Moore Smear Campaign:Truth has Come Out!

Anybody can say anything. This trollop needs to produce some evidence. But of course, it was 40 years ago and there is no evidence.

BOMBSHELL: Judge Roy Moore Accuser Worked for Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden Campaigns, Part of the 'Resistance'

nov 10 2017 Now we are learning — not shockingly — that the false accusations against Judge Roy Moore are politically motivated.

Deborah Wesson Gibson, one of Roy Moore’s accusers, is a member of Progressive Politics Alabama and is someone who worked on the political campaigns of both 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former Obama regime Vice President Joe Biden, providing sign language services.

Moreover, as the leading newspaper in Alabama reports, Gibson also provides services to leading Democrats like Sen. Patrick Murphy and Bill Nelson and shared campaign fliers of Roy Moore’s Democrat opponent, Doug Jones, for the Alabama election slated for December 12.

Check this one out LOL

Roy Moore Accuser Is 3X Divorcee Who — 'Claimed Several Pastors Made Sexual Advances At Her'

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And what about the other 20 something people who knew he liked underage snatch?
Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s parents were also aware of his attentions you still don’t believe them. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.

She's a lying piece of shit:

Roy Moore’s Accuser Did Work for Joe Biden, Other Democrats - Breitbart

Must have been better looking when she was young, I hope.
why? It's not like Roy Moore's looks are some prize? :p
Hey she worked for Hillary and that means Moore wouldnt touch that pussy 40 years ago because he could smell democratic votes on her labia
I would consider being a Nancy Pelosi jigalo for $5,000/hr. myself! Just another income stream! Nothing personal or political!

Anderson Cooper and others have already debunked that fake news bullshit.

Uhhh, Cooper Anderson IS fake news. :p
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Four women are telling the same story. But let’s attack one of the victims here.

There’s also the IRS problem with his taxes. And him being paid hundreds of thousands a year to run a charity to oppose gay marriage.

His contempt of court charges over his 10 Commandments. Republicans don’t want hi. In the Senate. Period.

The man is scum.
There are no victims here. In order to have a victim, you have to have a crime. Have you a court-filed complaint? Any evidence at all?

What we do know is that the Post has a reporter who allegedly overheard someone talking about how Moore may have dated a few minors in his past. The paper then went out and solicited (browbeat) four woman into making these accusations. None of the women know each other, none of them approached the Post with this story.

None of them have offered up any evidence that this even happened. They are simply making statements that cannot be substantiated.

It is pretty simple really. Provide proof and file a court complaint against him, or face public ridicule for their blatant attempt to influence an election with fraud and slander.

He has apparently confessed that he dated girls as young as 16. Given that some of these women’s parents were also aware of his attentions you still don’t believe them. How many women have to confirm a story before they’re believed?

50 women weren’t enough to convict Bill Cosby, nor all the settlements he’s paid. 12 women accused Trump and he still got elected President after he admitted to the behaviour.

She's a lying piece of shit:

Roy Moore’s Accuser Did Work for Joe Biden, Other Democrats - Breitbart

Another accuser is a Trump supporter.
"Corfman told the Post that she has voted Republican in the last three presidential elections, including voting for Donald Trump in 2016. found a Facebook comment from Corfman where she spoke about buying a Stonewall Jackson antique. Jackson was arguably the best known confederate commander after Robert E. Lee."
And its corroborated.
People believe what they want to believe. Its a law of nature. It has a compelling affect on all people, everybody knows it...except that most seem to think they are somehow exempt from it.

What are the facts on this case and are they believable?

I just read in this thread the transcript the man gave on Hannity. Everybody ought to listen to it and decide if it plausible...and they ought to do it as honestly as they can....because the man has a right to a fair hearing.

He remembers two of the older girls. He does not remember going on a date with one, but says it could have happened, and remembers that she was a great girl.. He does remember going out with the other, age 19, but denies he bought her a drink at the bar they were in because it was a dry county at the time.

Both girls said he behaved himself admirably, and their mothers approved of them going out with him!

So, as to these two, he stands accused of buying a 19 year old a drink 34 years ago.

You liberals ought to be ashamed to be pushing such nonsense.


He absolutely denies even knowing the one who was 14.

His two above accusers said he was a perfect gentleman, or similar remarks, yet his behavior with this one is made to be radically (unbelievably) different. Why is that?

They supposedly met in front of the Courthouse when this Candidate Moore volunteered to babysit her while her mother went to court. Is that plausible?

You can call the people of Alabama cretins if they still vote for this man, but that requires convicting him on the scantiest evidence.

