more environmental destruction brought to you by bp & hailburton


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
Massive Coral Die-Off Found Just 7 Miles from BP Oil Spill Site | 80beats | Discover Magazine

The Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico brought us those gut-wrenching pictures of pelicans covered in oil, but up to now there have been mercifully few reports of the disaster causing specific large-scale damage to the Gulf environment. That may be beginning to change: This week oceanographers report a vast swath of coral about seven miles southwest of the Deepwater Horizon site that are coated in brownish-black gunk and dying off. The team says the evidence points to the oil spill as the culprit.

can't wait for tony hayward and his peers to be burning in hell. its the only justice they will ever get
To most on this board, environmental loss doesn't matter in the least. Not unless it immediatly affects their pocket book. The ignoramouses here cannot see more than 18 months down the road, and care nothing at all about those who come after us.
it sure seems that way. I am sure mother nature will magically "bounce back" from this since as neocons say, humans can't affect the environment
Massive Coral Die-Off Found Just 7 Miles from BP Oil Spill Site | 80beats | Discover Magazine

The Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico brought us those gut-wrenching pictures of pelicans covered in oil, but up to now there have been mercifully few reports of the disaster causing specific large-scale damage to the Gulf environment. That may be beginning to change: This week oceanographers report a vast swath of coral about seven miles southwest of the Deepwater Horizon site that are coated in brownish-black gunk and dying off. The team says the evidence points to the oil spill as the culprit.

can't wait for tony hayward and his peers to be burning in hell. its the only justice they will ever get

Another tragedy of Green energy, the massive increase of raw materials needed to make fiberglass, steel, aluminum, copper, plastics, radios, which is needed in the largest quantity ever produced, not to mention the constant power drawn from the grid to power green energy 24 hours a day has caused the demand for more oil.

The worlds largest solar power plant uses the worlds largest amount of energy to manufacturer the solar plant.

The worlds largest wind farm uses the largest amount of energy to build those windmills.

Wind power and Solar energy demand a disproportionate amount of energy that only comes from fossil fuels.
it sure seems that way. I am sure mother nature will magically "bounce back" from this since as neocons say, humans can't affect the environment

This is a pretty good article that does offer hope to the people of the Gulf. If there was even one good thing that came out of the Valdez spill was that it was so monumentally horrific and the disaster so great that it shook people to the bottom of their souls to realize how much damage mankind can unleash.

Alaskan recovery from Exxon Valdez disaster offers hope after BP spill
From the vantage point of a rickety plane over Prince William Sound in Alaska it is hard to imagine the horrors that once unfolded in the pristine blue waters below.

Alaskan recovery from Exxon Valdez disaster offers hope after BP spill - Telegraph

As to your wishing the fires of hell to be unleashed on Hayward and his peers you would have to throw Obama's administration into Hades with them considering they were so monumentally incompetent in their response to this disaster.
Massive Coral Die-Off Found Just 7 Miles from BP Oil Spill Site | 80beats | Discover Magazine

The Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico brought us those gut-wrenching pictures of pelicans covered in oil, but up to now there have been mercifully few reports of the disaster causing specific large-scale damage to the Gulf environment. That may be beginning to change: This week oceanographers report a vast swath of coral about seven miles southwest of the Deepwater Horizon site that are coated in brownish-black gunk and dying off. The team says the evidence points to the oil spill as the culprit.

can't wait for tony hayward and his peers to be burning in hell. its the only justice they will ever get

Another tragedy of Green energy, the massive increase of raw materials needed to make fiberglass, steel, aluminum, copper, plastics, radios, which is needed in the largest quantity ever produced, not to mention the constant power drawn from the grid to power green energy 24 hours a day has caused the demand for more oil.

The worlds largest solar power plant uses the worlds largest amount of energy to manufacturer the solar plant.

The worlds largest wind farm uses the largest amount of energy to build those windmills.

Wind power and Solar energy demand a disproportionate amount of energy that only comes from fossil fuels.

LIES!!! The energy needed to make solar plants and windmills DOES NOT exceed the power generated from those plants. That's a ludicrous comntention.
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Massive Coral Die-Off Found Just 7 Miles from BP Oil Spill Site | 80beats | Discover Magazine

can't wait for tony hayward and his peers to be burning in hell. its the only justice they will ever get

Another tragedy of Green energy, the massive increase of raw materials needed to make fiberglass, steel, aluminum, copper, plastics, radios, which is needed in the largest quantity ever produced, not to mention the constant power drawn from the grid to power green energy 24 hours a day has caused the demand for more oil.

The worlds largest solar power plant uses the worlds largest amount of energy to manufacturer the solar plant.

The worlds largest wind farm uses the largest amount of energy to build those windmills.

