Moore Now Trails By 12


You mean the National Republican Senatorial Committee?

The official arm of the Republican party, whose purpose is to get Republicans elected to the Senate?

Those "RINOs"?

Yes but to get RINO's elected, they do not want Conservative Conservatives, actually it's a pattern across the Western world that Establishment conservative parties now only want conservatives elected and not Conservatives and given the final choice they would prefer a Liberal elected than a Conservative Conservative.

Conservative Conservatives do not want things like Open Borders, unlimited Immigration from Third World crap holes, which essentially are the only two actual policies that seems to interconnect now across the political Western world, if you are for Closed Borders and Limited to Zero Immigration then the pack of wolves will be set forth to savage your candidacy in any and all means and that means character assassination and vile slurs etc anything as long as the Conservative Conservative doesn't get elected.

The American Republicans their candidate was Jeb Bush, he was the one they wanted that says it all about that and also they have that weirdo Mitch ??? as the leader in The Senate, he just looks like a faggot with no testicles, a typical RINO.

Do you not see how asinine it is to declare that the Republican Party itself is "Republican in name only"?

If anything, they're got dibs on the name "Republican" - and all the nutbars are the RINOs.

No I do not and I explain my thinking in my extended comments in that post I posted.

"Conservative Conservatives" don't own the term "Republican".

The Republican Party does.

It's just the name of the party, they are supposed to be a Conservative party but from what I read I often have difficulty separating the American Republicans from the American Democrats, of course there are a few differences but very often the Republicans are like the Democrats were in say the late 1940s and 1950s.

Who says the Republicans are "supposed" to be Conservative?

When the Party was founded, it was the more "liberal" of the parties. Things change all the time, but the party controls it's name, not the fringe minority.
Yes but to get RINO's elected, they do not want Conservative Conservatives, actually it's a pattern across the Western world that Establishment conservative parties now only want conservatives elected and not Conservatives and given the final choice they would prefer a Liberal elected than a Conservative Conservative.

Conservative Conservatives do not want things like Open Borders, unlimited Immigration from Third World crap holes, which essentially are the only two actual policies that seems to interconnect now across the political Western world, if you are for Closed Borders and Limited to Zero Immigration then the pack of wolves will be set forth to savage your candidacy in any and all means and that means character assassination and vile slurs etc anything as long as the Conservative Conservative doesn't get elected.

The American Republicans their candidate was Jeb Bush, he was the one they wanted that says it all about that and also they have that weirdo Mitch ??? as the leader in The Senate, he just looks like a faggot with no testicles, a typical RINO.

Do you not see how asinine it is to declare that the Republican Party itself is "Republican in name only"?

If anything, they're got dibs on the name "Republican" - and all the nutbars are the RINOs.

No I do not and I explain my thinking in my extended comments in that post I posted.

"Conservative Conservatives" don't own the term "Republican".

The Republican Party does.

It's just the name of the party, they are supposed to be a Conservative party but from what I read I often have difficulty separating the American Republicans from the American Democrats, of course there are a few differences but very often the Republicans are like the Democrats were in say the late 1940s and 1950s.

Who says the Republicans are "supposed" to be Conservative?

When the Party was founded, it was the more "liberal" of the parties. Things change all the time, but the party controls it's name, not the fringe minority.

Well they are defined as a Right of Centre party, that's Conservative.

I don't think Conservatives are the fringe minority for a party that is defined as Right of Centre, I mean if most of the party are now Centre Right approaching Centre approaching Centre Left then they should stop being defined as a Conservative party.

Re. Roy Moore, until this situation happened I didn't know anything about him and had not very much even heard about him. But I have been reading and that Mitch who is Senate Majority Leader and the RNC I read they spend nearly 30 million dollars on the one that was running against Moore and he lost to Moore, so they have never wanted Moore from day one, they spend a lot of money backing the other horse for him to lose. Now when these women suddenly appear immediately Mitch said Moore should drop out because the women are correct, and he said that immediately, no innocent until shown guilty etc. IE. The ulterior motive is they have never wanted Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and so they would prefer the Democrat to get that seat rather than a Conservative Conservative.

Re. What DTMB says in his OP about a write in candidate to save the seat, how that works I don't know, if the write in candidate would win they would be put in the Senate or something. Weird.
Why do Republicans hate gays when Republicans are such dogs?

Down by 12?

Heard he was up by two more just today.
I will wait until the election day poll by the voters. If the last 6 years have proven anything it's proven poll takers don't know shit!

Well, they do they just didn't take into account Russian interference. Other than that polling has been pretty consistent
Do you not see how asinine it is to declare that the Republican Party itself is "Republican in name only"?

If anything, they're got dibs on the name "Republican" - and all the nutbars are the RINOs.

No I do not and I explain my thinking in my extended comments in that post I posted.

