More evidence of the deterioration of our society, thanks to liberalism.

We all know who is to blame for this.

If you are going to imply that liberalism is responsible for this sort of low imformation idiocy, you should atleast explain why in the OP. Otherwse, it is just, well.....IDIOCY!

Who's in control of the educational system? Oh that's right Leftists are.

This is why ALL sensible people go private schools and ALL sensible parents send their children to private schools....keeping them away from the grasp of the Marxist teachers and the brainwashing.
CA, how of really stewpud fucking leftist that don't even know who we fought against to gain our freedom.

well done leftist, well done.
Dumb RWNJ traitors want to stop schools from from teaching critical thinking.

Textbooks are written in Texasss, where the Repubs voted to remove Thomas Jefferson because "he didn't contribute much".

Excessively stooopid RWNJ traitors "home school" so they can brainwash kids into believing in their cult but can't get a job.
these people were educated the way you wanted them to be educated.

You're way of teaching is making Americans stoopid and easily led by the nose.

just look at the dem noms for Pres; not a one of them is a liberal.

The Marxist Teaching Unions need to be smashed, actually all Unions need to be smashed.
"More evidence of the deterioration of our society, thanks to liberalism."

More evidence of conservatives’ ignorance of what constitutes a straw man fallacy and hasty generalization fallacy.
Dumb RWNJ traitors want to stop schools from from teaching critical thinking.

Textbooks are written in Texasss, where the Repubs voted to remove Thomas Jefferson because "he didn't contribute much".

Excessively stooopid RWNJ traitors "home school" so they can brainwash kids into believing in their cult but can't get a job.
these people were educated the way you wanted them to be educated.

You're way of teaching is making Americans stoopid and easily led by the nose.

just look at the dem noms for Pres; not a one of them is a liberal.

The Marxist Teaching Unions need to be smashed, actually all Unions need to be smashed.
All government unions have a monopoly and need to be banned.

forced entry or 'fair payment' should be eliminated, but not the actual union. If people are dumb enough that they don't know the laws that cover them and don't know they don't need a union....
"More evidence of the deterioration of our society, thanks to liberalism."

More evidence of conservatives’ ignorance of what constitutes a straw man fallacy and hasty generalization fallacy.

we post stuff like this monthly, time to pull your head out of your ass and learn something

We all know who is to blame for this.

The aim is to dumb down society as much as possible. This way not only are the population easier to control, but also the population isn't going to pay attention to The Man Behind The Curtain.

They want the population as stupid and lethargic as possible and not asking any questions or even thinking beyond the level of Hollywood celebrities, Pop Stars and Sports.

Yup, that describes the Republicans to a tee!

Hey, you want to cause trouble huh? :meow:

Nope, just want to set the record straight. :dance:
Wow, just wow. Hard to believe this is true. Cant even name the VP. We are In sad shape, and yes that is why we need something like common core, TN might start just teaching the Bible since they think its real history.

yes that is why we need something like common core,

I sincerely hope you are being sarcastic

What is common core?

Here's an example of Common Core math.

YOu can find a lot more by googling


That is because math is to be analytical, I'm a 72 graduate and that is about how I'd do it. If one wants to memorize, then one can memorize the Presidents , state capitals, and that Elton John sang Bennie and the Jets.
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We all know who is to blame for this.

If you are going to imply that liberalism is responsible for this sort of low imformation idiocy, you should atleast explain why in the OP. Otherwse, it is just, well.....IDIOCY!

Who's in control of the educational system? Oh that's right Leftists are.

This is why ALL sensible people go private schools and ALL sensible parents send their children to private schools....keeping them away from the grasp of the Marxist teachers and the brainwashing.

Who is in control of the educational system?.... and why does it matter? Are you suggesting that whoever is in control that these people were not taught who we fought revolution against or what wars that we fought? Is the educational system responsible for the apparent fact that these people do not take responsibility for keeping up on current events and get their news from Fox and Friends and Glen Beck? Shit, they probably just watch Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo or they might at least know who the VP is. They are probably high school drop outs , home schooled or special Ed students who support Trump. Stop defending bogus attacks on liberals, attacking public education and equating organized labor with Marxism. That reflects the same level of ignorance that was exhibited by those people who were interviewed.
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We all know who is to blame for this.

If you are going to imply that liberalism is responsible for this sort of low imformation idiocy, you should atleast explain why in the OP. Otherwse, it is just, well.....IDIOCY!

