. It is still illegal to take other people's property.

Laws are changing. We are making things like no knock warrants highly restricted or outright banned in many places.

Kneeling on someone's neck is being made illegal.

It's not even considered civil to do so. The left is regressing toward an uncivil society. One we had built until they started tearing it down. A civil democratic society debates issues and votes for resolution. Then they accept the resolution and if they don't like it they can start debating it once again. Anything else, in my estimation, is taking us back to caveman days.

Take it up with the founders.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
in all the ways of humans you believe the 21st century is of evolving. That is your waterloo.
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.
As we move toward automation we will have to move toward socialism. In a fully automated society where the labor of man is not needed, Society will have to be fully socialist and ownership of property will have to cease to exist. The problem is moving too quickly and in my estimation we are trying to be 100 years ahead of schedule. To quickly we will fail. The left wants way to fucking much.

Wanting people to be able to affordably see to their medical needs is never too much.
And free college and universal basic income and free rent and on and on it goes.

Medical for all will tank our economy and it will never recover.

Medical care is not a right.

Making it less expensive? For those in need? sure. They can already go to the hospital anytime they want and they won't have to pay for it.

So we already cover them but covering them will bankrupt the country lol.

As long as we can waste trillions on useless wars, I'll push and support UHC.
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.

Real facts in evidence show you to not just be wrong, but epically wrong.

How is trade with China going? How is that wall coming along? Did Trump round up the million illegals like he said yet? Is he about the release that great health care bill he said he had ready to go four years ago?
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.

Real facts in evidence show you to not just be wrong, but epically wrong.

How is trade with China going? How is that wall coming along? Did Trump round up the million illegals like he said yet? Is he about the release that great health care bill he said he had ready to go four years ago?

It's going good. Trump is stopping their rampant theft of intellectual property. They are paying tariffs, just like they have been charging us.
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.

Real facts in evidence show you to not just be wrong, but epically wrong.

How is trade with China going? How is that wall coming along? Did Trump round up the million illegals like he said yet? Is he about the release that great health care bill he said he had ready to go four years ago?

It's going good. Trump is stopping their rampant theft of intellectual property. They are paying tariffs, just like they have been charging us.

No, taxpayers are paying tariffs. The companies that exploit their cheap labor give them the technology in exchange for the cheap labor.
The author that wrote that about looting in riots, seems a bit nuts to me...

Who the heck is she? Anyone we should know?
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.

Real facts in evidence show you to not just be wrong, but epically wrong.

How is trade with China going? How is that wall coming along? Did Trump round up the million illegals like he said yet? Is he about the release that great health care bill he said he had ready to go four years ago?

It's going good. Trump is stopping their rampant theft of intellectual property. They are paying tariffs, just like they have been charging us.

No, taxpayers are paying tariffs. The companies that exploit their cheap labor give them the technology in exchange for the cheap labor.

Wrong again. There have been no price increases to speak of. But thanks to Trump we now know that Nike and apple are using actual slave labor to produce their products.
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.

So you agree with Trump that our trade deals have been awful for US manufacturing?
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.

Real facts in evidence show you to not just be wrong, but epically wrong.

How is trade with China going? How is that wall coming along? Did Trump round up the million illegals like he said yet? Is he about the release that great health care bill he said he had ready to go four years ago?

It's going good. Trump is stopping their rampant theft of intellectual property. They are paying tariffs, just like they have been charging us.

No, taxpayers are paying tariffs. The companies that exploit their cheap labor give them the technology in exchange for the cheap labor.

Wrong again. There have been no price increases to speak of. But thanks to Trump we now know that Nike and apple are using actual slave labor to produce their products.

We knew that long before Trump came along. If you only realized it recently it's because you haven't been paying attention.

It's a valid complaint and I'm glad to see you finally paying attention.

...In the 1990s, [Nike] was plagued by reports that it used sweatshops and child labor. Now, Nike’s sweatshop problem is threatening a comeback.

Nike is facing a new wave of anti-sweatshop protests - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Now you need to pay attention to a few other things.

Fed study: Trump tariffs backfired, caused job losses and higher prices
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.

So you agree with Trump that our trade deals have been awful for US manufacturing?

In many ways they have been. Trump has shown that he is completely unable to address them though. People aren't going to negotiate with a 12 year old.
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.

So you agree with Trump that our trade deals have been awful for US manufacturing?

In many ways they have been. Trump has shown that he is completely unable to address them though. People aren't going to negotiate with a 12 year old.
That's so fucking stupid.

When your Master Xi started backing away from the trade agreement President Trump proposed in the hopes the next Administration would support the CCP, Trump warned them: you might not like this agreement, but if you walk way now hoping to work with one of your democrat colleagues in the next Administration and I win, I can guarantee you that you will not like the next deal that's proposed.

First 12 year old to ever stand up against the CCP
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.

So you agree with Trump that our trade deals have been awful for US manufacturing?

In many ways they have been. Trump has shown that he is completely unable to address them though. People aren't going to negotiate with a 12 year old.
That's so fucking stupid.

When your Master Xi started backing away from the trade agreement President Trump proposed in the hopes the next Administration would support the CCP, Trump warned them: you might not like this agreement, but if you walk way now hoping to work with one of your democrat colleagues in the next Administration and I win, I can guarantee you that you will not like the next deal that's proposed.

First 12 year old to ever stand up against the CCP

LOL, Trump thinking someone is going to take his empty threats seriously. LOL

Did China take him seriously?

Empty threats is not how one negotiates on an international level.

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