More Evidence To Debunk The RW Talking Point of A "Free Market" In Radio

As usual, you don't get it.
Carry on spruce.
I get it just fine....I know how the radio racket works.

You don't because you don't.

There's a reason that Airhead America went tits up, even though they had the reputed "all stars" of leftist wackaloon radio....Turns out that such crackpottery doesn't sell the kind of advertising that it takes to keep it on the air.
Marc All Time Loser obviously hasn't listened to the product Thom Hartmann puts out. As an occasional listener to his show, I have to say I got sick of him playing "Six Degrees of Reagan's Fault".

The guy isn't capable of working outside the corner he's painted himself into. Everything in the world ultimately works back to it being Reagan's Fault (tm). Could it be he's written books about it that he pimps on his show in lieu of something more interesting or profitable?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm could beeeeeeeeee....
Green 960 in going off the air on Jan 3 | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Clear Channel, THE defacto talk radio source, has been on a campaign to rid the airwaves of anything progressive. And as you can read in the article, are hard at work at doing just that.

And at a crucial time as this, a re-election year, when it really counts. Their moves aren't based on least not the demand of the listening public, it's based on the Corporate Agenda propaganda. Just as it always has been.

Read it and weep folks. Read it and weep.
BTW, here's the only guy weeping. From the comment section of the page:

Clear Channel is taking down Green 960 and replacing it with another right wing set of programing. This is just what the Bay Area needs - it's 3rd station broadcasting Glen Beck etc. The channel is moving to a secondary station that is broadcast on the HD2 107.3, which is only available to people with HD radio's or on the web. This is such a big loss for the progressive community and in a very important election year
Well if they were profitable numb nuts, that nasty corporate master, Clear Channel wouldn't have changed a damn thing. But since conservative radio makes money... there's no room for unprofitable radio except at NPR that has taxpayer money to fill the ever growing gap. (and even that doesn't work well as the constant donation drives prove). Oh well, one less propaganda avenue for you.
The numbers I posted might be dated, but at least they are numbers.

By the way, the numbers you posted are national, not for San Francisco. Since you are bitching specifically about San Francisco, and I posted actual ratings from the city, you need to do the same.

I was not specifying San Fran, you did. I simply used this instance as an EXAMPLE of the RW propaganda.

The dated numbers you posted, Randi Rhodes was not on the radio at that time.

With that said, what difference does it make...national or local. Post Rush's national numbers then.

Speaking of Rush's numbers, here's a nugget based on a quick Google search.

Rush Limbaugh's Ratings Have Fallen 30% In The Last Six Months - Business Insider

Note: At his height it was 3.0. Again, Randi's was 3.5


Excuse me? Your OP was a link to Clear Channel taking Green 960 of the air in the Bay Area, which means you are the idiot that brought up San Francisco, I just pointed out that the ratings are not high enough to justify them keeping it on the air in this market, which makes your entire point about there not being a free market in radio nothing more than left wing propoganda, like most of your posts.
What's the point? Does a private sector conspiracy control talk radio? Is the concept of "profit margin" a bad agenda according to the neo-fascists? Should information be controlled by the government?

Ahhhh...all of a sudden ratings are no longer important in the debate.

Boy you guys are so easy to figure out.


No, the point is the ratings prove you are wrong, but you insist that, because one program has good ratings nationally, that somehow justifies keeping a station no one even listens to on the air.
It's a myth that the programming on radio is based on demand from the public.
Anyone who WANT'S to be informed knows that RW radio was pushed onto the public via a well-financed, highly organized campaign.
Many of the shows we know and "love" today were on air for up to 2-3 years w/o much ads, being financed by backers who's goal was to see them get out their message on the airwaves.
Once they were able to saturate the market with their RW propaganda, the public became used to it and RW talk radio was born.
If you read the article you will notice references to the numerous times the powers that be attempted to and shut down HIGHLY POPULAR LW shows. Shows that were making money...lots of it from advertisers, but were shut down because of the RW agenda.
Ever heard of Randi Rhodes?
Well guess what, she works for the same company that Lush Rimbaugh works for, and in earlier years TROUNCED him in the ratings, so much so that the powers that be decided to put her on AFTER him, instead of at the same time.
This was years ago. In more recent years she ended up in the same time block as lush again, and again TROUNCED him, so they put her back on after him.
This is well-documented and well-known in the industry.
RW talk radio is propoganda.
How else could you explain how in one small cowpoke town you have THREE stations playing Glenn Beck at the same time.
Does that even make SENSE?!? Common, financial or otherwise?

Please show us the dates when Randi Rhoades beat Rush in the ratings. I mean, other than in your imagination.

I noticed she has a "Happy Hour" section on her board. You been hanging out there? :D

Please show us the numbers that Rush Beats Randi Rhodes.


Christ, you made the accusation, dumb fuck. Ever hear of burden of proof?