"Conservative Conservatives" don't own the term "Republican".

The Republican Party does.

It's just the name of the party, they are supposed to be a Conservative party but from what I read I often have difficulty separating the American Republicans from the American Democrats, of course there are a few differences but very often the Republicans are like the Democrats were in say the late 1940s and 1950s.

Who says the Republicans are "supposed" to be Conservative?

When the Party was founded, it was the more "liberal" of the parties. Things change all the time, but the party controls it's name, not the fringe minority.

Well they are defined as a Right of Centre party, that's Conservative.

I don't think Conservatives are the fringe minority for a party that is defined as Right of Centre, I mean if most of the party are now Centre Right approaching Centre approaching Centre Left then they should stop being defined as a Conservative party.

Re. Roy Moore, until this situation happened I didn't know anything about him and had not very much even heard about him. But I have been reading and that Mitch who is Senate Majority Leader and the RNC I read they spend nearly 30 million dollars on the one that was running against Moore and he lost to Moore, so they have never wanted Moore from day one, they spend a lot of money backing the other horse for him to lose. Now when these women suddenly appear immediately Mitch said Moore should drop out because the women are correct, and he said that immediately, no innocent until shown guilty etc. IE. The ulterior motive is they have never wanted Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and so they would prefer the Democrat to get that seat rather than a Conservative Conservative.

Re. What DTMB says in his OP about a write in candidate to save the seat, how that works I don't know, if the write in candidate would win they would be put in the Senate or something. Weird.

The RNC did not spend a cent on Luther Strange. In fact, the RNC is barred by its own rules to spend any money at all on primary campaigns.

The DNC has the same rule.
Do you not see how asinine it is to declare that the Republican Party itself is "Republican in name only"?

If anything, they're got dibs on the name "Republican" - and all the nutbars are the RINOs.

No I do not and I explain my thinking in my extended comments in that post I posted.

"Conservative Conservatives" don't own the term "Republican".

The Republican Party does.

It's just the name of the party, they are supposed to be a Conservative party but from what I read I often have difficulty separating the American Republicans from the American Democrats, of course there are a few differences but very often the Republicans are like the Democrats were in say the late 1940s and 1950s.

Who says the Republicans are "supposed" to be Conservative?

When the Party was founded, it was the more "liberal" of the parties. Things change all the time, but the party controls it's name, not the fringe minority.

Well they are defined as a Right of Centre party, that's Conservative.

I don't think Conservatives are the fringe minority for a party that is defined as Right of Centre, I mean if most of the party are now Centre Right approaching Centre approaching Centre Left then they should stop being defined as a Conservative party.

Re. Roy Moore, until this situation happened I didn't know anything about him and had not very much even heard about him. But I have been reading and that Mitch who is Senate Majority Leader and the RNC I read they spend nearly 30 million dollars on the one that was running against Moore and he lost to Moore, so they have never wanted Moore from day one, they spend a lot of money backing the other horse for him to lose. Now when these women suddenly appear immediately Mitch said Moore should drop out because the women are correct, and he said that immediately, no innocent until shown guilty etc. IE. The ulterior motive is they have never wanted Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and so they would prefer the Democrat to get that seat rather than a Conservative Conservative.

Re. What DTMB says in his OP about a write in candidate to save the seat, how that works I don't know, if the write in candidate would win they would be put in the Senate or something. Weird.

In addition, your narrative doesn't make any sense. There is quite literally no reason why the Republican party would "prefer a Democrat" in Moore's seat - in fact, that's a worst-case scenario for them, because the R majority in the Senate is pretty damn tight right now, and Mitch McConnell wants to keep his job as Majority Leader a whole lot more than he cares about any ideological differences with Moore. Even if Moore voted against the party in every single vote, he'd still be another seat towards the majority.
No I do not and I explain my thinking in my extended comments in that post I posted.

"Conservative Conservatives" don't own the term "Republican".

The Republican Party does.

It's just the name of the party, they are supposed to be a Conservative party but from what I read I often have difficulty separating the American Republicans from the American Democrats, of course there are a few differences but very often the Republicans are like the Democrats were in say the late 1940s and 1950s.

Who says the Republicans are "supposed" to be Conservative?

When the Party was founded, it was the more "liberal" of the parties. Things change all the time, but the party controls it's name, not the fringe minority.

Well they are defined as a Right of Centre party, that's Conservative.

I don't think Conservatives are the fringe minority for a party that is defined as Right of Centre, I mean if most of the party are now Centre Right approaching Centre approaching Centre Left then they should stop being defined as a Conservative party.

