More evidence of the deterioration of our society, thanks to liberalism.

We all know who is to blame for this.

If you are going to imply that liberalism is responsible for this sort of low imformation idiocy, you should atleast explain why in the OP. Otherwse, it is just, well.....IDIOCY!

Who's in control of the educational system? Oh that's right Leftists are.

This is why ALL sensible people go private schools and ALL sensible parents send their children to private schools....keeping them away from the grasp of the Marxist teachers and the brainwashing.

How do leftists control Red states?
"More evidence of the deterioration of our society, thanks to liberalism."

More evidence of conservatives’ ignorance of what constitutes a straw man fallacy and hasty generalization fallacy.
Did you even go to school? Because you are one of the dumbest posters on this forum, and that's not a fallacy.

We all know who is to blame for this.

If you are going to imply that liberalism is responsible for this sort of low imformation idiocy, you should atleast explain why in the OP. Otherwse, it is just, well.....IDIOCY!

Who's in control of the educational system? Oh that's right Leftists are.

This is why ALL sensible people go private schools and ALL sensible parents send their children to private schools....keeping them away from the grasp of the Marxist teachers and the brainwashing.

How do leftists control Red states?

If you don't tow the line your funding gets cut. You idiot.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Yet it is liberal states that top the lists of best education while conservative states bring up the rear

We all know who is to blame for this.

If you are going to imply that liberalism is responsible for this sort of low imformation idiocy, you should atleast explain why in the OP. Otherwse, it is just, well.....IDIOCY!

Who's in control of the educational system? Oh that's right Leftists are.

This is why ALL sensible people go private schools and ALL sensible parents send their children to private schools....keeping them away from the grasp of the Marxist teachers and the brainwashing.

How do leftists control Red states?

If you don't tow the line your funding gets cut. You idiot.

The federal government only provides ten percent of educational funding, the rest comes from state and local sources
I would have missed them all - just so I could be included in the video.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that

The education system who wanted? Are you serious?

Are you playing dumb or do you get paid?
Lets be clear, grown leftists, couldn't mention a nation in the eu
name who was on the quarter
recognize CA, even though they live there
and so on.

leftist are the dumbest fucking people in the universe and all parallel planes of existence.
this is why they fall for the free stuff routine while the debt explodes.
Let's be clear, the dumbest fucking people in the universe are those like you who assume that they know the political bent of these people who were interviewed when that was never asked. YOU are the evidence of the deterioration of our society.
moron, may I call you moron, or do you think I'm insulting other morons?

well either way, it's CA, on the beach, during the day, so the chance that they found a con are near 0.00001%.

oh sorry, math is hard for leftists, so uhm, there's no feeling that rings true enough that any of them weren't leftists.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that

Ah yes! Here is the man with the answers. I'm sure that you can relate to this raving lunatic:

Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 4/20/2016 10:39 am

Earlier this year, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, attributed the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders to the fact that “we let some of the hippies from the ‘60s” start “teaching the teachers” in universities. Gohmert brought up the subject again in an interview Monday with Armed America Radio’s Mark Walters, where he explained that “a lot of the hippies and the troublemakers from the ‘60s and the early ‘70s” figured out that instead of “blowing up the Pentagon or blowing up police cars,” they could just become teachers. This means, he said, “that the socialists that wanted to destroy the country in the ‘60s and ‘70s have figured out you just miseducate the kids and you’re well on your way to taking over the country.” It’s thanks to these same teachers, he said, that “people have heard over and over how horrible guns are.” - See more at: Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over

That explains it all, right bubba?

It's a shame your so god damn dumb. It really is.

I had an American History teacher brag how he dodged the draft, in class.

so yea, you fucking morons moved in and teach kids to hate America, b/c you hate America.
Lets be clear, grown leftists, couldn't mention a nation in the eu
name who was on the quarter
recognize CA, even though they live there
and so on.

leftist are the dumbest fucking people in the universe and all parallel planes of existence.
this is why they fall for the free stuff routine while the debt explodes.
Let's be clear, the dumbest fucking people in the universe are those like you who assume that they know the political bent of these people who were interviewed when that was never asked. YOU are the evidence of the deterioration of our society.
moron, may I call you moron, or do you think I'm insulting other morons?

well either way, it's CA, on the beach, during the day, so the chance that they found a con are near 0.00001%.

oh sorry, math is hard for leftists, so uhm, there's no feeling that rings true enough that any of them weren't leftists.

I have to agree with you

Everyone knows what conservatives on the beach look like

Lets be clear, grown leftists, couldn't mention a nation in the eu
name who was on the quarter
recognize CA, even though they live there
and so on.

leftist are the dumbest fucking people in the universe and all parallel planes of existence.
this is why they fall for the free stuff routine while the debt explodes.
What makes them the dumbest people on earth, OTHER THAN ALL OF THAT, is the fact that there are actual American SOCIALISTS.

Think about that.

They somehow ignore ALL of the poor from ALL of those socialist "paradises" (they always bring up the Nordic countries as examples as if those countries have massive problems with hundreds of thousands of Mexicans flowing into there) trying to get to America.

We have a fat movie maker telling us what a "paradise" Cuba is cause of their "great medical" system.


Maaan, things sure look great there, doesn't it? Yeaaah, I am wondering if there any reports of Americans (poor or otherwise) desperately trying to "escape" the horrors of America.

Oh, no reports of that? Not even from the pravda media? Nothing?

Boooy, things sure were bad for Michael Moore in this country. That American free market sure has been bad to him, hasn't it?


There is one of this homes.....

Yeah, man. Capitalism sure has been bad to him.

