More Economic Good News....Economy adds 151,000 jobs in october

It's still not good enough but it's better than shedding them at 800,000 a month like we were doing at the end of the Bush Regime.

Look for the wingnuts to completely ignore this thread.
It's still not good enough but it's better than shedding them at 800,000 a month like we were doing at the end of the Bush Regime.

Look for the wingnuts to completely ignore this thread.

No...they won't ignore it

They will start attacking good news about the economy shortly
Unemployment never reached the levels of the Reagan and Bush the Greater recessions. And we had the largest financial sector meltdown since the Great Depression.

Thanks Mr. President Barrack Husein Obama.
You know, it's odd.

I work for a Major Corp.

They waived our auto-matic annual raises 2 years straight, claiming that it's due to the Recession and Economic uncertainty.

Meanwhile, the CEO's going on all kinds of Financial shows, talking about how we're making record profits and we're a strong company.

I smell rotten fish.

And I'll tell you what.

An Obama is a Bush is a Clinton is a Reagan.
The economy is recovering thanks to the Congress and the president.

We are going to be ok moving forward.
To sum up:

Financial kept from going under.
Auto Industry rescued.
Depression averted.
Government payroll decreasing (Government downsizing!)
Deficit decreased from 2009 to 2010.
Taxes cut.
Jobs saved.

And now..Job growth.

While they may not bash Obama for the job growth..look for Republicans to take credit for it.
Unemployment never reached the levels of the Reagan and Bush the Greater recessions. And we had the largest financial sector meltdown since the Great Depression.

Thanks Mr. President Barrack Husein Obama.

This is incorrect. The rate of unemployment during the recession of the early 90s peaked at 8%.

Google - public data
It's still not good enough but it's better than shedding them at 800,000 a month like we were doing at the end of the Bush Regime.

Look for the wingnuts to completely ignore this thread.

Bush wasn't responsible for the dramatic decline in employment.
TARP was the response of the federal government to restore "Confidence" in the Banking System. No other measures were proposed to restore "Confidence" to the rest of the economy. When no other measures were proposed, then responsibility for it all happened!

In the absence of the federal attempts, then clearly Private Sector, Upper Management panicked, and then the self-fullfilling, job-cuts, job-losses cycle was underway. There is no such thing as a business cycle, but there are all kinds of other kinds of cycles. Some or motorized, and and some are not. That aside, when the other ones do get started, they are very hard to stop.

The Great Socialist, Central Planning concept helps prevent that. The Keynesian approach is only there: To try to turn it around.

Bush-Cheney-Paulson-Boehner-McConnell GOP did neither of the above. They sent a lot of money to the bankers who didn't need it, in the name of "confidence-building," and the bankers paid a lot of it to themselves. That is another sector, responsbible for it all.

There was $52.0 tril. in the Total Credit Market, theat even the Apparent New Speaker of the House does not believe in. He had a 15 year mortgage once. The Federal Reserve does not explain the credit marekt very well. The Press Corps doesn't seem to know it exists. And as for the schools and economists, that generally goes without even being said at all--time and again, even before Karl Marx, and even after Karl Marx suggested it be centralized. Groucho had trouble with the concept of cashing the credit-based paychecks. Sammy Davis, Jr. had trouble with the concept of paying even American Express. The British Prime Minister was trying to explain the credit market, nearly three years ago. Ronald Reagan mainly spent a lot of money on microphoines, and immediately "forgot," as in lied about, what he had said.

The Obama Administration was responsible for the Democratic Loss of House, the many state races, and the few Senate Seats. It was responsible for the Dramatically slow pace of the recovery: All things considered. Anyone knows(?) how that happened.

One Third of the Stimulus went to the payrolls of government employees, as though they had a first claim entitlement to it. Bags of Shit who slaughter human beings, like the teachers doing wrong things, and right in front of little kids--drawing fixed percentage pay raised incomes--actually caused the downturn, and then kept the money, just like when they kept the warbucks. This is more of the responsibility for the downturn. Arithmetic discussions are not allowed in the schools, now going on 35 years.

Facts of the matter aside, the Obama money did not go to the creation of a state and local tax base, arising from customers spending money in the stores., or creating new and hefty incomes. That comes from projects, creating jobs. One third of the stimulus was preservative, only. Nothing new was created. Another third of the stimulus went to doctors, nurses, and hospitals. No new tax base was created.

A sense of entitlements, of a first claim, to any money, was created. That leaves only the Schedule M tax credit--A Stimulus Tax Cut--and some late starting infra-structure, and occasional federal projects, such as roofing some shitters in the mountains: To Re-start the economy, in a $52.0 tril. credit market! Anyone might think that a person of colo(). . . Somebody not too up on things was in charge!

Now clearly, anyone knows that re-engages, Bush, and Cheney, and Paulson, and Boehner and McConnell both keep their jobs, and one gets promoted for it!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many White Eyes Not Come To Lands of Many Nations. . .With Trinkets Games! Pump Priming Squaws Not Included In That!)
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Sorry bout that,

1. News has been for months that the GOP was just about ready to step back into power, which did happen a few days ago on Nov. 2nd.
2. And those GOP business men are trying to get the jump on this good news and hire the better folks ready to work, also look at the stock market, its an indicator too, its starting to soar, because people of the GOP are now investing again.
3. GOP are for business, and own most of American Business.
4. Now that they know the GOP will avert a total melt down of American Business practice, cap and trade, HC, bailouts, czar appointments are done too.
5. They we go back to what they do, is get this economy rolling again.
6. Optomism in our future by tying Obama's hands does great for the economical forces, the GOP.
7. I hate to say it but I will the *Libturds* work for other people, and don't own many American Businesses.
8. And also those *Libturds* in power positions in American Government, are not EX-CEO's of American buisnesses, they are just rag tag lawyers, run out of luck in law.

What State or part of the country does that represent? The North East....Mid Atlantic region? the south?
The mid west,the north west?,the south west? the west.....Oh no you're telling me that number represents the whole country?
150k for the whole country in one month....hmmmmmm
Doesn't seem like the stimulus is working yet does it?
It's been two years now,any idea when that might kick in?
its good news that apparently we had enough created to keep with new entries into the job market...stasis.
I guess adding a few hundred thousand jobs...wait correction not a few hundred thousand,one hundred thousand jobs might just get the President another Nobel Prize...
Upside surprise: Employers add 151,000 jobs in October -

Private sector added 159,000 jobs while government shed 8000 jobs

Largest increase in 5 months

Labor Force Participation Rate Drops To 25 Year Low, At 64.5%Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/05/2010 08:03 -0500

Initial Jobless ClaimsRealityUnemployment

The inverse silver lining to today's jobs report that will be lost in the shuffle of what is perceived as a good NFP (despite consistent initial jobless claims of around 450K, which means that either there is a massive data error, or the rate of job creation has somehow surged) is that labor force participation has now dropped to the lowest rate it has been since 1984, at 64.5%. Assuming a reversion to the long-term average participation rate of 66%, means that the civilian labor force is in reality 157.4 million as opposed to the disclosed 153.9 million, a delta of 3.5 million currently unaccounted for. Maybe someone can ask the president during his imminent press conference what happened to the unemployed population, which would have been 18.3 if this labor force delta was incorporated, resulting in an unemployment rate of 11.6%.

Labor Force Participation Rate Drops To 25 Year Low, At 64.5% | zero hedge

Skooker ya done ruined their little feel good party with simple-basic facts.
But no matter, these guys tend not to pay any attention to facts and looking beyond a shiny number to see what is BEHIND that number.

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