More and more Republicans breaking away from Trump's lies

But the point is which I'm not sorry to say is YOU totally missed is IF Trump supporters are so dumb to totally follow exactly
what Trump said, they would NOT be drinking bleach because TRUMP never said "Drink Bleach" the only idiot that did was
Biden and again YOU provide NO quotes but here is exactly what Biden said..."
"maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay", said Biden, who delivered his remarks at a metalworks factory near his hometown of Scranton on Thursday.
"or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay"said Biden

Again more and more intelligent people NOW understand what evidently YOU don't understand!
Biden makes a statement "if you drank bleach" that's all Biden followers remember and they do!
Or Biden says "surge to the border" those are what dummies (evidently you too) believe. If Biden says so it must be true!

The following are 30 are just part of all the FALSEHOODs has found:
  1. The “average federal income tax” paid by the richest Americans is “8%. … If you’re a cop, a teacher, a firefighter, union worker, you probably pay two to three times that.”
  2. Gun manufacturers are “the only industry in the country” that have immunity from lawsuits.
  3. “When President Biden took office … there was no vaccine available.”
  4. “You couldn’t buy a cannon when, in fact, the Second Amendment passed."
  5. “I’ve been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times.”
  6. As a youth, “I got arrested” protesting for civil rights.
  7. “I’ve been against that war in Afghanistan from the very beginning.”
  8. “I used to drive a tractor trailer … I only did it for part of a summer.”
  9. "The number of small businesses is up 30% compared to before the pandemic."
  10. “No governor in Virginia has ever won when...he or she is the same party as the sitting president.”
  11. Al-Qaida is “gone” from Afghanistan.
  12. "The cost of an automobile, it's kind of back to what it was before the pandemic."
  13. "The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own.”
  14. For vaccine rates among Americans 65 and older, “there’s virtually no difference between white, Black, Hispanic, Asian American.”
  15. We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”
  16. "If we kept (the minimum wage) indexed to inflation, people would be making $20 an hour right now.
  17. “I can send every qualified person to a four-year college in their state for $150 billion.”
  18. “The boilermakers union has endorsed me because I sat down with them and went into great detail with leadership [about] exactly what I would do.”
  19. They eliminated the funding for community policing."
  20. Senate Republicans' move to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in an election year is "not constitutional."
  21. During the Obama/Biden administration “18,000 people got clemency.”
  22. “The Trump campaign asked that I release the list (of potential Supreme Court nominees) only after (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) passed away.”
  23. “There's no court session between now and the end of this election.”"If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I'm not making this up. Just look at the data.
  24. "Military COVID infected: 118,984. Military COVID deaths: 6,114.”
  25. Says he was the first person to call for invoking the Defense Production Act.
  26. McDonald’s (makes) you all sign noncompete contracts that you cannot go across town to try to get a job at Burger King.”
  27. No U.S. presidents elected before Donald Trump were racist.
  28. "You weren't allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual."
  29. “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I've run.
  30. Because the Federal Reserve recently cut interest rates to near 0%, “the Fed will be of little consequence now. They’ve already used what leverage they have.

