Montel Williams Parrots Latest Snowflake Double-Standard Complaint


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Montel Williams: Donald Trump didn’t denounce hate groups “forcefully enough” - Hot Air

Despite having complied with what snowflakes demanded of him - surprise, surprise - it wasn't 'good ENOUGH'.


'Enough' - That's the new snowflake strategy for condemning President Trump.

Ironically Snowflakes recently called upon President Donald Trump to condemn anti-Semitism - which is exactly what the DNC was exposed as being through their own leaked personal e-mails...and President Trump responded by openly, publicly condemning anti-Semitism.

Did that foil the snowflakes' attack? Hardly. Snowflakes immediately began to criticize the President for not condemning anti-Semitism and denounce Hate Groups 'ENOUGH'...a ridiculous butt-hurt tactic Montel Williams has now taken up as well.

Let's NOT forget for a minute that the snowflakes' 'messiah' was a man who could not / would not use the words 'Islamic Extremists' when describing terrorists and actually used his US Attorney General to threaten Americans with punishment for talking negatively about them after terrorists murdered 12 Americans in California. He also invited the racist terrorist group 'BLM' to the WH twice to honor them - yeah, the same BLM group that called for the deaths of all whites and policemen...Talk about 'not condemning 'Hate Groups' 'ENOUGH'!

Snowflakes HYPOCRITICALLY seek to apply this term 'ENOUGH' to President Trump yet would never - NEVER DID - apply that to any of their own leaders. For instance...

- When every other nation pulled their people out of Benghazi because of the known threats, terrorist attacks, increased presence of Al Qaeda, etc....did Hillary try hard ENOUGH to ensure the protection of Ambassador Stevens when she left and other Americans in Benghazi? Did she try hard ENOUGH to protect Stevens by denying his requests for additional security more than 50 times? Did she try hard ENOUGH to protect him when she stripped him of some of his security personnel AFTER 2 terrorist attacks leading up to 9/11/12?

Did Barry try hard ENOUGH not to LIE when he told Americans the ACA would not cost a dime, that it would pay for itself, or that Americans could keep their plans/doctors if they wanted? Did he do ENOUGH to try to stop the repeating record-setting gun death / murder rate in Chicago?

Trump actually DID what snowflakes wanted him to do...and yet they hypocritically condemned him for not doing it well ENOUGH.

Well, it's past time to be ENOUGH of sore-loser, immature, butt-hurt snowflakes petty, hypocritical attacks!

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