Morality of Wealth Redistribution

In CA, federal, state and local taxes on a gallon of gasoline total about $.71. With regular at $4.18 in my neighborhood, the gubmints are taking 17% of the price of gas...far less than the oil companies' profit margin.

Now, who is greedy?

You're not very good with math, are you?

Exxon, for example, made only seven cents per gallon of gasoline in 2011. That's a drop in the bucket compared to the nearly 50 cents per gallon that federal, state and local governments rake in on an average gallon of gas pumped in the U.S.​

Here in the real world, where people understand math, 7 cents is less than 50 cents.
Actually, between California state gasoline tax and federal fuel tax, she is paying about 88 cents/gallon. Knowing boedicca, I believe she worded the second part wrong and meant that the gubmint's slice of the pie was much larger than Exxon's.

Which roads and bridges does Exxon pay for?
I don't have a problem with county and state welfare programs, since these are easier to control and often more effective. I think the problem comes when you have the federal government involved in welfare.

I do hope you understand that US Treasury monies given in foreign aid to the Jewish State ---over 100 BILLION DOLLARS SO FAR - in order for them to ethnic cleanse the Palestinians is NOT wealth redistributtion, According to AIPAC , the JDL, American Likudnicks and Israel Firsters - they are the exemption.

Exxon Mobil just missed setting a company -- and world -- record for annual profit in 2012.

The No. 1 U.S. oil company posted full-year earnings of $44.9 billion. While that was up 9% from 2011, it was about $300 million below the all-time annual earnings record for any company, the $45.2 billion Exxon Mobil earned in 2008.

Exxon Mobil profit just short of record - Feb. 1, 2013

"RECORD OIL Corp profits. But we need to subsidize them? lol"
And what exactly is your problem with a 45 billion profit on 453 billion in total revenue?
I skimmed the 2012 looking for a huge ledger entry for income received from the federal government. I didn't see anything like that but I did see where they paid a total of 102 billion in taxes.... Hell of a subsidy there, no?

" it was about $300 million below the all-time annual earnings record for any company"

Oil production is among the most heavily subsidized businesses

According to the most recent study by the Congressional Budget Office, released in 2005, capital investments like oil field leases and drilling equipment are taxed at an effective rate of 9 percent, significantly lower than the overall rate of 25 percent for businesses in general and lower than virtually any other industry.

And for many small and midsize oil companies, the tax on capital investments is so low that it is more than eliminated by var-ious credits. These companies’ returns on those investments are often higher after taxes than before.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Overview

Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Overview | Oil Change InternationalOil Change International
You are so damned stupid you don't understand the facts no matter how many effort to educate you. The oil companies did NOT MAKE EXCESSIVE PROFITS, and the only SUBSIDIES ARE REASONABLE TAX DEDUCTIONS RELATING TO THE COSTS OF PRODUCTION.
You're not very good with math, are you?

Exxon, for example, made only seven cents per gallon of gasoline in 2011. That's a drop in the bucket compared to the nearly 50 cents per gallon that federal, state and local governments rake in on an average gallon of gas pumped in the U.S.​

Here in the real world, where people understand math, 7 cents is less than 50 cents.
Actually, between California state gasoline tax and federal fuel tax, she is paying about 88 cents/gallon. Knowing boedicca, I believe she worded the second part wrong and meant that the gubmint's slice of the pie was much larger than Exxon's.

Which roads and bridges does Exxon pay for?
I suspect their huge income tax bill paid for many roads. Are you too stupid to realize that?
I'll never understand how left can say it is moral to forcibly take money from one person to give to another.
What is quite apparent is, dad2three is actually a mindless mechanical repeater who parrots the lies left wing extremist sites tells him to say. We are trying to educate a bunch of cogs and wheels which cannot think. He is a brainless rube.
What is quite apparent is, dad2three is actually a mindless mechanical repeater who parrots the lies left wing extremist sites tells him to say. We are trying to educate a bunch of cogs and wheels which cannot think. He is a brainless rube.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.
What is quite apparent is, dad2three is actually a mindless mechanical repeater who parrots the lies left wing extremist sites tells him to say. We are trying to educate a bunch of cogs and wheels which cannot think. He is a brainless rube.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.
What is quite apparent is, dad2three is actually a mindless mechanical repeater who parrots the lies left wing extremist sites tells him to say. We are trying to educate a bunch of cogs and wheels which cannot think. He is a brainless rube.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.

