Money/Welfare and Kids

Neser Boha

upgrade your gray matter
Mar 4, 2009
I decided to drag an issue I have on another forum, that I can't fully address over there, here to USMB.

The issue is welfare mothers having more kids or women on welfare TTC (trying to conceive).

Point in case:

There is this poster, in her early twenties, former drug addict that just had a baby. The baby is now give or take 5 months old and she is already planning to start TTC child #2. She already mentioned thinking about going back to school, but she thinks having another child is a priority to her. She is on welfare - lives in some sort of government subsidized housing, she's on foodstamps, doesn't have a car, the dad of her child is obviously a deadbeat if he can't even take care of their basic needs ... the whole shebang.

So, she posts this thread of possibly TTC #2 soon and I'm just sitting there boiling with frustration. I know, obviously, it's none of my damn business, but she's on welfare!!! Aren't people on welfare supposed to somehow try to better themselves so they can get off it and not consciously dig themselves in deeper? That was at least my understanding - welfare is meant for those that have come to hardship and need a helping hand. And then there she is, planning another child BEFORE even attempting to better her situation.

Let me just point out that I don't think that being poor should prevent you from having children. No, but being poor should definitely make you think very very hard whether having multiple children really is a way to go. I think her having a kid is all fine and dandy, but another? At what point do children become 'luxury'? I just wish folks used their large brains for their intended purpose ... What about all the folks that worked so hard to get to the point where they feel like they can have/afford children? Doesn't this feel like a big f you and slap in the face to them?

Gah, needed to get that off my chest first and foremost. :doubt:
I decided to drag an issue I have on another forum, that I can't fully address over there, here to USMB.

The issue is welfare mothers having more kids or women on welfare TTC (trying to conceive).

Point in case:

There is this poster, in her early twenties, former drug addict that just had a baby. The baby is now give or take 5 months old and she is already planning to start TTC child #2. She already mentioned thinking about going back to school, but she thinks having another child is a priority to her. She is on welfare - lives in some sort of government subsidized housing, she's on foodstamps, doesn't have a car, the dad of her child is obviously a deadbeat if he can't even take care of their basic needs ... the whole shebang.

So, she posts this thread of possibly TTC #2 soon and I'm just sitting there boiling with frustration. I know, obviously, it's none of my damn business, but she's on welfare!!! Aren't people on welfare supposed to somehow try to better themselves so they can get off it and not consciously dig themselves in deeper? That was at least my understanding - welfare is meant for those that have come to hardship and need a helping hand. And then there she is, planning another child BEFORE even attempting to better her situation.

Let me just point out that I don't think that being poor should prevent you from having children. No, but being poor should definitely make you think very very hard whether having multiple children really is a way to go. I think her having a kid is all fine and dandy, but another? At what point do children become 'luxury'? I just wish folks used their large brains for their intended purpose ... What about all the folks that worked so hard to get to the point where they feel like they can have/afford children? Doesn't this feel like a big f you and slap in the face to them?

Gah, needed to get that off my chest first and foremost. :doubt:

People on welfare having kids is everyone's business. We're paying for their kids. Personally, I think you should not be given welfare for any further kids if you're already on welfare when you conceive. Maybe then they'd stop expecting us to pay for their offspring.
In MY opinion. When you sign up for any kind of government assistance, if you have ANY MORE children, that is on you. They should NOT be given any more funding for more children. If they do, they will have to make do on what they are already getting.

More children should not be a money maker.....
I read this as Money/Welfare and Kurds.


We have the same issue in Canada. Welfare mothers with ten babies. I'm not sure there is anyway around it though.

Let them starve? What can one do?
I read this as Money/Welfare and Kurds.


We have the same issue in Canada. Welfare mothers with ten babies. I'm not sure there is anyway around it though.

Let them starve? What can one do?

You can stop enabling them to behave badly. Simple.

I think the problem of having more children you cant afford in the first place would disappear.... if they know UP FRONT.... no more money will come their way if more children are presented....and they will have to make do with the check they have...or have to make do with the housing they are getting. Sorry... you will not be getting a bigger apartment.... if you have one bedroom and 10 kids.... though shit on you for having them.
And the stupid hussy and her cheerleaders (other welfare mothers, obviously) keep on talking about how money is not 'everything' and love for one's children is all they really need and yada yada ... Grrr! I grew up poor - like, my mom sending me to my grandparents for weekends so I could have a warm meal from time to time poor and I HATED it! My mom loved me, sure she did, but it sucked donkey hind! I always had to wear old beat up hand me downs from my cousins and what not and be laughed at in school, not to mention the nights my mom spent crying over not having any money ... and I was an only child! Can you imagine my mom having another? It was not by my mom's design that it happened that way - she married the wrong man in her late teens (19) and had me at 20.

