Money Monster: Jedi Decameron [Capitalism Heresy?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism feel like a 'jargon-crusade'?


"My name is Luke. I'm a Jedi, a knight of the Galactic Republic. Eons ago, when TrumpUSA was the beacon of capitalism on the planet ruled by humans (Earth), in the 21st Century A.D. of the Roman Calendar of the solar-system of Venus, there was great intrigue in Wall Street. There was a 'silent warfare' between stockbrokers who vied for domination while American media/TV creates social intrigue/ornaments about power and ambition. Those who fell behind were considered lazy or disabled. Now, the Jedi protect capitalism and democracy in the galaxy, and I'm a living witness of the Tribulation of capitalism, as it has progressed, from TrumpUSA to the Plague of the Sun (involving an electronic virus) to the current Sith terrorism. Capitalism is certainly a 'crusade' in the minds of Jedi."


"Is money the root of all evil? Sometimes it seems it is. People are willing to do anything for it. Women dance for it. Men kill for it. During the reign of the USA on Earth, America declared war on Iraq during the Gulf War and the world was introduced to smart-missile warfare on live-TV. This was a great age of capitalism expansion on Earth and in our galaxy. Later, Americans developed eTrade and Facebook as networking tools that facilitated commerce and trusts. Who'd expect that eons later, the Sith terrorism would threaten basic sensibilities regarding the stability of capitalism in the face of contract cynicism? The best way to honor money/wealth in times of terrorism is to perhaps praise federalism itself(!)."


"Of course, capitalism creates many 'artifacts' of intrigue and intellect such as Apple iPhones, compact audio cassettes, teleporting mini-jets, smooth-guns, talking dolls, and giant radios for moon colonies. Without these 'toys,' we have no way of celebrating the labors/honors of capitalism activity or companies cherished during TrumpUSA (e.g., Toys 'R Us!). In other words, the only way to face this hypothetically invisible/metaphysical anti-networking 'Money Monster' which preys on our vanities about trust and profit is to appreciate why toys/goods symbolize commercial faith. After all, even the Vatican had a website in the 21st Century."


"The Sith are humanoid vagrants and wandering war-profiteers. They scavenge and establish fascist-like 'lairs' which the Jedi are required to flush out or destroy. The Sith are sometimes cannibals, espousing murder in the name of 'population-control.' We Jedi are the sworn enemies of the Sith and believe they are 'veiled Satanists,' so we defend the values of Christianity as we celebrate democratic honesty and work against the capitalism-hoarding behaviors of the dingy and grimy Sith. The Sith are to terrorism what the Jedi are to the Old Testament. Maybe the Sith are simply wandering rascals."


"Since I, Luke, am a Jedi and am recounting this capitalism-testament in my diary, I'll tell you that capitalism defense is no small matter. Democracy is many times at odds with capitalism, since democracy promotes teamwork/trust while capitalism espouses individualism and competitiveness. To defend capitalism from Sith terrorism, we Jedi must understand the subtle nuances between federalism and investment schizophrenia. If we succeed, we can look back on TrumpUSA and declare it as a 'stepping-stone' towards capitalism professionalism. That's the dream."



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