I'm not even wasting my time reading your propaganda anymore this discussion is over with you fool.
I'm not even wasting my time reading your propaganda anymore this discussion is over with you fool.
Of course it is! You have done a very good job of proving how ignorant people like you are and so you pout, like a little kid.
Why don't you refute the "LIES"that one of the most BIASED Leftwing group owned by a non-profit group screwing Americans out of tax revenue... but even they embarrassingly have shown how people like you are so mislead!
Thank you for showing the diminishing number of people are truly uninformed.
It is FANTASTIC as more and more Republicans are jumping off the Trumpism bus. Thank God.
Proof? How about this proof!
Screen Shot 2022-08-15 at 3.39.10 PM.png
Of course it is! You have done a very good job of proving how ignorant people like you are and so you pout, like a little kid.
Why don't you refute the "LIES"that one of the most BIASED Leftwing group owned by a non-profit group screwing Americans out of tax revenue... but even they embarrassingly have shown how people like you are so mislead!
Thank you for showing the diminishing number of people are truly uninformed.
I'm not pouting or throwing a tantrum. These are things that trump followers do to imitate trump himself. You actually believe that a prolific liar like trump will lead you to any truth. The two things are polar opposites. When he came out with that " truth social " site ; my very first thought was OMG he doesn't realize how foolish that appears.
I'm not pouting or throwing a tantrum. These are things that trump followers do to imitate trump himself. You actually believe that a prolific liar like trump will lead you to any truth. The two things are polar opposites. When he came out with that " truth social " site ; my very first thought was OMG he doesn't realize how foolish that appears.
So why DON"T you show the LIES that you say Trump said LIKE I've now show you the nearly 50 Biden lies?
You have NOT put one link proving anything you write and obviously then you are not smart enough to know NOW to
do a simple Google Search! That is so revealing as nothing you say has any validation!
This biased organization has verified nearly 50 known lies by Biden... Should be easy for you to verify Trump lies?
And these are 16 more VERIFIED LIES by Biden!
  1. Video shows President Donald Trump saying COVID-19 is Democrats’ “new hoax.”
  2. Sanders’ “Medicare for All” plan "would cost more than the entire federal budget that we spend now."
  3. Says the Obama administration "didn't lock people up in cages."
  4. Referring to the Iraq War, "immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment."
  5. Says Donald Trump "asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up with a knife’."
  6. "I was always labeled as one of the most liberal members of the United States Congress."
  7. Says Donald Trump "is going to go out and carpet bomb" the Middle East.
  8. "In the United States alone we lose more than 3,000 people a day to cancer."
  9. "When we took office, let me remind you, there was virtually no international pressure on Iran."
  10. "General Motors is the largest corporation in the world again."
  11. Says U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal "eliminates Medicare" in 10 years.
  12. "As long as I have served . . . This is the first time every single solitary decision has required 60 senators."
  13. "Barack Obama hasn't passed any (bills)."
  14. John doesn't have a record in the Senate. John's only passed four bills. They're all about post offices."
  15. "In the 1990s, the Biden Crime Bill added 100,000 cops to America's streets. As a result, murder and violent crime rates went down eight years in a row."
  16. "There are 300,000 babies born deformed every year in this country because of women who are alcoholics while they're carrying those children to term."
Again pure politics at play! What a way to "unite" America Joe!
Biden Abolishes ICE Union That Endorsed Trump
In a stunning move, President Joe Biden disbanded a federal employee labor union, but only after it endorsed his opponent in the 2020 election and criticized his policies. The Federal Labor Relations Authority ruled last week to disband the “National ICE Council,” which represents 7,600 employees of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
So why DON"T you show the LIES that you say Trump said LIKE I've now show you the nearly 50 Biden lies?
You have NOT put one link proving anything you write and obviously then you are not smart enough to know NOW to
do a simple Google Search! That is so revealing as nothing you say has any validation!
This biased organization has verified nearly 50 known lies by Biden... Should be easy for you to verify Trump lies?
And these are 16 more VERIFIED LIES by Biden!
  1. Video shows President Donald Trump saying COVID-19 is Democrats’ “new hoax.”
  2. Sanders’ “Medicare for All” plan "would cost more than the entire federal budget that we spend now."
  3. Says the Obama administration "didn't lock people up in cages."
  4. Referring to the Iraq War, "immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment."
  5. Says Donald Trump "asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up with a knife’."
  6. "I was always labeled as one of the most liberal members of the United States Congress."
  7. Says Donald Trump "is going to go out and carpet bomb" the Middle East.
  8. "In the United States alone we lose more than 3,000 people a day to cancer."
  9. "When we took office, let me remind you, there was virtually no international pressure on Iran."
  10. "General Motors is the largest corporation in the world again."
  11. Says U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal "eliminates Medicare" in 10 years.
  12. "As long as I have served . . . This is the first time every single solitary decision has required 60 senators."
  13. "Barack Obama hasn't passed any (bills)."
  14. John doesn't have a record in the Senate. John's only passed four bills. They're all about post offices."
  15. "In the 1990s, the Biden Crime Bill added 100,000 cops to America's streets. As a result, murder and violent crime rates went down eight years in a row."
  16. "There are 300,000 babies born deformed every year in this country because of women who are alcoholics while they're carrying those children to term."
I wouldn't know where to begin. Trump has got to be one of the most prolific liars in office. He lied so much that people actually began to track them with his inauguration speech. He told over 30,000 lives during his presidency. It's common knowledge. There's even a site with his 100 top lies. I don't know maybe there's a site that lists all 30, 573 of them. And this is the kind of guy that I keep lying until his dying day. The last words he utters may well be just another lie. I really don't enjoy talking about him, you people keep bringing him up. He's old news and I'm really done with him. The vast majority of Americans had moved on from this disaster, and his treachery.
You live in a delusional alternate world that a madman created. Now you're as miserable as he is. Good luck with that.
Not mad at all Stann...amused is all...But it is sad what you people are doing to the country and this man all because he triggers you...pathetic.

I wouldn't know where to begin. Trump has got to be one of the most prolific liars in office. He lied so much that people actually began to track them with his inauguration speech. He told over 30,000 lives during his presidency. It's common knowledge. There's even a site with his 100 top lies. I don't know maybe there's a site that lists all 30, 573 of them. And this is the kind of guy that I keep lying until his dying day. The last words he utters may well be just another lie. I really don't enjoy talking about him, you people keep bringing him up. He's old news and I'm really done with him. The vast majority of Americans had moved on from this disaster, and his treachery.
Prove it! Put the site up! And not only that "He told over 30,000 LIVES????? Wow! AGAIN YOU do not prove your statements and as such I call YOU a liar!
Case in point I assume you meant 30,000 "lies".