We're not in a court of law and my statement didn't meet the standard of having to absolutely prove it. You just want to stall and not believe it. In any event, I provided the numbers that backed up my claim.

Thanks for playing.
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If any radio program draws listeners, it will survive on the radio. If it doesn't bring in listeners, then advertisers will not pay. It's a very simple equation.
As for Marc's claim that Randi Rhodes beat Limbaugh- she might have beat him in a few markets on a few days once or twice a year. That wouldn't be a surprise- especially if Rush has a guest host on....
If any radio program draws listeners, it will survive on the radio. If it doesn't bring in listeners, then advertisers will not pay. It's a very simple equation.

And you clearly didn't read the article or understand what's happening. If this is the response you have.
Please show us the numbers that Rush Beats Randi Rhodes.


Christ, you made the accusation, dumb fuck. Ever hear of burden of proof?

We're not in a court of law and my statement doesn't meet the standard of having to absolutely prove it. You just want to stall and not believe it. In any event, I provided the numbers that backed up my claim.

Thanks for playing.

Here you go, dumbass. The Top Talk Radio Audiences - TALKERS.COM : TALKERS.COM

These are Arbitron audience estimates. Arbitron, the numbers advertisers use to know where to get the biggest bang for their bucks in terms of audience size.

Be sure to point out to the class where you find the name Randi Rhodes.
If any radio program draws listeners, it will survive on the radio. If it doesn't bring in listeners, then advertisers will not pay. It's a very simple equation.

And you clearly didn't read the article or understand what's happening. If this is the response you have.

No, I read the article- it is wrong. You (and the author of the article) clearly lack critical thinking skills and common business sense. You parrot your marching orders like a good apparatchik.
As for Marc's claim that Randi Rhodes beat Limbaugh- she might have beat him in a few markets on a few days once or twice a year. That wouldn't be a surprise- especially if Rush has a guest host on....
Especially Mark Belling. :lol:
As for Marc's claim that Randi Rhodes beat Limbaugh- she might have beat him in a few markets on a few days once or twice a year. That wouldn't be a surprise- especially if Rush has a guest host on....
Especially Mark Belling. :lol:
I prefer the other Mark. You know, the Non-Union, Undocumented, Guest Host, Mark Stein. And I am a cheesehead, so sorry Mark Belling.

My favorite guest host ever for Rush was still Jason Lewis who went national only a few weeks after his few guest hosts. Fantastic.
Christ, you made the accusation, dumb fuck. Ever hear of burden of proof?

We're not in a court of law and my statement doesn't meet the standard of having to absolutely prove it. You just want to stall and not believe it. In any event, I provided the numbers that backed up my claim.

Thanks for playing.

Here you go, dumbass. The Top Talk Radio Audiences - TALKERS.COM : TALKERS.COM

These are Arbitron audience estimates. Arbitron, the numbers advertisers use to know where to get the biggest bang for their bucks in terms of audience size.

Be sure to point out to the class where you find the name Randi Rhodes.

Obviously Arbitron is controlled by Rupert Murdock and they deleted Ms Rhodes from the list. :D
As for Marc's claim that Randi Rhodes beat Limbaugh- she might have beat him in a few markets on a few days once or twice a year. That wouldn't be a surprise- especially if Rush has a guest host on....
Especially Mark Belling. :lol:
I prefer the other Mark. You know, the Non-Union, Undocumented, Guest Host, Mark Stein. And I am a cheesehead, so sorry Mark Belling.

My favorite guest host ever for Rush was still Jason Lewis who went national only a few weeks after his few guest hosts. Fantastic.

My favorite is Walter Williams.
Put me in the Mark Steyn column for the best of Rush's guest hosts. A very bright guy with an incredible sense of humor.

Speaking of humor, what happened to that idiot MarcATL? I wanna hear more of that imbecile's hilarious claims like Rhodes beating Limbaugh in the "ratings." That dope's a laugh a minute.
Put me in the Mark Steyn column for the best of Rush's guest hosts. A very bright guy with an incredible sense of humor.

Speaking of humor, what happened to that idiot MarcATL? I wanna hear more of that imbecile's hilarious claims like Rhodes beating Limbaugh in the "ratings." That dope's a laugh a minute.

Maybe he's off gathering investors to buy one of those radio stations I linked. With his vast knowledge and experience in the radio industry, he's sure to be on the air soon.
Put me in the Mark Steyn column for the best of Rush's guest hosts. A very bright guy with an incredible sense of humor.

Speaking of humor, what happened to that idiot MarcATL? I wanna hear more of that imbecile's hilarious claims like Rhodes beating Limbaugh in the "ratings." That dope's a laugh a minute.

Maybe he's off gathering investors to buy one of those radio stations I linked. With his vast knowledge and experience in the radio industry, he's sure to be on the air soon.

That would be a good thing. Then he could go to that stupid RadioRatingz site and vote his own show to be a "ratings" leader over Rush, Sean, Randi Rhodes, or anyone else he feels like "beating."

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