Monday = National Empty Chair Day!!!

The three take-aways from Obama's nearly 4 years...

You didn't build that!!!!

The Private Sector is doing fine!!

Empty Chair!!

Only if you're retarded enough to believe that public infrastructing and finance doesn't help small business owners. If you do, you're a fucking idiot.

So if I drive to my business on a road, Obama can take credit for my business and freely redistribute my earnings? I wouldn't be talking about "retarded" if I were you...

The road is there. Drive on it. Just don't pretend you built it. And if you decide to build your own roads, keep your money. Who gives a fuck about the failure of the market system. The market is always right, and you can always relocate, if you pay off the right people.
The three take-aways from Obama's nearly 4 years...

You didn't build that!!!!

The Private Sector is doing fine!!

Empty Chair!!

lies are all you have

"I got Bin Laden!"

"Romney gave my wife cancer!"

"Shovel-ready jobs..."

And YOU want to talk about lying? Really? Your candidate and party have told so many lies, they can't recognize the truth! An empty chair, occupied by an empty suit? Yep, that's Obama!
yeah the koch berothers get way more speach than most Americans

It's not their fault you can't speak as loud. Nor their fault you are an idiot and a liar.

So you like the idea of billions being spent by big coal conglomerates, to make sure they can burn as much dirty fossil fuel as they want? You fascist little ass suck.

Yup and I like that labor unions, rich liberals and wealthy foreigners can spend as much as they want to sway opinion their way.
It's called free speech. Familiar with the term?
I'm thinking the little Kool-aid man is having a melt down. :lmao:

Only if you're retarded enough to believe that public infrastructing and finance doesn't help small business owners. If you do, you're a fucking idiot.

So if I drive to my business on a road, Obama can take credit for my business and freely redistribute my earnings? I wouldn't be talking about "retarded" if I were you...

The road is there. Drive on it. Just don't pretend you built it. And if you decide to build your own roads, keep your money. Who gives a fuck about the failure of the market system. The market is always right, and you can always relocate, if you pay off the right people.

My taxes (taken from my business AFTER other taxes, BTW) paid for those roads, so you and Obama can take that excuse for taking more of what I earned to buy the votes of your parasitic constituency, who have paid for exactly NOTHING, and shove it!! I built my business, I worked for it, I own it, and I deserve to keep what I make from my investment in it, which also came from earnings your precious liberal government taxed! I owe YOU, YOUR damned democrats and their parasite constituencies, and especially your Dear Leader, absolutely NOTHING! To hell with you, to hell with liberals, and to hell with the democrat party!
Only if you're retarded enough to believe that public infrastructing and finance doesn't help small business owners. If you do, you're a fucking idiot.

So if I drive to my business on a road, Obama can take credit for my business and freely redistribute my earnings? I wouldn't be talking about "retarded" if I were you...

The road is there. Drive on it. Just don't pretend you built it. And if you decide to build your own roads, keep your money. Who gives a fuck about the failure of the market system. The market is always right, and you can always relocate, if you pay off the right people.


We're gonna have to put this guy and Lakota on suicide watch s0ns!!!:D
some great pictures of people's empty chairs at site...


Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, September 3, 2012, 8:11 AM

Labor Day is National #EmptyChairDay–

Michelle Malkin announced Empty Chair Day on Labor Day:

What better way to commemorate the Labor Day holiday than to send a message to the AWOL campaign-in-chief — and support Clint Eastwood, to boot!

Twitchy has the story of the latest Eastwood-inspired social media phenomenon. First, #eastwooding.

Now: #EmptyChairDay.

Legal Insurrection has more.

Send your pictures in here.

Poor Richard’s News tweeted this:

PHOTOS and more here..ENJOY
Today Is “National Empty Chair Day” | The Gateway Pundit

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