Money and Politics

Ive just been reading about someone called Tulsi Gabbard. She is looking to be Pres but is short of cash. She is unlikely to feature in the candidates debates because of this.

How can this be a proper way to pick a President ?

She may be the best Pres you ever had. I dont know.

But this system will ensure that only the rich or the cock suckers will get through.

Its not right.
Lobbyists just don’t like her enough. Our system is for lobbyists. The few before the many.
Its a twisted system. Reading the amounts that these people have raised in order to fight an election is staggering. My fear is that the UK is going the same way. There are no free lunches so what do these donors want for there money?
They all get something. Lobby wins, the people lose.
Ive just been reading about someone called Tulsi Gabbard. She is looking to be Pres but is short of cash. She is unlikely to feature in the candidates debates because of this.

How can this be a proper way to pick a President ?

She may be the best Pres you ever had. I dont know.

But this system will ensure that only the rich or the cock suckers will get through.

Its not right.
Lobbyists just don’t like her enough. Our system is for lobbyists. The few before the many.
Its a twisted system. Reading the amounts that these people have raised in order to fight an election is staggering. My fear is that the UK is going the same way. There are no free lunches so what do these donors want for there money?
They all get something. Lobby wins, the people lose.
My Company Annual Reports have a section called Political and Charitable donations which list what and where. Some of them back both leading parties to avoid conversations with shareholders. At the very least they are buying influence.

It is no great shock that we all get shitty government. They are bought and paid for before a vote is cast.
Ive just been reading about someone called Tulsi Gabbard. She is looking to be Pres but is short of cash. She is unlikely to feature in the candidates debates because of this.

How can this be a proper way to pick a President ?

She may be the best Pres you ever had. I dont know.

But this system will ensure that only the rich or the cock suckers will get through.

Its not right.

Money isn't Tulsi's problem. If she had a message that resonated, the money would follow.
Dont know anything about her. But it applies to everyone, not just those we like.
Ive just been reading about someone called Tulsi Gabbard. She is looking to be Pres but is short of cash. She is unlikely to feature in the candidates debates because of this.

How can this be a proper way to pick a President ?

She may be the best Pres you ever had. I dont know.

But this system will ensure that only the rich or the cock suckers will get through.

Its not right.
Lobbyists just don’t like her enough. Our system is for lobbyists. The few before the many.
Its a twisted system. Reading the amounts that these people have raised in order to fight an election is staggering. My fear is that the UK is going the same way. There are no free lunches so what do these donors want for there money?
They all get something. Lobby wins, the people lose.
My Company Annual Reports have a section called Political and Charitable donations which list what and where. Some of them back both leading parties to avoid conversations with shareholders. At the very least they are buying influence.

It is no great shock that we all get shitty government. They are bought and paid for before a vote is cast.
They all get something for their money.
So it seems, that when a candidate who's not bought and paid for by lobbyist, special interest and corporations, when they're for peace and not wars, when they see and expose the flaws within their own party (as well as the others) as Tulsi is doing, then everyone is supposed to hate on her?

How the fck did this become a bad thing to sooo many voters?
Ive just been reading about someone called Tulsi Gabbard. She is looking to be Pres but is short of cash. She is unlikely to feature in the candidates debates because of this.

How can this be a proper way to pick a President ?

She may be the best Pres you ever had. I dont know.

But this system will ensure that only the rich or the cock suckers will get through.

Its not right.
When hasn't wealth or family played a role in things?

If anything, social media may be the best "equalizer" in terms of one's ability to gain a public following that we've seen in a long time.

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