Re. Roy Moore, until this situation happened I didn't know anything about him and had not very much even heard about him. But I have been reading and that Mitch who is Senate Majority Leader and the RNC I read they spend nearly 30 million dollars on the one that was running against Moore and he lost to Moore, so they have never wanted Moore from day one, they spend a lot of money backing the other horse for him to lose. Now when these women suddenly appear immediately Mitch said Moore should drop out because the women are correct, and he said that immediately, no innocent until shown guilty etc. IE. The ulterior motive is they have never wanted Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and so they would prefer the Democrat to get that seat rather than a Conservative Conservative.

Re. What DTMB says in his OP about a write in candidate to save the seat, how that works I don't know, if the write in candidate would win they would be put in the Senate or something. Weird.

The RNC did not spend a cent on Luther Strange. In fact, the RNC is barred by its own rules to spend any money at all on primary campaigns.

The DNC has the same rule.

Well someone was spending that money for that Luther Strange, okay I probably assumed it was the RNC.
No I do not and I explain my thinking in my extended comments in that post I posted.

"Conservative Conservatives" don't own the term "Republican".

The Republican Party does.

It's just the name of the party, they are supposed to be a Conservative party but from what I read I often have difficulty separating the American Republicans from the American Democrats, of course there are a few differences but very often the Republicans are like the Democrats were in say the late 1940s and 1950s.

Who says the Republicans are "supposed" to be Conservative?

When the Party was founded, it was the more "liberal" of the parties. Things change all the time, but the party controls it's name, not the fringe minority.

Well they are defined as a Right of Centre party, that's Conservative.

I don't think Conservatives are the fringe minority for a party that is defined as Right of Centre, I mean if most of the party are now Centre Right approaching Centre approaching Centre Left then they should stop being defined as a Conservative party.

Re. Roy Moore, until this situation happened I didn't know anything about him and had not very much even heard about him. But I have been reading and that Mitch who is Senate Majority Leader and the RNC I read they spend nearly 30 million dollars on the one that was running against Moore and he lost to Moore, so they have never wanted Moore from day one, they spend a lot of money backing the other horse for him to lose. Now when these women suddenly appear immediately Mitch said Moore should drop out because the women are correct, and he said that immediately, no innocent until shown guilty etc. IE. The ulterior motive is they have never wanted Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and so they would prefer the Democrat to get that seat rather than a Conservative Conservative.

Re. What DTMB says in his OP about a write in candidate to save the seat, how that works I don't know, if the write in candidate would win they would be put in the Senate or something. Weird.

The RNC did not spend a cent on Luther Strange. In fact, the RNC is barred by its own rules to spend any money at all on primary campaigns.

The DNC has the same rule.

It wasn't 30 million dollars it was 9 million dollars from the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC * aligned with McConnell * Google tells me a super PAC is a Political Action Committee.

So McConnell and the Senate Leadership Fund lost 9 million dollars backing the wrong horse because they always hated Roy Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and not a RINO.


^^^^ This from the below article:

Alabama Senate race: Everything you need to know - CNNPolitics
"Conservative Conservatives" don't own the term "Republican".

The Republican Party does.

It's just the name of the party, they are supposed to be a Conservative party but from what I read I often have difficulty separating the American Republicans from the American Democrats, of course there are a few differences but very often the Republicans are like the Democrats were in say the late 1940s and 1950s.

Who says the Republicans are "supposed" to be Conservative?

When the Party was founded, it was the more "liberal" of the parties. Things change all the time, but the party controls it's name, not the fringe minority.

Well they are defined as a Right of Centre party, that's Conservative.

I don't think Conservatives are the fringe minority for a party that is defined as Right of Centre, I mean if most of the party are now Centre Right approaching Centre approaching Centre Left then they should stop being defined as a Conservative party.

Re. Roy Moore, until this situation happened I didn't know anything about him and had not very much even heard about him. But I have been reading and that Mitch who is Senate Majority Leader and the RNC I read they spend nearly 30 million dollars on the one that was running against Moore and he lost to Moore, so they have never wanted Moore from day one, they spend a lot of money backing the other horse for him to lose. Now when these women suddenly appear immediately Mitch said Moore should drop out because the women are correct, and he said that immediately, no innocent until shown guilty etc. IE. The ulterior motive is they have never wanted Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and so they would prefer the Democrat to get that seat rather than a Conservative Conservative.

Re. What DTMB says in his OP about a write in candidate to save the seat, how that works I don't know, if the write in candidate would win they would be put in the Senate or something. Weird.

The RNC did not spend a cent on Luther Strange. In fact, the RNC is barred by its own rules to spend any money at all on primary campaigns.

The DNC has the same rule.

It wasn't 30 million dollars it was 9 million dollars from the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC * aligned with McConnell * Google tells me a super PAC is a Political Action Committee.

So McConnell and the Senate Leadership Fund lost 9 million dollars backing the wrong horse because they always hated Roy Moore because he's a Conservative Conservative and not a RINO.

