More Bad News for Trump: Federal Judge Blocks Enforcement Of His Transgender Ban

The flip side, sounds like you'd advocate putting soldiers on steroids, HGH, and amphetamines.

Wrong, long term use of all those make people less effective also. Short term use can speed healing in some cases and could be medically justified to get the soldier back to full duty.


Wars aren't fought on the long term. That's why they used agent orange.

Military readiness does not require a war time environment, I guess you're one of those that talk with zero experience. And remind me, how long we've been in Afghanistan?

The judges ruling is illegal. Judges have no authority to dictate military policy. Doesn't matter if you think they are right

Trump as commander in chief has full control on what the military does. Congress is in charge of providing Trump with a military.

Section 2
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United
States, and of the Militia of the several States

Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be
for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
That was before Thurgood Marshall, and after Truman integrated the military.

Executive Order 9981 was an executive order issued on July 26, 1948, by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished racial discrimination in the United States Armed Forces and eventually led to the end of segregation in the services

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.

Apples and oranges.


No judge ordered the military to integrate because nobody asked them. Thurgood Marshall wouldn't come along for another several years. After the point was moot.
The military routinely makes annual and sometimes quarterly adjustments for entry qualifications, and there's no court interference. Oh and the different services have different entry qualifications depending on need.


I'm sure judges would step in if they tried to change the qualifications excluding by race or religion or national origin.
The judges ruling is illegal. Judges have no authority to dictate military policy. Doesn't matter if you think they are right

Trump as commander in chief has full control on what the military does. Congress is in charge of providing Trump with a military.

Section 2
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United
States, and of the Militia of the several States

Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be
for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
The judge made the law, not Congress so what's your point? Besides wanting LBGTQ MFers in the ranks with honorable soldiers.
The judges ruling is illegal. Judges have no authority to dictate military policy. Doesn't matter if you think they are right

Trump as commander in chief has full control on what the military does. Congress is in charge of providing Trump with a military.

Section 2
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United
States, and of the Militia of the several States

Section 8
The Congress shall have Power To

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be
for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

Yes. The president and congress. Not the judiciary. Thank you for conceding the point
The military routinely makes annual and sometimes quarterly adjustments for entry qualifications, and there's no court interference. Oh and the different services have different entry qualifications depending on need.


I'm sure judges would step in if they tried to change the qualifications excluding by race or religion or national origin.

The issue is medical qualification, try to stay on topic. Sometimes they will allow waivers for minor medical disqualifications, altering ones body through a major drug regime is not a minor disqualification and can be very expensive, that doesn't include the down time and expense resulting from the surgeries. If you want to play social engineer, do it outside the military.

The judge is out of line. the judiciary has no authority in regards to military policy
The military had no problem with their transgendered military members so you’re full of shit..
This is just your mango Mussolini being a bigot again.

Donald Trump is the commander in chief of the military. He determines military policy. Not an unelected judge.

Name a single clause in the constitution that allows a judge to change military policy regardless of the reason
Trump’s policy is discriminatory, bigoted, baseless and a wet kiss to his base.
Thus it was stopped by impartial federal judges.
So no transgendered ban
No repealing and replacing Ocare on day one.
No wall built.
No president acting presidential.
You were duped by a carnival barker and you’re still too vacuous to see it.

The judges ruling is illegal. Judges have no authority to dictate military policy. Doesn't matter if you think they are right
Judges decide what’s legal or not. Not the dope in chief who hasn’t even read the Constitution.
The issue is medical qualification, try to stay on topic. Sometimes they will allow waivers for minor medical disqualifications, altering ones body through a major drug regime is not a minor disqualification and can be very expensive, that doesn't include the down time and expense resulting from the surgeries. If you want to play social engineer, do it outside the military.


How is that different from a soldier wounded in battle (or from non-enemy action) If they still meet the physical qualifications, can the military throw them out just because of their medical expenses?
The judge is out of line. the judiciary has no authority in regards to military policy
The military had no problem with their transgendered military members so you’re full of shit..
This is just your mango Mussolini being a bigot again.

Donald Trump is the commander in chief of the military. He determines military policy. Not an unelected judge.

Name a single clause in the constitution that allows a judge to change military policy regardless of the reason
Trump’s policy is discriminatory, bigoted, baseless and a wet kiss to his base.
Thus it was stopped by impartial federal judges.
So no transgendered ban
No repealing and replacing Ocare on day one.
No wall built.
No president acting presidential.
You were duped by a carnival barker and you’re still too vacuous to see it.

The judges ruling is illegal. Judges have no authority to dictate military policy. Doesn't matter if you think they are right
Judges decide what’s legal or not. Not the dope in chief who hasn’t even read the Constitution.

SCOTUS and only SCOTUS decides what's legal. Judges merely administer the law and in this case the liberal puke judge will find that out after the appeal.

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