Monday pro-Trump rallies a massive flop as event photos show tiny crowds

Does that work allow you to post on a message board whenever you like?
It allows me to periodically post on a message board. I've made three or four posts all day. I wouldn't call that 'whenever I like'. Your point is?....

You're a deadbeat passing off the costs of your inefficiency and laziness onto society.
Mhmm sure thing ass clown. I own a house and have a full time job. Oops. Don't you look like an asshole
holy fk, what the fk are trying to do here. I'm sorry, i give two shits if you own a home a trailer a condo or a boat. I,:lmao:, excuse me for a moment :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:, not sure why you feel the need to compare your life with mine. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:, but good for fking you :laugh2::laugh2:
I be a tad more impressed if he could demonstrate that he owned a bit of critical thinking.
good for you
It allows me to periodically post on a message board. I've made three or four posts all day. I wouldn't call that 'whenever I like'. Your point is?....

You're a deadbeat passing off the costs of your inefficiency and laziness onto society.
Mhmm sure thing ass clown. I own a house and have a full time job. Oops. Don't you look like an asshole
holy fk, what the fk are trying to do here. I'm sorry, i give two shits if you own a home a trailer a condo or a boat. I,:lmao:, excuse me for a moment :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:, not sure why you feel the need to compare your life with mine. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:, but good for fking you :laugh2::laugh2:
I be a tad more impressed if he could demonstrate that he owned a bit of critical thinking.
good for you

He's a pretty good match for you though, recess over soon?
It allows me to periodically post on a message board. I've made three or four posts all day. I wouldn't call that 'whenever I like'. Your point is?....

You're a deadbeat passing off the costs of your inefficiency and laziness onto society.
Mhmm sure thing ass clown. I own a house, make a car payment and have a full time job. Oops. Don't you look like an asshole

That didn't address the point at all, of course you're getting a handout for goofing off.
What is your point fuck stick? That my house is paid for by tax payers? You're a fucking idiot

You fuck off at work, the costs of that inefficiency and laziness gets passed onto society. It's pretty simple, maybe your mom can help.
I've been out of work for the last 45 mins. I start at 5 am and leave at 1. Wanna try again, boy?
You're a deadbeat passing off the costs of your inefficiency and laziness onto society.
Mhmm sure thing ass clown. I own a house and have a full time job. Oops. Don't you look like an asshole
holy fk, what the fk are trying to do here. I'm sorry, i give two shits if you own a home a trailer a condo or a boat. I,:lmao:, excuse me for a moment :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:, not sure why you feel the need to compare your life with mine. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:, but good for fking you :laugh2::laugh2:
I be a tad more impressed if he could demonstrate that he owned a bit of critical thinking.
good for you

He's a pretty good match for you though, recess over soon?
he is? about what?
Again, there is a difference between name calling with the press and suppressing it. The press used to be proudly partisan, and the government had an antagonistic relationship with press that was on the other side. Only in this century has the "we are neutral even if we aren't" mantra become the norm for mainstream media. He isn't going after the press as a whole, he is going after the partisan press, which is of course mostly progressive these days.
Calling members of the press "the enemy", is not name-calling, it's fascism. And the MSM is definitely not progressive. They're corporate owned and those corporations are run by conservative CEO's.

Wow, so many progressive talking points in one statement. Yeesh.
How convenient? What's that called? Perception management?

Less regulations means more $$ for actually producing the product the company offers, less overhead, and more $$ for stockholders, which considering pensions and 401k's is a lot of people not exactly among the hoi poloi.
Less regulations means more economic meltdowns and events like Deepwater Horizon. I don't want more money going to stockholders, I want more money going to me. It's bad enough their tax rate on dividends is 10% when I'm paying 35%. What we need to do is end corporate welfare.

Defense is a federally mandated sphere.
The defense budget is obscene. We need to cut it in half. Close all these bases we got around the world and end these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last decade.

and right now we are mostly bombing off-white people. And saying abortion is a problem for the States to figure out is Federalism, i.e. small FEDERAL government.

They are screaming their fool heads off, not debating, not asking actual questions, just screaming talking points trying to drown them out.
Their outrage is in direct proportion to how fucked what the Republicans are trying to do. They are screwing the American people to the benefit of their 1% masters.

I won't talk for others, but my opposition against Obama was opposition to his policies, and progressive policies in general. I don't have to hate the guy to dislike his politics, or think he's an asshole.
He didn't have progressive policies. He didn't even have a single liberal in his Cabinet. His foreign policy was the PNAC neocon agenda.
Face it, they are all pretty much the same when it comes to that kind of stuff. They are going to do favors for their highest campaign donors, cronyism, etc. That is the way it has been going for years and years and years. This is WHY people voted for Donald Trump. Because they figure he is already a billionaire and can't be bought by the highest bidder such as say . . . Hillary Clinton.