No, those morons in the video are dumb, however that does not compare to the morons who live here, who want socialism. Trust this. The poor from those socialist countries looking at fat stupid Americans cursing the free market paradise they are living in as the stupidest people on the planet.

Those videos illustrate the level of stupidity they have sunk to. There is not a word in the English language that exists to describe it.

Cuba, in case you haven't noticed, has had the US sanctioning it for a long, LONG time. Then the right complain that Cuba didn't make it as a Socialist country. Oh, I wonder why.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Charter schools is the answer.

No. Good schools are the answer, schools that take every student as worth something. And this backed up by government policies that give schools the best possible chance of teaching kids too, regardless of the amount of money in their parent's pockets.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Charter schools is the answer.

No. Good schools are the answer, schools that take every student as worth something. And this backed up by government policies that give schools the best possible chance of teaching kids too, regardless of the amount of money in their parent's pockets.

The current liberal school system is graduating students that cannot read. Charter schools are the answer. Give public schools competition so they will have to improve.

We all know who is to blame for this.

Yes we do. The editors of the video cherry picked only incorrect answers.

The video doesn't really prove anything. Woman #1 and Man #1 got around half of the answers right.

The video doesn't show the progress of American education as much as it might show the lack of retention of the information they probably knew when graduating from school. The lack of useful information in the media coupled by poor memory skills is what is at fault here as these people haven't been in school in a very long time.

Many people didn't know who is on the quarter. That's just inattention to what goes on around them. It certainly isn't a indictment of the school systems. K-12 school doesn't teach memory skills that get dulled by life.

If this video is supposed to be a test of school information taught then one would think they would be testing recent graduates of high school.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that

Ah yes! Here is the man with the answers. I'm sure that you can relate to this raving lunatic:

Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 4/20/2016 10:39 am

Earlier this year, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, attributed the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders to the fact that “we let some of the hippies from the ‘60s” start “teaching the teachers” in universities. Gohmert brought up the subject again in an interview Monday with Armed America Radio’s Mark Walters, where he explained that “a lot of the hippies and the troublemakers from the ‘60s and the early ‘70s” figured out that instead of “blowing up the Pentagon or blowing up police cars,” they could just become teachers. This means, he said, “that the socialists that wanted to destroy the country in the ‘60s and ‘70s have figured out you just miseducate the kids and you’re well on your way to taking over the country.” It’s thanks to these same teachers, he said, that “people have heard over and over how horrible guns are.” - See more at: Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over

That explains it all, right bubba?

It's a shame your so god damn dumb. It really is.

I had an American History teacher brag how he dodged the draft, in class.

so yea, you fucking morons moved in and teach kids to hate America, b/c you hate America.

How one dodged the draft in conservative circles is a mark of intelligence. It was one of Trumps first words to American conservatives, how he didn't have to go. Does anyone know to this day why Trump got a medical deferment, if that's how it worked out?

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that

Ah yes! Here is the man with the answers. I'm sure that you can relate to this raving lunatic:

Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 4/20/2016 10:39 am

Earlier this year, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, attributed the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders to the fact that “we let some of the hippies from the ‘60s” start “teaching the teachers” in universities. Gohmert brought up the subject again in an interview Monday with Armed America Radio’s Mark Walters, where he explained that “a lot of the hippies and the troublemakers from the ‘60s and the early ‘70s” figured out that instead of “blowing up the Pentagon or blowing up police cars,” they could just become teachers. This means, he said, “that the socialists that wanted to destroy the country in the ‘60s and ‘70s have figured out you just miseducate the kids and you’re well on your way to taking over the country.” It’s thanks to these same teachers, he said, that “people have heard over and over how horrible guns are.” - See more at: Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over

That explains it all, right bubba?

It's a shame your so god damn dumb. It really is.

I had an American History teacher brag how he dodged the draft, in class.

so yea, you fucking morons moved in and teach kids to hate America, b/c you hate America.

A sure sign od a stupid person is when then have to keep calling others stupid to mask the fact they have nothing of substance to offer. Others have also called you out on your inane assertion that those interviews depict liberals and the cause is "liberal education" Now that is STUPID.

Now, in a further desperate attempt to score points and to divert attention away from your failed premise, you are throwing in some horseshit red herring about draft dodging and liberals hating America. More STUPIDTY

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that

Ah yes! Here is the man with the answers. I'm sure that you can relate to this raving lunatic:

Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 4/20/2016 10:39 am

Earlier this year, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, attributed the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders to the fact that “we let some of the hippies from the ‘60s” start “teaching the teachers” in universities. Gohmert brought up the subject again in an interview Monday with Armed America Radio’s Mark Walters, where he explained that “a lot of the hippies and the troublemakers from the ‘60s and the early ‘70s” figured out that instead of “blowing up the Pentagon or blowing up police cars,” they could just become teachers. This means, he said, “that the socialists that wanted to destroy the country in the ‘60s and ‘70s have figured out you just miseducate the kids and you’re well on your way to taking over the country.” It’s thanks to these same teachers, he said, that “people have heard over and over how horrible guns are.” - See more at: Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over

That explains it all, right bubba?

It's a shame your so god damn dumb. It really is.

I had an American History teacher brag how he dodged the draft, in class.

so yea, you fucking morons moved in and teach kids to hate America, b/c you hate America.

How one dodged the draft in conservative circles is a mark of intelligence. It was one of Trumps first words to American conservatives, how he didn't have to go. Does anyone know to this day why Trump got a medical deferment, if that's how it worked out?

Trump had a skin condition that turns his skin orange. It afflicts him to this day. He also had tiny girly hands unsuitable for combat

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