Montary Pricing for Facebook


Apr 1, 2011
Really wondering what the polls would show for all the users of facebook if anyone considers it worth paying for. I don't understand why there is such a big fuss over keeping it free, the posted messages I have personally seen haven't stated a price that seems outlandish or unreasonable... So what's the big stink about? Why NOT pay for facebook? Most sites I've come to be aware of and utilize do have members that pay, although I don't yet know the incentives or the differences in services offered (if any). If things were financially different for me personally I would happily pay for the use of the sites I favor most.

What are the thoughts of the board?
Facebook doesn't need to ask people to pay, people already pay plenty for the apps and games on that site trust me.
Facebook doesn't need to ask people to pay, people already pay plenty for the apps and games on that site trust me.
FaceBook also datamines every ones personal info there. They make plenty of money off of that.

Oh you don't think so? Then ask yourself this question: "If FaceBook is free then just how is Mark Zuckerberg a Billionaire"? :confused:

Only the suckers will agree to pay them.
Facebook doesn't need to ask people to pay, people already pay plenty for the apps and games on that site trust me.

You know, I have come to understand this is more true than I had initially realized. Even my mother pays to play some of those apps. I no longer question why people become so seriously annoyed when the apps start messing up or loading too slow that information (gifts) is/are lost or unattainable.

I only use facebook to keep up socially with so many important people that I don't get to see as often as I would like in person. I have been paying for years for cable, satellite, phone, etc... and to me paying the small monetary price (if not a hoax) that I have seen posted would be worth it.

From what I understand about investors and such... those are contributors to keep the system's impact successful. The investors price does not help provoke appreciation and quality from users, monetary pricing would. (But that is just my thought and obviously not necessarily fact).
Facebook doesn't need to ask people to pay, people already pay plenty for the apps and games on that site trust me.

You know, I have come to understand this is more true than I had initially realized. Even my mother pays to play some of those apps. I no longer question why people become so seriously annoyed when the apps start messing up or loading too slow that information (gifts) is/are lost or unattainable.

I only use facebook to keep up socially with so many important people that I don't get to see as often as I would like in person. I have been paying for years for cable, satellite, phone, etc... and to me paying the small monetary price (if not a hoax) that I have seen posted would be worth it.

From what I understand about investors and such... those are contributors to keep the system's impact successful. The investors price does not help provoke appreciation and quality from users, monetary pricing would. (But that is just my thought and obviously not necessarily fact).

My girlfriend has payed money for the apps too as well as many of her friends, Facebook is already making bank without charging everyone, making everyone pay might lose them more business than anything else.
My opinion of FB has changed considerably over the past two weeks with the stupid changes they recently made. There was a time when my likes and comments were private to the person I was communicating with. (unless we have mutual friends) But now with that new stupid ticker, anything and everthing I comment on or like is posted for ALL my friends to read! FB believes we want to share more, and discover more. I say go screw!
But I wasn't referring to paying for apps and such, I was specifically referring to basic facebook access. Nothing but the people part.
But I wasn't referring to paying for apps and such, I was specifically referring to basic facebook access. Nothing but the people part.

I wouldn't pay for it personally, but I am sure there would be plenty who would.

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