View attachment 160661

^^^^ This from the below article:

Alabama Senate race: Everything you need to know - CNNPolitics

The Senate Leadership Fund is not part of the Republican Party, they're a Super PAC.
A Super PAC is an independent political committee - not affiliated directly with candidates or parties.

They're not bound by the same rules as campaigns or parties, but they also aren't allowed to give money to campaigns, or to parties. What they do is run parallel campaigns for candidates they support - printing their own flyers, buying their own ad time, or whatever.

They're not allowed even allowed to coordinate their activities with the campaign, or with the party.
I don't know what poll is the OP watching but ...

A Fox 10 News/Strategy Research poll released Tuesday by Fox affiliate WALA shows Moore ahead 49 percent to Jones’ 43 percent.
The fact that flabby-face McConnell says he won't seat him, which is against the constitution and not up to him, I think that alone will give Moore another 2%...
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That's the RINO poll correct? The same folks who are trying to remove Moore from the campaign? The same folks who would rather have the Democrat win?

Gee, I'm not going to believe it.


You mean the National Republican Senatorial Committee?

The official arm of the Republican party, whose purpose is to get Republicans elected to the Senate?

Those "RINOs"?

Yes but to get RINO's elected, they do not want Conservative Conservatives, actually it's a pattern across the Western world that Establishment conservative parties now only want conservatives elected and not Conservatives and given the final choice they would prefer a Liberal elected than a Conservative Conservative.

Conservative Conservatives do not want things like Open Borders, unlimited Immigration from Third World crap holes, which essentially are the only two actual policies that seems to interconnect now across the political Western world, if you are for Closed Borders and Limited to Zero Immigration then the pack of wolves will be set forth to savage your candidacy in any and all means and that means character assassination and vile slurs etc anything as long as the Conservative Conservative doesn't get elected.

The American Republicans their candidate was Jeb Bush, he was the one they wanted that says it all about that and also they have that weirdo Mitch ??? as the leader in The Senate, he just looks like a faggot with no testicles, a typical RINO.

Do you not see how asinine it is to declare that the Republican Party itself is "Republican in name only"?

If anything, they're got dibs on the name "Republican" - and all the nutbars are the RINOs.

Exactly what I was about to say.
It may be that a lot of the people that have been poisoned in Alabama by Monsanto have better insight than the pundwits that are ignoring who and what Doug Jones represents going into the Senate. Doug Jones was a Clinton nominee for the Northern District in Alabama. If I were looking at this political race I'd be digging deeper into it than just this smear campaign being attempted against Roy Moore and the apparent silence about his opponents background and ties. Monsanto and the chemical pushers have been trying to get a free passes and mitigate as much as possible for years now trying not to pay for what they have done to people throughout.

Just from what I have seen in the past when courts appoint special masters to adjudicate matters many people are screwed out of what they should be rightfully entitled to and money flows but not always to the people who should be entitled.

From Doug Jones web page:
"Since 2004, he has served as the court-appointed General Special Master for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, in Tolbert, et al v. Monsanto and Pharmacia Corp., an environmental clean-up action involving PCB’s in the Anniston, Alabama area."

. PCB’s in the Anniston, Alabama - YouTube
Im guessing right now alot of people arent admitting they will vote for Moore in polls. We will see. If i were Moore my message the rest of the campaign would be "Do you want Hillary Clinton, i mean Doug Jones, representing you in the senate? Do you want someone who will take your guns and gleefully vote to butcher 9 month old babies in the womb? If you do you sure as hell get out and vote for Jones."
Im guessing right now alot of people arent admitting they will vote for Moore in polls. We will see. If i were Moore my message the rest of the campaign would be "Do you want Hillary Clinton, i mean Doug Jones, representing you in the senate? Do you want someone who will take your guns and gleefully vote to butcher 9 month old babies in the womb? If you do you sure as hell get out and vote for Jones."
Looking into the past I can see it is no wonder they have tried to keep Roy Moore out of politics there on both ends of the political spectrum. Former Republicans ain't clean in that neck of the woods either on a larger scale. Both sides need cleaned up....but Moore does appear to be the better choice thus far as far as I can tell for the people in Alabama. Scandals from widespread racism that was ignored have a taint on Jones from what I am seeing as I search through the history on that end.

While searching I came across stuff on Bill Pryor aka porn participant-now judge eleventh circuit? who is the someone that is pushing this Bush appointee for SCOTUS? This stuff is about as juicy as it can get and people are not even looking into all the ins and outs of who has been doing what to whom while the average people who our government is supposed to representing and serving are getting screwed by left and right both.
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I personally think Moore will win, especially if he 24/7 says a vote for Jones is a vote to butcher 9 mo old fetuses.
I think those being polled are lying, they may be embarrassed to admit they are still going to vote for Moore....but will still vote for him.

Just like with the polling for Trump leading up to his election.... it's wrong....

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