Wind power and Solar energy demand a disproportionate amount of energy that only comes from fossil fuels.

LIES!!! The energy needed to make solar plants and windmills DOES NOT exceed the power generated from those plants. That's a ludicrous comntention.

I don't think it to be such a ludicrous contention. If they won't be forthcoming with ALL the data, why should we buy into this technology.

And I am not against new green technology. I'm really interested in it. My neighbor has gone solar but one panel is just not enough for them.

I'm learning thru their experiences before I invest. But there's a problem if operators can't just be honest about their product.

Leland Teschler's Editorial: How Much Power Does It Take to Run a Wind Turbine?

It's a great editorial.

Leland Teschler's Editorial: How Much Power Does It Take to Run a Wind Turbine? | Machine Design

From the article:

Wind-farm operators don’t say much about turbine-power demands.

Typically, turbine-power consumption is one of the factors that gets lumped into a wind-farm’s operation and maintenance costs.

I’ve never found either a wind-farm operator or a wind-turbine maker willing to discuss these costs.

It would not be much of an exaggeration to say the wind industry treats such information as a state secret.

That’s unfortunate. Wind boosters open themselves up to skepticism about their industry’s viability when they don’t disclose real figures about the power their turbines generate and consume.

Cynics might be tempted to claim we could reach a point where we’ve commissioned so many wind turbines that we’ll need to build new coal-fired power plants to run them.

Without hard data, who’s to say they aren’t right?
Massive Coral Die-Off Found Just 7 Miles from BP Oil Spill Site | 80beats | Discover Magazine

can't wait for tony hayward and his peers to be burning in hell. its the only justice they will ever get

Another tragedy of Green energy, the massive increase of raw materials needed to make fiberglass, steel, aluminum, copper, plastics, radios, which is needed in the largest quantity ever produced, not to mention the constant power drawn from the grid to power green energy 24 hours a day has caused the demand for more oil.

The worlds largest solar power plant uses the worlds largest amount of energy to manufacturer the solar plant.

The worlds largest wind farm uses the largest amount of energy to build those windmills.

Wind power and Solar energy demand a disproportionate amount of energy that only comes from fossil fuels.

LIES!!! The energy needed to make solar plants and windmills DOES NOT exceed the power generated from those plants. That's a ludicrous comntention.

Let me write slower, the energy used is more energy needed, as in we must produce more oil to make windmills than if we used that energy to make electricity.

The worlds largest solar farm uses the largest amount of natural resources for less then one percent of the energy created by simply using the oil to make electricity.

A complete waste of the same natural resources you wish to save. Talk about ignorant hypocrisy.
the amount of views to post either shows that peopple don't car about whats going on or love big companies too much for it to annoy them
the amount of views to post either shows that peopple don't car about whats going on or love big companies too much for it to annoy them

Its the big companies that push the government to make the laws that force us to use more of the natural resources they sell. Its that simple.

As far as peoples view/post, you posted the link to an article and offered no commentary so to speak. What is there to respond to.

Of course what is funny is you dont seem to know anything about the "red tide" in the gulf. Maybe the article is confused as well.
Solar grows worldwide at an incredible rate of 37% in 2009

The solar industry, too, achieved new milestones for growth in 2009, increasing worldwide photovoltaic (PV) installations 20 per cent to 7.3 GW and raising over $13.5 billion in equity and debt, according to Marketbuzz 2010, a report by Solarbuzz. Europe continued to lead with 5.6 GW, or 77 per cent of world demand in 2009.

The top three countries in Europe for solar installations were Germany, Italy and Czech Republic, which together accounted for 4.07 GW, said the report.

Italy, meanwhile implemented its second FiT, making the nation strategically important, according to Fotowatio Renewable Ventures, a global independent solar power developer. About 70 000 PV plants will be added to the 165 MW in capacity deployed under the first FiT.

Meanwhile, Mongolia became an epicentre of industry attention with the announcement by American company First Solar and the Chinese government in autumn 2009 of a 2000 MW PV farm in the Mongolian desert. The project, spurred by China’s FiT, is part of the 11 GW green energy demonstration zone planned for Ordos City.

The USA, for years a laggard in solar energy development, took a big leap with 441 MW of new solar capacity and $1.4 billion in venture capital, according to the US-based Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). The nation, as SEIA puts it, “is now talking gigawatts, not megawatts for solar”. Rapid additions continue. The US has about 22 GW of solar projects in the pipeline, up from 6.5 GW at this time last year.
Did anyone even know this coral existed a mile down before they found oil all over it?
Did anyone even know that we had bacteria in our gut that helped our digestion 200 years ago? Did it make any differance to said bacteria, or the people in which they lived? Just because we are or have been ignorant of somethings existance hardly means that it is unimportant to our existance.

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