Who's in control of the educational system? Oh that's right Leftists are.

This is why ALL sensible people go private schools and ALL sensible parents send their children to private schools....keeping them away from the grasp of the Marxist teachers and the brainwashing.

I guess one can look at it that way, I am anti private schools in grades K-12. That way even the rich will begin to care about public schools, the level of education, the buildings, etc, unless you can tell me I no longer need to pay property tax on local public schools. My opinion the same education should be made available to all kids, rich or poor.
Lets be clear, grown leftists, couldn't mention a nation in the eu
name who was on the quarter
recognize CA, even though they live there
and so on.

leftist are the dumbest fucking people in the universe and all parallel planes of existence.
this is why they fall for the free stuff routine while the debt explodes.
USMB nutbags, despondent over the fact that they cannot match wits with USMB liberals, feel compelled to seek out examples of uninformed people on they can feel superior to someone.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that
Looks to me like many of the people in those clips are healthy, employed Americans. They didn't appear to be destitute or somehow representative of deterioration in our society.

I'd like to see the clips of the people who answered those questions correctly. I'll bet there were many more of them.

Also.....where is the info regarding political affiliation of those respondents?

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that

The education system who wanted? Are you serious?
Lets be clear, grown leftists, couldn't mention a nation in the eu
name who was on the quarter
recognize CA, even though they live there
and so on.

leftist are the dumbest fucking people in the universe and all parallel planes of existence.
this is why they fall for the free stuff routine while the debt explodes.
What makes them the dumbest people on earth, OTHER THAN ALL OF THAT, is the fact that there are actual American SOCIALISTS.

Think about that.

They somehow ignore ALL of the poor from ALL of those socialist "paradises" (they always bring up the Nordic countries as examples as if those countries have massive problems with hundreds of thousands of Mexicans flowing into there) trying to get to America.

We have a fat movie maker telling us what a "paradise" Cuba is cause of their "great medical" system.


Maaan, things sure look great there, doesn't it? Yeaaah, I am wondering if there any reports of Americans (poor or otherwise) desperately trying to "escape" the horrors of America.

Oh, no reports of that? Not even from the pravda media? Nothing?

Boooy, things sure were bad for Michael Moore in this country. That American free market sure has been bad to him, hasn't it?


There is one of this homes.....

Yeah, man. Capitalism sure has been bad to him.

No, those morons in the video are dumb, however that does not compare to the morons who live here, who want socialism. Trust this. The poor from those socialist countries looking at fat stupid Americans cursing the free market paradise they are living in as the stupidest people on the planet.

Those videos illustrate the level of stupidity they have sunk to. There is not a word in the English language that exists to describe it.
Lets be clear, grown leftists, couldn't mention a nation in the eu
name who was on the quarter
recognize CA, even though they live there
and so on.

leftist are the dumbest fucking people in the universe and all parallel planes of existence.
this is why they fall for the free stuff routine while the debt explodes.
Let's be clear, the dumbest fucking people in the universe are those like you who assume that they know the political bent of these people who were interviewed when that was never asked. YOU are the evidence of the deterioration of our society.

We all know who is to blame for this.

As if it's liberals who are trying to dumb down education so they get taken in by the right wing nonsense.

What's mainly to blame are the people who are just blaming each other and not coming out with answers.

Grown liberals were taken out by teenagers.

The education system, that you wanted and got, sucks fucking balls.

you are decades over due to admit that

Ah yes! Here is the man with the answers. I'm sure that you can relate to this raving lunatic:

Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 4/20/2016 10:39 am

Earlier this year, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, attributed the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders to the fact that “we let some of the hippies from the ‘60s” start “teaching the teachers” in universities. Gohmert brought up the subject again in an interview Monday with Armed America Radio’s Mark Walters, where he explained that “a lot of the hippies and the troublemakers from the ‘60s and the early ‘70s” figured out that instead of “blowing up the Pentagon or blowing up police cars,” they could just become teachers. This means, he said, “that the socialists that wanted to destroy the country in the ‘60s and ‘70s have figured out you just miseducate the kids and you’re well on your way to taking over the country.” It’s thanks to these same teachers, he said, that “people have heard over and over how horrible guns are.” - See more at: Louie Gohmert: 'The Hippies And The Troublemakers' Are Taking Over

That explains it all, right bubba?

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