Name a current private sector monopoly.
Or better yet, name a private sector monopoly from each of the last four decades.
What is quite apparent is, dad2three is actually a mindless mechanical repeater who parrots the lies left wing extremist sites tells him to say. We are trying to educate a bunch of cogs and wheels which cannot think. He is a brainless rube.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.

Yeah. "Government comes in with laws to restore competition." Like with health care, right? ;)
A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.

Yeah. "Government comes in with laws to restore competition." Like with health care, right? ;)

Yep, government comes in when capitalists will furnish the basics of life only for profit and some Americans cannot afford those basics of life. That concept has been a responsibility of governments since the Constitution was ratified.
A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.
Name a current private sector monopoly.
Or better yet, name a private sector monopoly from each of the last four decades.

Are you saying those anti-monopoly laws are working? Not only are the anti-monopoly laws working but the pure food and drugs laws, traffic laws, aviation, and tons of laws protecting American's safety and well being. Good point.
Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.

Yeah. "Government comes in with laws to restore competition." Like with health care, right? ;)

Yep, government comes in when capitalists will furnish the basics of life only for profit and some Americans cannot afford those basics of life. That concept has been a responsibility of governments since the Constitution was ratified.

Read up on the history of the AMA and health care regulation in this country. It was implemented primarily in response to waves of immigrant doctors who were undercutting established doctor's on their rates.

Regulation almost always limits competition. That's usually why it's adopted.
Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.

Yeah. "Government comes in with laws to restore competition." Like with health care, right? ;)

Yep, government comes in when capitalists will furnish the basics of life only for profit and some Americans cannot afford those basics of life. That concept has been a responsibility of governments since the Constitution was ratified.

Yep, government comes in when capitalists will furnish the basics of life only for profit

Profit is awful. That's why Venezuela has a shortage of toilet paper.
At least they can wipe their asses with the knowledge that no one makes a profit. LOL!
A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.
Name a current private sector monopoly.
Or better yet, name a private sector monopoly from each of the last four decades.

There are always number of cases always going on under the Sherman or Clayton Acts. Microsoft got burned, Kodak and AT& T.
Is a business a monopoly until so declared a monopoly by the Court? In our small city the hospital is now in court bit being accused of violating the law. But is being accused different than being found guilty?
A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.
Name a current private sector monopoly.
Or better yet, name a private sector monopoly from each of the last four decades.

There are always number of cases always going on under the Sherman or Clayton Acts. Microsoft got burned, Kodak and AT& T.
Is a business a monopoly until so declared a monopoly by the Court? In our small city the hospital is now in court bit being accused of violating the law.
What is quite apparent is, dad2three is actually a mindless mechanical repeater who parrots the lies left wing extremist sites tells him to say. We are trying to educate a bunch of cogs and wheels which cannot think. He is a brainless rube.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.
All you have said is, Corporations find a way to better compete. Competition is never eliminated. But it is a continuous as when one company finds away to win a little over competition, the next company comes up with something a little better. IT IS CALLED MARKETING and you attempts to put some kind of negative spin on marketing variations is nothing but sick whining.
A liberal lacks the IQ to understand that capitalist competition drives profits down so monopolistic behavior is nearly impossible. Only govt interference, like in the case of health care insurance, can diminish or eliminate competition.

Capitalists also understand that competition drives profits down so they create various types of monopolies to eliminate competition. Government then comes in with laws to restore competition and corporations create new ways to eliminate competition, and it becomes a continuous game.

Yeah. "Government comes in with laws to restore competition." Like with health care, right? ;)

There was no healthcare competition. Republicans backed the AMA lowering admissions to med schools to increase doctors profits, protected drug companies from foreign competition to increase profits & used mccarran ferguson act to protect insurance companies from interstate competition & allowed insurance price fixing & racketeering free from federal law. Corrupt government protects profits of it's corporate sponsors from competition.
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