From what I have seen, people in Alabama would be fully justified in NOT believing the smut the Washington Post has dug up in its capacity as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party--one owned by the Richest man in the world...a man who has fallen victim to that disease which people from places like Alabama hate so passionately---the disease of believing you are so smart, you must take on the duty of telling cretens in places like Alabama how to live and what to believe.

The honest, reasonable people from Alabama will, I believe see this as a sick scam and farce.
was he at the courthouse working, the day her mother went to court? That could help corroborate her story.... IF NOT, then this made up story by her, is over....

just him dating girls in their teens shows that he was unusually attracted to dating girls much much younger than him, when was in his 30's.... if there were no other teens coming forward, it would make the 14 yr old's case, less believable imo....but with them, it does make me wonder if she is honestly telling the truth....?

i did not hear that he was a gentleman with these other girls, but it was reported that when they insisted on 'NO' that he did abide and drove them home....which is a good thing...

one other way to find out if this woman is telling the truth or not is for Moore's family or friends describe his appt or house at the time, on deposition, separated when they describe it....and where it was....

and have the woman describe his home inside and out from when she was 14 and where it was.... and see if the lady is correct?

As it stands now, there really is a 'he said, she said' and just some corroborating evidence that he was attracted to teens when he was in his 30's....but that's it....

Thank you for what seems to be a fair analysis.

I would ask you, as someone willing to try to be thus fair---about the motivations and conditions regarding the Washington Post which has Suddenly discovered this 14 year old, 28 day Before an Election, after 34 years of Silence?

There is little doubt, coming as it is...28 days before an election & 34 years after it happened---that it is a political hit piece...that is, motivated by politics--by the politics of the writers, the investigators, and the the owner?

We have the micro & the macro.....we have the richest man in the world, Jeff Bazos, who is on the West Coast, but buys a failing newspaper in the Capitol City. Is it safe to say that he didn't expect to make money?

This Richest Man...he is a pompous turd....he naturally thinks he feels affection for the poor people of Alabama, and other such blighted places, where they are not only not as smart as he is....they are so stupid that he can only be doing them a favor if he tells them...dictates to them...the right way to live and think.

And how offended is a Good, Smart Jeff Bazos...if these Rednecks in Alabama have the ignorance and impudence to tell tell him to GET FUCKED?

Well, at that point, won't anything will do to save the fools from themselves?

I accuse Jeff Bazos of being so arrogant that he has indirectly commissioned through his newspaper....of a fraudulent hit job on a man who he doesn't know, but has political beliefs directly opposite of his.

I also accuse him of using his MONEY to make himself a threat, an enemy, to the Jeffersonian Democracy that has heretofore made America, with its faults, the greatest social experiment so far in human history.

To me when this broke is just typical of when things break for politicians.... it's always around an election period.....yes it is dirty politics, which is the norm....

If you remember, even Trump tried to pull his dirty trick of paying for and gathering all the women with unsubstantiated sexual harassment claims against Bill Clinton to the debate against Hillary....

it's done all the time and the only way to avoid it now a days, is to keep your nose clean, from birth onward....otherwise.............expect for it to come out when least expected, decades later....especially if you choose to be a politician....

the issue is whether it is true, and if so, what should be done about it?
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Compel Roy Moore to undergo a series of federal polygraph tests by the Senate Ethics Committee.
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Compel Roy Moore to undergo a series of federal polygraph tests by the Senate Ethics Committee.

So, what age would you deem appropriate for a fully grown man to take advantage of a young girl? Please, take your time, you partisan fuck. I really want to hear these mental gymnastics.
Why don't you ask one of the millions of old Muslims who don't hesitate to bed 9 year old boys and girls?

Catholics do it too, moron.

Congratulations! You offered an irrelevant deflection to a very simple question. You are a superstar. Your question brings down the collective IQ of debate. Why don't you fuck off, or actually say something? K thanxbye. :)
ZeroHedge does it again, making salient points about the colossal BS that is the Washington Compost.

Roy Moore Story Unraveling? One Accuser Worked For Hillary, Another Claims Several Pastors Made Sexual Advances

From the outset, several aspects of the Washington Post‘s decades-old accusations of Roy Moore having inappropriate relations with four young women seemed off. In addition to odd circumstances surrounding the story’s origins, the accusers themselves – and even the WaPo journalist who wrote the story – have checkered pasts and political views which some could consider ulterior motives.

If the accusations against Moore are true, he needs to immediately step aside and exit politics – as both President Trump and, oddly, Mitch McConnell have stated. Moore has vehemently denied the charges.