Love is great and it is the MOST important thing you can give your child, but it sure isn't everything.

Gah. There is this other woman that just had twins and is already pregnant with another child (the twins are maybe 9 months old) and she was complaining about her husband not being happy about it ... She already classifies herself as poor, but didn't mention welfare. :eek::eek:

Sometimes I feel I'm not sharing the same reality with folks ... Where do they live ... Lala land?
In my opinion it's a vicious cycle, that without being incredibly blunt by today's standard when drawing the prospective parent's attention to the obvious, isn't going to be broken anytime soon.

I think that western governments are well aware that having more children when you're on welfare is a bad move, considering the strain it'll put on the children as well as the system that supports them. The problem being is that they're afraid of being taken to court by someone who claims their feelings have been hurt when a govenment representitive says to their face: 'You're living off of welfare. Only a complete fool wouldn't be aware of the inevitable struggle of raising a child under financial strain.'

Until governments that have gotten themselves into the situation whereby this vicious cycle is allowed to self-perpetuate by virtue of litigation and officials can't be frank without fear of legal reprisals, this incredibly selfish and ignorant situation will continue to be a drain of resources.

Forgive me from departing from a measured tone, but people on welfare who keep having kids as a way to increase their benefit payments are the most shortsighted and fucking irresponsible parasites imaginable. Basically they're using their children to accomodate their greed, and that needs to be stopped.
It's complicated and not an easy fix...the children are the real victims. I can't support completely cutting off the children, but I wouldn't want to see parents using the money intended to buy necessities going for anything else...and unfortunately that is difficult to mandate.
And the stupid hussy and her cheerleaders (other welfare mothers, obviously) keep on talking about how money is not 'everything' and love for one's children is all they really need and yada yada ... Grrr! I grew up poor - like, my mom sending me to my grandparents for weekends so I could have a warm meal from time to time poor and I HATED it! My mom loved me, sure she did, but it sucked donkey hind! I always had to wear old beat up hand me downs from my cousins and what not and be laughed at in school, not to mention the nights my mom spent crying over not having any money ... and I was an only child! Can you imagine my mom having another? It was not by my mom's design that it happened that way - she married the wrong man in her late teens (19) and had me at 20.

Love is great and it is the MOST important thing you can give your child, but it sure isn't everything.

Gah. There is this other woman that just had twins and is already pregnant with another child (the twins are maybe 9 months old) and she was complaining about her husband not being happy about it ... She already classifies herself as poor, but didn't mention welfare. :eek::eek:

Sometimes I feel I'm not sharing the same reality with folks ... Where do they live ... Lala land?

They are right... money is not everything. So doing without money it should fit right in with that world view.

They are right... love for your children is everything. So what can you say about a women who knowingly has more children that she cant afford to house and feed. Which, having more children, also puts the ones she currently has in more danger.

You are living in two different realities. Their reality is the reality of entitlements and they government owes them a living....ZERO personal responsibility. You live in the reality of working for a living, no one owes you anything...and you HAVE personal responsibility.

I hope you give them hell!
And the stupid hussy and her cheerleaders (other welfare mothers, obviously) keep on talking about how money is not 'everything' and love for one's children is all they really need and yada yada ... Grrr! I grew up poor - like, my mom sending me to my grandparents for weekends so I could have a warm meal from time to time poor and I HATED it! My mom loved me, sure she did, but it sucked donkey hind! I always had to wear old beat up hand me downs from my cousins and what not and be laughed at in school, not to mention the nights my mom spent crying over not having any money ... and I was an only child! Can you imagine my mom having another? It was not by my mom's design that it happened that way - she married the wrong man in her late teens (19) and had me at 20.

Love is great and it is the MOST important thing you can give your child, but it sure isn't everything.

Gah. There is this other woman that just had twins and is already pregnant with another child (the twins are maybe 9 months old) and she was complaining about her husband not being happy about it ... She already classifies herself as poor, but didn't mention welfare. :eek::eek:

Sometimes I feel I'm not sharing the same reality with folks ... Where do they live ... Lala land?

