Moodys' Rates Bidens Build Back Better Bill as "mostly" Non-Inflationary

If you spend to make transportation cheaper, or working remotely more accessible, or childcare affordable - do you increase prices or reduce them?

I don't follow the logic. Is building a bridge, or in many cases replacing racist roads and bridges going to make transportation cheaper? If so, how?

Also, will this offset the dangerous increases in the price of gas, insurance and other necessities? Yes, childhood care costs being decreased is a noble goal in terms of affordability, but, someone has to work and get paid. If government borrows to do so it's just another tax on society and it will be an annual cost. An entitlement.

We have to speak in honest economic terms not the voodoo that governments in the West have employed for decades. Therefore, If a government, any government, states "here is $1.7T in government cuts we are making (permanent would be even sweeter) and we are replacing them with this $1.7T. Then you have a realistic means to avoid inflation (and the other unpleasant costs associated with high debt).

Otherwise, inflation is going to get worse. Didn't the CBO also defend the mortgage market just before the crash in 2008?

imo it makes some sense, even thought the Dems first bill with the $1000 checks didn't fare as well. (not that I'm ungrateful and my wife's job was disappreared and the UI was good). But Moodys makes the claim that both the Infrastructure Bill and BBB will grow the economy. Absolutely new roads and safer water more than pay for themselves, and that used to be accepted by the former Non-Trumpian-Grievance gop. But putting more money in workers' pockets may eventually cause more jobs to be created, but where are the workers, esp when women are being paid to stay home with expanded child tax credits? And both Moodys and Fitchs Ratings seem to be assuming the supply chains will be able to get enough goods to consumers to satisfy demand with little inflation.

for two decades I've thought the gop's tax cuts were aimed at the wrong folks. If there's more demand for goods from workers, the 1% has always benefited .... but the converse has not been so. But when we can't even get goods from producers to shelves .... it seems to me that inflation is inevitable.
The problem is there is no consequence if they are wrong.......regular peope get fucked and they don't even acknowledge they were wrong.........not even an ooops.

imo it makes some sense, even thought the Dems first bill with the $1000 checks didn't fare as well. (not that I'm ungrateful and my wife's job was disappreared and the UI was good). But Moodys makes the claim that both the Infrastructure Bill and BBB will grow the economy. Absolutely new roads and safer water more than pay for themselves, and that used to be accepted by the former Non-Trumpian-Grievance gop. But putting more money in workers' pockets may eventually cause more jobs to be created, but where are the workers, esp when women are being paid to stay home with expanded child tax credits? And both Moodys and Fitchs Ratings seem to be assuming the supply chains will be able to get enough goods to consumers to satisfy demand with little inflation.

for two decades I've thought the gop's tax cuts were aimed at the wrong folks. If there's more demand for goods from workers, the 1% has always benefited .... but the converse has not been so. But when we can't even get goods from producers to shelves .... it seems to me that inflation is inevitable.
The "experts" are full of shit-----printing money to pay for the infrastructure which really isn't about infrastructure necessarily creates inflation. What a crock of shit to claim otherwise. All the free money passed also creates artificial demand for goods and services which is also inflationary. And then when the feds raise interest rates which they will have to do to try to slow inflation---higher taxes and higher costs will also occur.
Right. Fuck those people who actually study this shit

You got your "gut" right?

imo it makes some sense, even thought the Dems first bill with the $1000 checks didn't fare as well. (not that I'm ungrateful and my wife's job was disappreared and the UI was good). But Moodys makes the claim that both the Infrastructure Bill and BBB will grow the economy. Absolutely new roads and safer water more than pay for themselves, and that used to be accepted by the former Non-Trumpian-Grievance gop. But putting more money in workers' pockets may eventually cause more jobs to be created, but where are the workers, esp when women are being paid to stay home with expanded child tax credits? And both Moodys and Fitchs Ratings seem to be assuming the supply chains will be able to get enough goods to consumers to satisfy demand with little inflation.

for two decades I've thought the gop's tax cuts were aimed at the wrong folks. If there's more demand for goods from workers, the 1% has always benefited .... but the converse has not been so. But when we can't even get goods from producers to shelves .... it seems to me that inflation is inevitable.
You think the same people still work there? 15 years later?

