More consequences of the government monopoly on affordable education


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
Dinner cruises. Fried chicken and biscuits. Theater performances. A mother/daughter makeover. Such were activities that Baltimore City Schools spent using federal stimulus and Title I funds, a federal audit discovered.

Federal Audit Finds Baltimore City Schools Misused Federal Stimulus, Title I Funds « CBS Baltimore

But I'm just sure an investigation will fix everything...:doubt:

Until the people have choice in affordable education, until schools must COMPETE to attract students to their facilities, this kind of shite will continue: skyrocketing costs, increasingly crappy results...while government dictates everything from what's in the text books to how many tater tots are served at lunch.

Once again, central planners failing to produce results anywhere near as successful as free people in free markets making voluntary choices.

Carolyn Lochhead said it best:

"Public educators, like Soviet farmers, lack any incentive to produce results, innovate, to be efficient, to make the kinds of difficult changes that private firms operating in a competitive market must make to survive."

Well said Carolyn...:clap2:
This teacher gets it:

[ame=]In Pursuit of Happiness - YouTube[/ame]
Nobody will be held accountable, it's the Taxpayer's money so the usual suspects will feel it is nothing more than justified spending.

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