How did the story come together?

As Radio host Mark Levin pointed out on his show last week that there are several aspects of the case which don’t really make sense. To recap; a Washington Post reporter overheard a rumor at a Roy Moore event in Alabama about Moore sexually abusing four girls 38 years ago, then found the women, interviewed them, and the rest is history.

Per WaPo:

While reporting a story in Alabama about supporters of Moore’s Senate campaign, a Post reporter heard that Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls. Over the ensuing three weeks, two Post reporters contacted and interviewed the four women.​

Levin posed the following questions:
  • How did the WaPo reporter know there were four women, who they were, and how to contact them?
  • How is it that the reporter's anonymous source, who they bumped into, knew about the four women who don’t know each other and have never met, and knew each woman's story and contact information?
  • Why hasn’t any of this been reported in Moore’s 38 years in politics? And why now – a month before an important election to fill Jeff Sessions’ senate seat?
Adding to the list of questionable circumstances - one which the Washington Post oddly omitted from it's report, is the fact that one of Moore’s accusers, Debbie Gibson, worked as a sign language interpreter for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, and is actively campaigning for Moore’s Democrat opponent, Doug Jones.

As New York Times bestselling author, Attorney, Law professor and Newsmax columnis James Hirsen points out:
James Hirsen


The Washington Post failed to disclose that one of Moore's accusers was a sign language interpreter for Joe Biden and is a volunteer for Moore's Democrat opponent.
BREAKING: Shocking Information on 3 Roy Moore Accusers Revealed!

One of the women accusing Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual assault has been exposed working for the DNC. Another accuser has been exposed as having been divorced three times, filing for bankruptcy three times, and of accusing many pastors of making sexual advances towards her.

We have just received information that one of the women accusing Alabama senatorial candidate Roy Moore of soliciting dates from her when she was a teenager and he was in his 30’s is not only a passionate progressive, but she has actually worked for the DNC and is actively campaigning for Moore’s opponent, Doug Jones.

Leigh Corfman: allegedly has a history of making false allegations, charged with misdemeanors and had issues with IRS . Below are the following:


Roy Moore’s main accuser Leigh Corfman has had three divorces and major financial problems. Filed for bankruptcy three times, once in 1991 with $139,689 in unpaid claims. She has had multiple issues with the IRS and has been charged with multiple misdemeanors as well. Hmm….
Swamp Thing Attack SOP On Judge Moore

Swamp Thing Attack SOP On Judge Moore — Allegations that Alabama Judge Roy Moore sought to creepily date teenage girls 38 years ago are being trumpeted by noted swamp mouthpiece and gay activist The Washington Post.

If you believe what the Post claims, we have some troubled assets to sell you.

Moore is the Republican nominee for the open Alabama U.S. Senate seat and the election is Dec. 12.

Moore has vociferously denied the claims. Why do we unquestionably accept his denials?

Leaving aside that he has been a controversial public figure for two decades and was long a highly desired trophy by the anti-religious left hence ripe for such a take-down, we have adopted the principle that any allegation made a month before an election against an anti-swamp candidate is false.

We remember Curt Weldon’s persecution by the Justice Department — the George (Swamp Can’t Be Spelled Without Dubya) Bush Justice Department — in 2006. The allegations made three weeks before the election turned out unfounded but the damage was done and he lost.

We remember Alaska Senator Ted Stevens July 2008 indictment and his trial three months later which resulted in his conviction one week before the Nov. 4 election. It was later revealed that FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence and the verdict was overturned. No matter. He lost the election by 3,724 votes to swamp-loving Democrat Mark Begich.

We remember the press conference by a Hillary swamp minion in October 2016 where several women came forward accusing Donald Trump of sexual harassment. Several of the allegations were easily debunked and none was ever established.

Most troubling, though, was a claim not made against a candidate but the economy. In September 2008, the swamp media was screaming the economy was going to collapse and we were all going to starve unless the big banks were bailed out IMMEDIATELY. On Oct. 3, with Republican John McCain ahead in the polls, President George (Swamp Can’t Be Spelled Without Dubya) Bush signed into law a bill giving the banks, along with Wall Street money men like Goldman Sachs, $700 billion of our money to save them from the stupid decisions they had been allowed to make during the Bush and Clinton years.

We don’t necessarily think it was to keep McCain out of the White House, albeit he would have been less of a tool than Obama. Without the pressure of a presidential election, however, and with discussion and debate we don’t think Goldman Sachs and the banks would have gotten our money.

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