Apologies, but that seems a rather piss-poor excuse to me. People voted for billionaire A because they felt billionaire B could be 'bought'. The latent hypocrisy in that statement is a bit too surreal to swallow. Everyday seems to prove we deserve the leaders we get.
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders
If the Trump supporters were WORKERS they wouldn`t be living in trailer parks would they? Of course cooking meth and selling weed is work..kind of.
Must be so tough getting your ass kicked all across the country and still not being able to come to grips with it. I will sit here watching President Trumps speech in my 4 bedroom house on my 42 inch flat screen..while you wallow in self pity and anger. :)
nice profiling effort. Wrong, but nice effort. for a group who denies profiling for a living. too
Prove me wrong. These crowds are real. They're right wing. They're grassroots. They're pissed off. And for good reason.
Oh nosssss! He wants to shrink a bloated and ineffective government! The horror!


If you're serious about shrinking the size of government, you have to start with the Dept of Defense. We need to cut that budget in half. And stop sending so much fucking money to Israel. In fact, we shouldn't send any money to Israel.
Tuesday November 8th pro Hillary rallies a massive flop.

Just sayin
Just sayin' you are fucking stupid. Clinton received about 3 million more votes than did the orange clown. Only a fluke of the electoral college put the clown in the Presidency.
Trump supporters showed up on election day Trump critics showed up on November 9th and pretty much every day since to bitch piss and moan over the fact they didn't show up on November 8th. So you on the left continue to march and protest and whine and cry 24/7 365 days a year the rest of us will be back on election day 2020 when it really matters.
No asshole, 3 million more voters showed up to support Clinton than showed up to support the orange clown. LOL A fluke of our antiquated electoral system put the orange clown into office.
Trump supporters showed up on election day Trump critics showed up on November 9th and pretty much every day since to bitch piss and moan over the fact they didn't show up on November 8th. So you on the left continue to march and protest and whine and cry 24/7 365 days a year the rest of us will be back on election day 2020 when it really matters.
No asshole, 3 million more voters showed up to support Clinton than showed up to support the orange clown. LOL A fluke of our antiquated electoral system put the orange clown into office.
It wasn't a fluke ya dumbfuck. It was the rules under which every president has been elected.
You lost, suck it up ya little bitch
Trump supporters showed up on election day Trump critics showed up on November 9th and pretty much every day since to bitch piss and moan over the fact they didn't show up on November 8th. So you on the left continue to march and protest and whine and cry 24/7 365 days a year the rest of us will be back on election day 2020 when it really matters.
No asshole, 3 million more voters showed up to support Clinton than showed up to support the orange clown. LOL A fluke of our antiquated electoral system put the orange clown into office.
No asshole we don't and have not elected Presidents by the popular vote I notice you hypocrite jackasses never have a problem with the electoral college when the Democrat wins that vote so grow up or shut up.
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.

They'll probably be a lot fewer of them after this--LOL His state of the union speech--it's really hilarious

So now Trump is for legalizing millions of illegals? Amazing how this works. If a Democrat would have said that Reich wingers would be shitting bricks right now--LOL

Trump's entire campaign was based on removing every illegal in this country, which is what attracted you and 99% of his supporters to him. His WALL isn't going to get built, congress will not appropriate money for a USELESS 1000 mile wall, that would have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath it has soon as it's built. The other problem with the WALL is Indian Reservation land and private property rights.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
Border patrol agent explores newly discovered US-Mexico drug tunnel with GoPro camera

As I repeatedly told everyone throughout the primary. He was for a pathway to citizenship 3-1/2 years ago and blasted Mitt Romney for losing, citing the Republican party was too mean spirited toward illegals as the cause. You ignored that, as you have everything else about Trump.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Not that I am against Immigration reform, but I am wondering how this is sitting with his base. This is the biggest campaign lie I have ever witnessed in my old age. That was his entire platform. Continually campaigning on kicking all illegals out of this country (while his supporters were cheering him on.) And his very first address to the nation he set his supporters butt's on fire--:blowup:

Now let's get into
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Did we forget about the 20 trillion deficit already? His proposal is to add 10% more in military spending, while cutting foreign aid to pay for it. He's is running head strong into Mitch McConnell and several other Republicans on this who strongly disagree with this plan. I doubt that's going to get through congress.

How do you cut taxes, increase spending and bring down the deficit--Anyone care to answer that?

OBAMACARE: They're not going to repeal and replace it. It's clear they don't even have a plan. The law has to be written & approved by both houses and then delivered to insurers by June 21st (this year) so they can write their policies for next year. Nothing is going to get done. Especially with Republicans getting at good look at their constituents in these town halls that have been kicking their ass's lately.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Wasn't there a campaign promise to cut funding to Planned Parenthood?--LOL Well after millions of women showed up for the Woman's march the day after the inauguration I guess that changed a few of their minds--LOL
Woman's march pictures


Who knows? Maybe Trump will get that other Obamacare type program passed that he proposed? Child care subsidies. With Democrats taking over both houses in 2018 he may have a real opportunity to get that done.
Details of Trump’s child-care plan
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders

Yup and none of them have the time to appear at a rally.

Of course the lefty loons would never think a hard working man or woman might just pass on a rally because they work.

Once a lefty loon. Always a lefty loon.

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