Zone1 Morality is natural phenomenon.

I listened to it. I'll save you 8 minutes. It said religion is good and religion is bad. It said be sweet, hold hands, and hug. It said that all gods are the same but His way was the best. It was written with the attitude of a six year old with the wit and sarcasm of a cynical 70 year old grumpy man. Ding just wants to convert everybody to his religion of not having a religion. The depth of this letter on a scale of 1-100 is easily a zero. The takeaway from the Letter From God is that all beliefs are dumb except the belief of the author of the letter even though it tried to disguise that with one or two soft comments to get you to brush off the authoritative tone of the letter. Just save your 8 minutes. You'll be underwhelmed if you listen to it. I'm not saying it is bad, or annoying. It just wasn't impressive at all.
Actually I would be happy if you just acted like a human being. But hey, let's go ahead and argue about God some more. Wouldn't want to deprive you of your evening wood.
I do. And there isn't one thing you could actually argue against. He defeated every argument you could make.
Well. I don't think so. War is an inevitable part of humanity. The author of this letter seems to think it is a misguided and incorrect option. The author thinks that war is something humanity doesn't have to deal with anymore if we don't want to.
Because what Paul said was true.
I'm not going to waste my time picking it apart. Lots of it was not true. To productively argue with someone you have to work from the same premise.

The author of this letter's premise is that God wrote the letter. I do not accept that premise. No argument can be pursued. If you want to entertain yourself with my wit and intelligence then let's go to another thread. There is nothing here to discuss.
I was already there.

Imagine that. You have already arrived at the most superior theology that has ever existed. I would have never guessed that. I guess the rest of us are behind the curve. We will try to keep up with your advanced level of self-created spirituality. Didn't Socrates say, "Know thyself."? If so, you have arrived. Pack it up and go home. You have it all figured out.
There is nothing more powerful than a mother's love FF, be it animal or human...

But all are not self you ever watch crows? how they communicate?

they've literally a social hierarchy

Among their own heirarchy yes. But do you think they think about or care about the crows in the next town or country? As the Bible says, everybody, even the evil, know how to give good gifts to their children. Caring about ourselves, our family, our group is not the same thing as caring about people or creatures that we will never meet, that will never have opportunity or perhaps inclination to reciprocate in any way. Only human beings seem to have that capacity.
I'm not going to waste my time picking it apart. Lots of it was not true. To productively argue with someone you have to work from the same premise.

The author of this letter's premise is that God wrote the letter. I do not accept that premise. No argument can be pursued. If you want to entertain yourself with my wit and intelligence then let's go to another thread. There is nothing here to discuss.
That's odd that you think there were lots and couldn't name one. And if you are getting hung up on the premise of the "letter," you totally missed the points of the "letter." Which isn't surprising given your poor opinion of Christianity and its adherents.
Please do tell me more about your seminary school. :rolleyes:

It is an unaccredited seminary in Slidell Lousiana. The organization is fanatically KJV onlyist. All of the professors are KJV onlyist. There is no timeline as to how fast you complete the coursework. It isn't an intense course. Each course contains about 6 hours ish of lectures on various topics and one test. You pick out the courses that you want to take. You listen to the lectures, take the test, mail them in, and wait to be graded. It is just for learning. Like I said it is unaccredited. It is not really all that impressive. I have never even brought it up on here to my recollection. I applied and was accepted over ten years ago and I still haven't finished the associate degree level. I still have all the courses and the tests. It is something I keep putting on the back burner. To get an associate's I have to complete 20 courses. I have probably finished 4.

It isn't really as big of a deal as you are making it out to be.
That's odd that you think there were lots and couldn't name one. And if you are getting hung up on the premise of the "letter," you totally missed the points of the "letter." Which isn't surprising given your poor opinion of Christianity and its adherents.

I do not have a poor opinion of Christianity. lol It is by far the best religion out there.
Imagine that. You have already arrived at the most superior theology that has ever existed. I would have never guessed that. I guess the rest of us are behind the curve. We will try to keep up with your advanced level of self-created spirituality. Didn't Socrates say, "Know thyself."? If so, you have arrived. Pack it up and go home. You have it all figured out.
No, I arrived at it through common sense which is what really must have triggered you. Paul Harvey makes some pretty insightful observations on religion, God and the religious. You hate the fact that he spoke with common sense and you can't attack or even acknowledge his wisdom because that would threaten you fake, subversive narrative of religion, God and the religious.
That's odd that you think there were lots and couldn't name one.

Go back and read my previous posts in this thread. I could name lots but I don't see the value in spending hours watching, rewatching, and rewatching the video just to tell you things that are blaringly obvious. You know which parts were inaccurate as do I. What is there to argue about?
common sense
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; 1 Peter 2:9

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Hebrews 11:13

Were you insulting me by saying that common sense is a good thing?

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