Monday pro-Trump rallies a massive flop as event photos show tiny crowds

President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.

Fuck Don.
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.
The rally he held in Florida a week or two ago got about a third the anticipated attendance, as well. I'm surprised the media didn't make a bigger deal out of it. They had expected about 30,000 and got a little under 10,000.
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.
The rally he held in Florida a week or two ago got about a third the anticipated attendance, as well. I'm surprised the media didn't make a bigger deal out of it. They had expected about 30,000 and got a little under 10,000.

The best thing legit media outlets could do is ignore Don and his tweets.
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.

No no they were BIGLY! Amazing, incredible numbers of masses. I have people looking into it right now, it's unbelievable what they found. More people came out than actually exist. Zombies crawling out of Jewish graves to show their support. The biggest crowd since Reagan O'bama Martin Luther King Woodstock ever. Plus the sun was shining everywhere, all the guys had wood, all the gals ovulated, and everybody got ice cream and cake.
Trump supporters showed up on election day Trump critics showed up on November 9th and pretty much every day since to bitch piss and moan over the fact they didn't show up on November 8th. So you on the left continue to march and protest and whine and cry 24/7 365 days a year the rest of us will be back on election day 2020 when it really matters.

The simple fact is, its always easier to rally angry people than happy people. Supportive rallies will always lag behind protest rallies.

Absolutely spot-on. A negative will bring people out to "do something about it". Nobody's inspired to do something about satisfaction.
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.

No no they were BIGLY! Amazing, incredible numbers of masses. I have people looking into it right now, it's unbelievable what they found. More people came out than actually exist. Zombies crawling out of Jewish graves to show their support. The biggest crowd since Reagan O'bama Martin Luther King Woodstock ever. Plus the sun was shining everywhere, all the guys had wood, all the gals ovulated, and everybody got ice cream and cake.
Laughing too hard for just the funny button.
Don't you have a massive rally to attend?
nope, I have a business to run. you got any cities to burn down?
Nope. I'm at work. I have a job, despite what ignorant old folks old like you presume about liberal minded people.
Does that work allow you to post on a message board whenever you like?
It allows me to periodically post on a message board. I've made three or four posts all day. I wouldn't call that 'whenever I like'. Your point is?....
Don't you have a massive rally to attend?
nope, I have a business to run. you got any cities to burn down?
Nope. I'm at work. I have a job, despite what ignorant old folks old like you presume about liberal minded people.
Does that work allow you to post on a message board whenever you like?
seems like a rhetorical question.
Must be a slow work day for you huh?
Don't you have a massive rally to attend?
nope, I have a business to run. you got any cities to burn down?
Nope. I'm at work. I have a job, despite what ignorant old folks old like you presume about liberal minded people.
so why do you believe my peers or I care to rally on our work days?
Your peers rallied on a Monday. If you want to call that pathetic turnout a rally:lol:
Trump supporters showed up on election day Trump critics showed up on November 9th and pretty much every day since to bitch piss and moan over the fact they didn't show up on November 8th. So you on the left continue to march and protest and whine and cry 24/7 365 days a year the rest of us will be back on election day 2020 when it really matters.

The simple fact is, its always easier to rally angry people than happy people. Supportive rallies will always lag behind protest rallies.

Absolutely spot-on. A negative will bring people out to "do something about it". Nobody's inspired to do something about satisfaction.

We already won. Clearly, you were on the short bus. His Florida rally was well attended.
Yes Rump is the (P)resident, but when you lose an election by 3 million votes, is that really winning.
California isn't the only state that gets to decide the president so yep! Plus mexifornia wants to leave the USA so guess they aren't really American anymore :) OH and and on top of the illegals voting.
Back to the illegals voting Homer? Why is it that neither you nor Rump can prove this lie????
An investigation is underway you would know that if you listened to PRESIDENT Trump
What lie? Come on lets go chop chop.
Yesterday I posted a list of 100 rump lies, just in his first 30 days in office. Go look them up. But, I must say if you are questioning whether or not Rump lies at this point, you need some serious help
I'll pass since you can't even name ONE supposed lie PRESIDENT Trump has told.
As I said, Homer, the list is there, but you are too stupid to read.
Heres one that wasn't there. Remember when he told us that he was so rich that he would fund his entire campaign himself? Then he would not be beholden to special interest groups.

LOL that's since he took office eh? He did fund his campaign but he can't stop PAC's from sending him money nor should he. If he was beholden to special interests he wouldn't or couldn't be doing what he is doing as President. Taking on ACTUAL illegal immigration instead of lip service,cutting waste,taking on the EPA corruption. That wouldn't happen if he was being bought.
Trump never funded his own campaign. he took money from anyone and everyone from day one. Are you that ignorant not to know this
amazing how the left love fake stories. Simply amazing. you have no fking shame.
Don't you have a massive rally to attend?
nope, I have a business to run. you got any cities to burn down?
Nope. I'm at work. I have a job, despite what ignorant old folks old like you presume about liberal minded people.
so why do you believe my peers or I care to rally on our work days?
Your peers rallied on a Monday. If you want to call that pathetic turnout a rally:lol:
wasn't mine and why I didn't go. I belong to know one group unlike you dems feel you're all one group. I definitely don't understand your point at all.
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.

No no they were BIGLY! Amazing, incredible numbers of masses. I have people looking into it right now, it's unbelievable what they found. More people came out than actually exist. Zombies crawling out of Jewish graves to show their support. The biggest crowd since Reagan O'bama Martin Luther King Woodstock ever. Plus the sun was shining everywhere, all the guys had wood, all the gals ovulated, and everybody got ice cream and cake.
someone had a good time
Don't you have a massive rally to attend?
nope, I have a business to run. you got any cities to burn down?
Nope. I'm at work. I have a job, despite what ignorant old folks old like you presume about liberal minded people.
Does that work allow you to post on a message board whenever you like?
seems like a rhetorical question.
Must be a slow work day for you huh?
I get time between calls yep!!! It's called multi-tasking.
Don't you have a massive rally to attend?
nope, I have a business to run. you got any cities to burn down?
Nope. I'm at work. I have a job, despite what ignorant old folks old like you presume about liberal minded people.
Does that work allow you to post on a message board whenever you like?
seems like a rhetorical question.
Must be a slow work day for you huh?
you too?
Trump is awesome, but I have no interest in going to rallies now that we're well past the election. Maybe I will closer to the midterms.
I also don't need attention. The policies I voted for are moving forward.

Agreed. And I think part of the reason for the rallies is because he filed for re-election so soon, which forces his critics to address him according to campaign laws. Pretty smart move, IMO. But as for Trump, himself, he's actually going above and beyond what I thought he'd do by this point.
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders
There there Helium :itsok:
Don't you have a massive rally to attend?
nope, I have a business to run. you got any cities to burn down?
Nope. I'm at work. I have a job, despite what ignorant old folks old like you presume about liberal minded people.
first you'd have to have a mind to be liberal minded. besides, this is off topic and mostly garbage.
Trump is awesome, but I have no interest in going to rallies now that we're well past the election. Maybe I will closer to the midterms.
I also don't need attention. The policies I voted for are moving forward.

Agreed. And I think part of the reason for the rallies is because he filed for re-election so soon, which forces his critics to address him according to campaign laws. Pretty smart move, IMO. But as for Trump, himself, he's actually going above and beyond what I thought he'd do by this point.
back after week three, I watched a lib on Tucker Carlson complaining about the pace he was working. It was gratifying indeed.

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