Mommy why are the stores empty

It also attacks the very way in which food and things are distributed. It attacks the idea of property, and it attacks the idea that in order for someone to have a roof over their head or have a meal ticket, they have to work for a boss, in order to buy things that people just like them somewhere else in the world had to make under the same conditions. It points to the way in which that's unjust. And the reason that the world is organized that way, obviously, is for the profit of the people who own the stores and the factories. So you get to the heart of that property relation, and demonstrate that without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free. One Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting'

PErson actually thinks "free" stuff will continue to show up to be looted. Not once does reality intrude into their thinking. Why do we pay for crap like this to be sold to idiot public school do nothings
You're living in an alternate reality world of delusion and denial or some weird place in America hidden from most of us. What is it in your area you can not find on store shelves?
You understand I'm talking future if such thinking becomes accepted .....if the masses can take anything at will there is no business that will;ve alrdy seen examples of stores looted out of business in this recent rioting
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
Amazing how much crap you don't need that is made in Asia..
Amazing how much crap you don't need that is made in Asia..
Country of origin is immaterial in reference to need- our tertiary purchases are wants and desires and raise lower the rate of poverty world wide.
It also attacks the very way in which food and things are distributed. It attacks the idea of property, and it attacks the idea that in order for someone to have a roof over their head or have a meal ticket, they have to work for a boss, in order to buy things that people just like them somewhere else in the world had to make under the same conditions. It points to the way in which that's unjust. And the reason that the world is organized that way, obviously, is for the profit of the people who own the stores and the factories. So you get to the heart of that property relation, and demonstrate that without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free. One Author's Argument 'In Defense Of Looting'

PErson actually thinks "free" stuff will continue to show up to be looted. Not once does reality intrude into their thinking. Why do we pay for crap like this to be sold to idiot public school do nothings
That is the essence of communism. From each according to his ability. To each according To his means. Everyone would work for the good of the whole. Free stuff would continue to show up because everyone would work for free.
Yes because the economy of communism is a classless, stateless and moneyless society. Yet, it is not like when Donald Trump signs checks for free money.
The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
The corporations are following the path of least resistance

before china was allowed into American markets libs like you hated them for exploiting a lack of competition

the storyline was that ordinary Americans were getting screwed because there was no free trade

but when cheap chinese junk reached our shores US corporations were forced to outsource or die

blame this all on globalists both left and right, democrats and republicans, with libertarians as unindicted coconspirators
The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
The corporations are following the path of least resistance

before china was allowed into American markets libs like you hated them for exploiting a lack of competition

the storyline was that ordinary Americans were getting screwed because there was no free trade

but when cheap chinese junk reached our shores US corporations were forced to outsource or die

blame this all on globalists both left and right, democrats and republicans, with libertarians as unindicted coconspirators

And Trump. Don't forget how Trump would have his stuff made there.
The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
The corporations are following the path of least resistance

before china was allowed into American markets libs like you hated them for exploiting a lack of competition

the storyline was that ordinary Americans were getting screwed because there was no free trade

but when cheap chinese junk reached our shores US corporations were forced to outsource or die

blame this all on globalists both left and right, democrats and republicans, with libertarians as unindicted coconspirators
We have been buying cheap goods from Asia since the 1960's when it was Japan selling us transistor radios and other cheap goods. Liberals, what does that have to do with exploitation of the working class and the global international corporations that have merged to create mega corporations which monopolize the creation and distribution of goods?
The only politics a CEO will recognize is the one that makes them the most profit and they will do business with those people you claim are our enemies, and Donald Fucking Trump is included along with his family. Trump still has crap made in China that he sells at his campaign rallies to suckers... Yes, these people look at you like you are nothing but a potential customer, they see no equality, no freedom and damn sure no income because they have suckers where they want them in their pockets...They are running the world like a "company town".
The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
The corporations are following the path of least resistance

before china was allowed into American markets libs like you hated them for exploiting a lack of competition

the storyline was that ordinary Americans were getting screwed because there was no free trade

but when cheap chinese junk reached our shores US corporations were forced to outsource or die

blame this all on globalists both left and right, democrats and republicans, with libertarians as unindicted coconspirators

And Trump. Don't forget how Trump would have his stuff made there.
But that is okay because he lies to them and they believe it...
And Trump. Don't forget how Trump would have his stuff made there.
I agree that he should market goods made in America

I never bought one of his MAGA hats because they were made in china

but thats a minor issue
We have been buying cheap goods from Asia since the 1960's when it was Japan selling us transistor radios and other cheap goods.
Cold War politics had a lot to do with that

we wanted to build the economies of west germany and japan as a hedge against communism
We have been buying cheap goods from Asia since the 1960's when it was Japan selling us transistor radios and other cheap goods.
Cold War politics had a lot to do with that

we wanted to build the economies of west germany and japan as a hedge against communism
Yes indeed, when I worked at a WalMart warehouse in 1986 the products that he claimed were American made were from SE Asia and Eastern European satellite communist nations. These capitalist have been selling out the US workers since the 1970's all because of money. It isn't because Oblama forced them to move anymore than Trump can make them come back...It's about money and greed, it is not about the betterment of a society hell corporations don't care if a nation fails to be able to support itself because all they care about is money.
These corporations seek to control the Earth, it's resources, it's production and it's money. There is no loyalty to anything but profit, they don't care if they poison the planet and humans, all they care about is profit. These corporations are trying to control the politics in the world and are succeeding through loans and monetary control..Corporations are the enemy, they are the threat to humans, we need to stop buying everything they produce and we need to stop consuming so much we are obese, we need to start being more self sustaining and self producing of our needs and stop buying. Capitalism is destroying the Earth and the societies it touches. If we don't learn how to provide for ourselves we will die because the Earth has no infinite amount of resources and room to exist upon. and eventually the system will collapse the way it is functioning now where a small group exploits and uses the masses.
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.
So when Biden is elected the riots will stop b/c Biden will stand up to the looters? Biden is their chocolate river coming from the Candy Mountain.
I've noted this at Wal Mart. Empty shelves. Why? Because everything is being made in China and they shut down.

Corporations stealing the ability of people here to make a living by exploiting low wages elsewhere.

The corporations stole our jobs over their greed.
When our government sold us on this or did things behind our back, maybe we should have said things a bit louder. This is one reason people voted for Trump. We were sold a bill of goods on these trade deals.

Trump has changed little. He does not have the ability to deal with others. He is like Obama. He says what people want to hear but he is incapable of following up.
So when Biden is elected the riots will stop b/c Biden will stand up to the looters? Biden is their chocolate river coming from the Candy Mountain.

No, I doubt Biden will address the issues. If he had planned on it he wouldn't have picked Harris.
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.
what a crock of shit. What the author of the OP "Link" fails to recognize is the when businesses do not rebuild, do not restock stores and start shipping direct to consumer (because that is what will naturally happen and is already happening). The next step in looting now that "targets" (pun intended) are empty is to start looting homes. That will not end well without a police state or otherwise.

Idiocracy is tightening its' grip.

Fuck off Looters.

The more that business automates the more we will have to come up with solutions that are going to piss a lot of people off or indeed the results will be massive violence.

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