And it wasn't just Moody's

Stupid Jewish Nazi
Why would they no longer work there? Yes, S&P fucked up too. These are just people. They aren’t infallible. Jewish Nazi? You’re such a joke and a bigot. Probably watch Holocaust videos for fun.
Why would they no longer work there? Yes, S&P fucked up too. These are just people. They aren’t infallible. Jewish Nazi? You’re such a joke and a bigot. Probably watch Holocaust videos for fun.
And Fritsch??
And Fritsch??
It’s Fitch. Yeah. As did Lehman and went bankrupt. What Biden is proposing is idiotic. It’s forcing people who gain nothing to pay for other people’s wants. It’s Big Govt 101. Take a course in finance instead of knitting Nazi flags.
But all the amateur finacial experts of USMB rightist have claimed Biden is the only reason for infation and that Trump never spent like Biden hasn't..
Time will tell who was right. If inflation continues to skyrocket you can probably kiss the Democratic Party goodbye. Biden will have effectively shot himself and his own party in the foot.

Same people who fucked up their debt ratings before the Great Recession? LOL

Silly Herr Lesh
Basing their statements on historic U.S. housing valuation trends,[1][80] in 2005 and 2006 many economists and business writers predicted market corrections ranging from a few percentage points to 50% or more from peak values in some markets,[26][81][82][83][84][85] and although this cooling had not yet affected all areas of the U.S., some warned that it still could, and that the correction would be "nasty" and "severe".[86][87] Chief economist Mark Zandi of the economic research firm Moody's predicted a "crash" of double-digit depreciation in some U.S. cities by 2007–2009

oops. Marc Zandi got it right
Basing their statements on historic U.S. housing valuation trends,[1][80] in 2005 and 2006 many economists and business writers predicted market corrections ranging from a few percentage points to 50% or more from peak values in some markets,[26][81][82][83][84][85] and although this cooling had not yet affected all areas of the U.S., some warned that it still could, and that the correction would be "nasty" and "severe".[86][87] Chief economist Mark Zandi of the economic research firm Moody's predicted a "crash" of double-digit depreciation in some U.S. cities by 2007–2009

oops. Marc Zandi got it right
Yet Moodys didn’t downgrade the debt ratings and kept them as upper investment grade. Hmmmm… do know that is what Moodys does, right?
Yet Moodys didn’t downgrade the debt ratings and kept them as upper investment grade. Hmmmm… do know that is what Moodys does, right?
I know that Marc Zandi of Moody's predicted the Recession.

That's the same Marc Zandi quoted here
I know that Marc Zandi of Moody's predicted the Recession.

That's the same Marc Zandi quoted here
That means nothing. Actions speak louder than words and Moodys actions didn’t predict a recession they did not even downgrade AIG. Moodys is not infallible. You are very ignorant in the world of business, finance and economics. Explains why you’re a flaming leftist.
That means nothing. Actions speak louder than words and Moodys actions didn’t predict a recession they did not even downgrade AIG. Moodys is not infallible. You are very ignorant in the world of business, finance and economics. Explains why you’re a flaming leftist.

We are talking about Marc Zandi from Moony's who PREDICTED the 2007 Recession correctly

We are talking about Marc Zandi from Moony's who PREDICTED the 2007 Recession correctly
Moodys job is to grade debt not issue newsletters. Jeezuz you’re an idiot. Moodys obviously didn’t even take one of their own analysts seriously. They fucked up and cost us trillions. Just like Biden is trying to do. Well done!
I'm sure they'd love to hear your critique of what you think their business is.

Regardless. We are talking about predictions then and now made by Marc Zandi.
It’s not what I think that is what they do. It’s like saying Dr. So and So wrote that Tylenol is terrific but in practice his Hospital never gave it out. Moodys is a ratings agency. They fucked up and ignored your so called expert. Actions speak louder than words.
It’s not what I think that is what they do. It’s like saying Dr. So and So wrote that Tylenol is terrific but in practice his Hospital never gave it out. Moodys is a ratings agency. They fucked up and ignored your so called expert. Actions speak louder than words.
Regardless of what you think of Moody's (and that's likely to change based on the day and the argument your are trying for)...this is what Marc Zandi is saying now...

The same Marc Zandi who correctly predicted the 2007 Recession.

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