Monument in celebration of the decline of Western culture


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2015
There is a male figure seemingly dead, fallen from the pedestal what has the inscription "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi" ( "So passes the glory of the world" or "so passes worldly glory") The male figure is white, representing the white European race, ergo depicting the final outcome of Open Society.

The project is celebrating the eradication of Western culture in Europe but it certainly projects to other parts of the world where Western culture is traditionally present. The decline of Western culture is the result of the invasion of different cultures promoted by Globalists worldwide. The pictures below the article show the monstrousness of the project.

"Sic transit gloria mundi, Monument to the end of Western hegemony

At a time when controversy surrounds colonial memorials, the West’s most recent dominance is beginning to show signs of collapse.

Russia, and Asian economic giants are breathing down our neck. In Africa, China is fast becoming the new imperialist power and Islamic nations, thanks to migrants living here, exert a growing influence on Western culture. This calls for a new vision of our role in the world.

In collaboration with the Western Hegemony National Monument Committee and the City of Utrecht, a cenotaph is to be erected on the Neude in 2018. SPRING marks the beginning of its construction."

Sic transit gloria mundi | Dries Verhoeven

STGMvoorwebsite_900x600.jpg beeldvoorwebsite.jpg
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The 2nd Amendment is antiquated my ass.

We need to repeal the NFA and GCA of 68 and 86.

The caption on the base could be "I've fallen, and I can't get up."

Is this sculpture made to show the fall of Western Civilization or is it just a sculpture that you've projected your own opinion onto? Art easily lends itself to countless interpretations.
The caption on the base could be "I've fallen, and I can't get up."

Is this sculpture made to show the fall of Western Civilization or is it just a sculpture that you've projected your own opinion onto? Art easily lends itself to countless interpretations.

It's amazing how you libturds manage to find new depths of stupidity every fucking day.

The caption on the base could be "I've fallen, and I can't get up."

Is this sculpture made to show the fall of Western Civilization or is it just a sculpture that you've projected your own opinion onto? Art easily lends itself to countless interpretations.
Apparently you did not read the article. Maybe your vocabulary is inadequate to understand the word: cenotaph.

It means:
cenotaph |ˈsenəˌtaf|
a tomblike monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war.
early 17th cent.: from French cénotaphe, from late Latin cenotaphium, from Greek kenos ‘empty’ + taphos ‘tomb.’

Empty tomb since they cannot really bury the whole population in that confinement. Also, the article clearly defines the purpose of the tomb.
The caption on the base could be "I've fallen, and I can't get up."

Is this sculpture made to show the fall of Western Civilization or is it just a sculpture that you've projected your own opinion onto? Art easily lends itself to countless interpretations.
Apparently you did not read the article. Maybe your vocabulary is inadequate to understand the word: cenotaph.

It means:
cenotaph |ˈsenəˌtaf|
a tomblike monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war.
early 17th cent.: from French cénotaphe, from late Latin cenotaphium, from Greek kenos ‘empty’ + taphos ‘tomb.’

Empty tomb since they cannot really bury the whole population in that confinement. Also, the article clearly defines the purpose of the tomb.

Which is fair enough I don't read every link posted here and was looking more for a short synopsis from you of what this actually is. It is a cool statue I think, and if you don't feel like illuminating me on it that is fine I also get tired of explaining things to people.


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