They are right... money is not everything. So doing without money it should fit right in with that world view.

They are right... love for your children is everything. So what can you say about a women who knowingly has more children that she cant afford to house and feed. Which, having more children, also puts the ones she currently has in more danger.

You are living in two different realities. Their reality is the reality of entitlements and they government owes them a living....ZERO personal responsibility. You live in the reality of working for a living, no one owes you anything...and you HAVE personal responsibility.

I hope you give them hell!

I can't give them hell, that's why I'm posting about it here ... I tried to tactfully talk some sense into the girl, but she's not on that forum to listen to sound advice. :doubt:
And the stupid hussy and her cheerleaders (other welfare mothers, obviously) keep on talking about how money is not 'everything' and love for one's children is all they really need and yada yada ... Grrr! I grew up poor - like, my mom sending me to my grandparents for weekends so I could have a warm meal from time to time poor and I HATED it! My mom loved me, sure she did, but it sucked donkey hind! I always had to wear old beat up hand me downs from my cousins and what not and be laughed at in school, not to mention the nights my mom spent crying over not having any money ... and I was an only child! Can you imagine my mom having another? It was not by my mom's design that it happened that way - she married the wrong man in her late teens (19) and had me at 20.

Love is great and it is the MOST important thing you can give your child, but it sure isn't everything.

Gah. There is this other woman that just had twins and is already pregnant with another child (the twins are maybe 9 months old) and she was complaining about her husband not being happy about it ... She already classifies herself as poor, but didn't mention welfare. :eek::eek:

Sometimes I feel I'm not sharing the same reality with folks ... Where do they live ... Lala land?

They are right... money is not everything. So doing without money it should fit right in with that world view.

They are right... love for your children is everything. So what can you say about a women who knowingly has more children that she cant afford to house and feed. Which, having more children, also puts the ones she currently has in more danger.

You are living in two different realities. Their reality is the reality of entitlements and they government owes them a living....ZERO personal responsibility. You live in the reality of working for a living, no one owes you anything...and you HAVE personal responsibility.

I hope you give them hell!

I can't give them hell, that's why I'm posting about it here ... I tried to tactfully talk some sense into the girl, but she's not on that forum to listen to sound advice. :doubt:

They don't want sound advice... or any advice that interferes with the check.
It's complicated and not an easy fix...the children are the real victims. I can't support completely cutting off the children, but I wouldn't want to see parents using the money intended to buy necessities going for anything else...and unfortunately that is difficult to mandate.

She - or any of them - doesn't sound like the type that would use the money for anything else but the children, I really believe she's just going baby-crazy and wants more babies (they are addictive, haha), so that's not the worry. It's just her not seeing the full big picture ... all she sees are pink unicorns and cotton candy, she doesn't realize what she might be getting herself into.
I read this as Money/Welfare and Kurds.


We have the same issue in Canada. Welfare mothers with ten babies. I'm not sure there is anyway around it though.

Let them starve? What can one do?

Yes, there is. You tell people who want to claim welfare that their welfare will get cut if they produce any more children while claiming. Not rocket science.

They are right... money is not everything. So doing without money it should fit right in with that world view.

They are right... love for your children is everything. So what can you say about a women who knowingly has more children that she cant afford to house and feed. Which, having more children, also puts the ones she currently has in more danger.

You are living in two different realities. Their reality is the reality of entitlements and they government owes them a living....ZERO personal responsibility. You live in the reality of working for a living, no one owes you anything...and you HAVE personal responsibility.

I hope you give them hell!

I can't give them hell, that's why I'm posting about it here ... I tried to tactfully talk some sense into the girl, but she's not on that forum to listen to sound advice. :doubt:

They don't want sound advice... or any advice that interferes with the check.

Well, their heads are surely somewhere else.
I can't give them hell, that's why I'm posting about it here ... I tried to tactfully talk some sense into the girl, but she's not on that forum to listen to sound advice. :doubt:

They don't want sound advice... or any advice that interferes with the check.

Well, their heads are surely somewhere else.

Yes their heads are.... their heads are following the free money trail and what they need to do to get more of it.

They don't want sound advice... or any advice that interferes with the check.

Well, their heads are surely somewhere else.

Yes their heads are.... their heads are following the free money trail and what they need to do to get more of it.

I actually don't think so ... They are just baby crazy and want more babies, they just don't realize the reality of it ... or they don't want to.

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