So you and the vast majority of truly ignorant people repeat that BIG ASS LIE 20,000 false or misleading is NOTTRUE!
Vast quantities of the 20,000 are redundancies!!!!!

The problem is that any cursory inspection of the Post database reveals that the idea that Trump has told 20,000 “false or misleading” statements is itself false and misleading. Vast quantities of the 20,000 are redundancies – statements, however tendentious, that Trump has repeated ad nauseum. More problematic is that thousands of statements The Washington Post labels as untrue or misleading are more properly considered the habitual verbal excess for a man known for his immoderate form of communication. Further, a great many of the Post’s objections to Trump’s statements amount to argumentative quibbles that aren’t really “fact checks.”
Just to start, here’s one of Trump’s most oft-repeated “lies,” according to Washington Post fact checkers: “My job was made harder by phony witch hunts, by ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ nonsense.”
The Post dings Trump for some variation of this claim 227 times – more than 1% of Trump’s alleged untruths. Yet, the Post’s justification for why Trump is wrong to say this is pure pettifogging.
Had Post fact checkers been more discerning, they could have nailed Trump on a much smaller, but still impressive number of claims that would be difficult to dispute. Instead, they buffaloed the public with the dubious claim Trump has made an astounding 20,000 false or misleading statements. The worry is now that the media’s habitual overreach in the Trump era will endure long after Trump leaves office
Prove it! Put the site up! And not only that "He told over 30,000 LIVES????? Wow! AGAIN YOU do not prove your statements and as such I call YOU a liar!
Case in point I assume you meant 30,000 "lies".

So you and the vast majority of truly ignorant people repeat that BIG ASS LIE 20,000 false or misleading is NOTTRUE!
Vast quantities of the 20,000 are redundancies!!!!!

The problem is that any cursory inspection of the Post database reveals that the idea that Trump has told 20,000 “false or misleading” statements is itself false and misleading. Vast quantities of the 20,000 are redundancies – statements, however tendentious, that Trump has repeated ad nauseum. More problematic is that thousands of statements The Washington Post labels as untrue or misleading are more properly considered the habitual verbal excess for a man known for his immoderate form of communication. Further, a great many of the Post’s objections to Trump’s statements amount to argumentative quibbles that aren’t really “fact checks.”
Just to start, here’s one of Trump’s most oft-repeated “lies,” according to Washington Post fact checkers: “My job was made harder by phony witch hunts, by ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ nonsense.”
The Post dings Trump for some variation of this claim 227 times – more than 1% of Trump’s alleged untruths. Yet, the Post’s justification for why Trump is wrong to say this is pure pettifogging.
Had Post fact checkers been more discerning, they could have nailed Trump on a much smaller, but still impressive number of claims that would be difficult to dispute. Instead, they buffaloed the public with the dubious claim Trump has made an astounding 20,000 false or misleading statements. The worry is now that the media’s habitual overreach in the Trump era will endure long after Trump leaves office
You're a total asshole. Of course it was supposed to read 30,000 lies. I don't proofread what the voice machine prints out all the time, unlike you I'm only human and I make mistakes. Again you're like trump, he actually believes he never makes mistakes either, and he doesn't know how to apologize at all.
You're a total asshole. Of course it was supposed to read 30,000 lies. I don't proofread what the voice machine prints out all the time, unlike you I'm only human and I make mistakes. Again you're like trump, he actually believes he never makes mistakes either, and he doesn't know how to apologize at all.
Prove it ? It's documented everywhere. I believe a Canadian reporter began doing it because he knows so many lies in the inauguration speech. The news media around the world noticed it and they all started doing it. A liar always gets caught in his lies. I don't have to prove anything. You have to prove trump didn't lie if we want to go that route but it's impossible so just forget it. I'm totally disgusted with your deranged posts and I'm calling it quits, you can keep carrying on for no reason, if you wish but I'm not going to partake in it anymore. There's nothing to be gained. Your comments can only get more ignorant.
Proof? How about this proof!
View attachment 682914
Health myth is very mentally unhealthy,. He is a sad member of the Trump cult. Is he damaged for life or can he get help. It is sad that so many never recover from the brainwashing they receive in a cult.

Health myth is very mentally unhealthy,. He is a sad member of the Trump cult. Is he damaged for life or can he get help. It is sad that so many never recover from the brainwashing they receive in a cult.

Amazing... I never knew that ElmerMudd was a qualified NPI assigned psychiatrist capable of remotely, without one single interaction with me, declare me "mentally unhealthy" for posting FACTS. Let's see who ElmerMudd really is!

Trump lies? More evidence that confused lefties think they lost the freaking election. Look around, we have a president who can't tell the truth because he doesn't understand it.
Amazing... I never knew that ElmerMudd was a qualified NPI assigned psychiatrist capable of remotely, without one single interaction with me, declare me "mentally unhealthy" for posting FACTS. Let's see who ElmerMudd really is!

View attachment 682966
Kind of cute , but spooky imagery there. I don't even know you but it looks like you have problems of your own.

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