Zone1 Monkeys, Apes, and Humans

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
This thread is in the religion section because I was wondering how other Christians explain how humans didn't evolve from monkeys if we're so much alike. How I explain it is look how many different kinds of bears there are or different kinds of wildcats. They all might be similar, but they aren't exactly the same.
This thread is in the religion section because I was wondering how other Christians explain how humans didn't evolve from monkeys if we're so much alike. How I explain it is look how many different kinds of bears there are or different kinds of wildcats. They all might be similar, but they aren't exactly the same.

Evolution is a fairy tale
This thread is in the religion section because I was wondering how other Christians explain how humans didn't evolve from monkeys

Humans DIDN'T evolve from apes.

The theory of evolution maintains that both Humans and Apes had a common ancestor and are branches of the same evolutionary tree.
This thread is in the religion section because I was wondering how other Christians explain how humans didn't evolve from monkeys if we're so much alike. How I explain it is look how many different kinds of bears there are or different kinds of wildcats. They all might be similar, but they aren't exactly the same.
Humans DIDN'T evolve from apes.

The theory of evolution maintains that both Humans and Apes had a common ancestor and are branches of the same evolutionary tree.
You are speaking of hte Tree of Life but you don't understand the question. The higher form is human and the lower is ape
Take a deep breath and consider Brain intervention and manipulation for which there actually is a shed full of suggestive evidence .

One of many possible pointers :-
If a woman with Rh-negative blood gets pregnant with an Rh-positive baby, her body will produce antigens signaling to her immune system that her fetus is toxic. Oddly, the woman’s body will essentially kill its own fetus. Much more than odd !

And if you look at nature, there are no other instances of this kind of self-destructive biological behaviors. Some claim Rh-negative blood is simply a mutation but, others speculate otherwise .
About 15% of the world’s population is Rh-negative , but this portion of the population is not spread evenly across the planet. The highest concentration (40%) of Rh-negative bloodlines is found in the Basque region between France and Spain. Such people are also the only ones within Western Europe who still speak an indigenous Indo-European language – an isolated language which isn’t spoken anywhere else. This tongue is not just isolated; it’s utterly unrelated to any other European language.

It’s also been noted that people with Rh-negative blood are more likely to experience psychic phenomena and even claimed alien abductions. Some of the Rh-negative blood type features are high IQ, elevated intuition, higher blood pressure, lower body temperature, red or reddish hair, sensitivity to sunlight, and extra vertebrae.

My family exactly .Just saying .
I like this possibility even better :-

In 2004, researchers at Chicago University presented results of a long term study that concluded the sophistication of the human brain could not have been a slow evolution; it had to be the result of a fast, dramatic change which is a big stretch for a random mutation.
They said that some kind of “special event” occurred around 50,000 years ago, and it explains how human culture went from primitive cave drawings to sophisticated civilizations.
It’s believed that at this time, the human brain was separated into two hemispheres, and we acquired the ability to think abstractly. The changes in our cognitive and physical structure were so extensive and rapid; they coined it “The Big Bang of the Brain.”

One of the many elements that were changed was a unique gene FOXP2, responsible for language and the ability to speak. All animals have it, but it changed to make humans able to communicate and think abstractly. Not surprisingly, this also happened around the time that cave carvings started to depict peculiar “creator gods” – non-human “alien like” beings. It is also the same time when Neanderthal man mysteriously became extinct, around 40,000 BC.

Interestingly I have FOXP2 on my inside thigh , from birth .
Sensational .
But Cult Christians will be most unhappy .
Bottom line: Human beings are no [darn] good, and apes are much better.

Look at how horrible human beings are: all the violent thugs and all the white-collar criminals and all the war-mongering savages.
You are speaking of hte Tree of Life but you don't understand the question. The higher form is human and the lower is ape

Two separate branches from a single trunk ... one did not lead to the other.
Take a deep breath and consider Brain intervention and manipulation for which there actually is a shed full of suggestive evidence .

One of many possible pointers :-
If a woman with Rh-negative blood gets pregnant with an Rh-positive baby, her body will produce antigens signaling to her immune system that her fetus is toxic. Oddly, the woman’s body will essentially kill its own fetus. Much more than odd !

And if you look at nature, there are no other instances of this kind of self-destructive biological behaviors. Some claim Rh-negative blood is simply a mutation but, others speculate otherwise .
About 15% of the world’s population is Rh-negative , but this portion of the population is not spread evenly across the planet. The highest concentration (40%) of Rh-negative bloodlines is found in the Basque region between France and Spain. Such people are also the only ones within Western Europe who still speak an indigenous Indo-European language – an isolated language which isn’t spoken anywhere else. This tongue is not just isolated; it’s utterly unrelated to any other European language.

It’s also been noted that people with Rh-negative blood are more likely to experience psychic phenomena and even claimed alien abductions. Some of the Rh-negative blood type features are high IQ, elevated intuition, higher blood pressure, lower body temperature, red or reddish hair, sensitivity to sunlight, and extra vertebrae.

My family exactly .Just saying .
As soon as I saw the illogical 'Suggestive evidence" I stopped. It is evidence or it isn't
Bottom line: Human beings are no [darn] good, and apes are much better.

Look at how horrible human beings are: all the violent thugs and all the white-collar criminals and all the war-mongering savages.

Whilst generally agreeing, I add the following .
Individually humans can be much , much better than OK after you exclude the chemically unbalanced who are ghastly mutation failures.
But a small number in percentage terms .

However , our fellow members are generally beyond evil when they act in groups and lose all sense of boundaries , discrimination and common decency . Cowards is an alternative .

The greatest theory I have ever heard to explain that is ;-

When the artificial Moon was moved into position , the experiment was specifically about blocking off most of the "Good" incoming frequencies to find out the depth of evil our species can reach .
That is , we are a lab test after our DNA had been modified .

Surprisingly there is considerable support evidence but the chatterboxes here would doubtless describe it as garbage.
As soon as I saw the illogical 'Suggestive evidence" I stopped. It is evidence or it isn't
And why do some think it is fine that the decision of doctors and ethicists should be replaced by some guy talking about Rh babies.,

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