More "coincidences". I agreed to mediation and sent it through mediator. He sends me a late night email saying that I cancelled it. Huh?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Due to the excessive criminal interference into my life over the decades, I am forced to accept this as another random "coincidence". It has been escalated to government agencies and I wisely C.C different U.S agencies to make them aware I am not fighting this without exposing the truth. They intend to victimize again and again, from my work to my health and even now my separation after experiencing years of physical abuse.

We had been communicating by email for weeks, I have my Agreement that I sent in my "sent" folder. He is basically pretending that he didn't receive it and has ignored my emails. This is through the courts itself so clearly government will be liable for this.

Basically this forces me to throw-out "goodwill" efforts. The irony of these criminals and the damage they have done to Canada.

Who in their right minds would invest in this province? Some say they will invest billions in 2025 then abruptly push it back two years without any warning. A sign of just how little we are trusted perhaps?
Why have they had so much interference in your life? What is their issue with you? And, did you finally separate from your wife?
Why have they had so much interference in your life? What is their issue with you? And, did you finally separate from your wife?
We are separated but not officially on paper with an Agreement.

The reasons they target me are all about them protecting their own asses from embarrassment and even consequences about what I know. I've already shared so many details that they are simply exposing more of what they represent. I am no longer shy to communicate with our allied nations and I am very specific so even if they can't assist, they know the facts.

Canada is not your ally in values or in character. Especially as it relates to civil liberties, human rights, transparency and accountability.

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