More Evidence To Debunk The RW Talking Point of A "Free Market" In Radio

Read it and weep folks. Read it and weep.

Read what and weep, asswipe.

No one gives a fuck.

Apparently, we're supposed to be all hearbroke because a spittle-spraying leftist ranter can't attract an audience.
No, you are correct: the free market says that people want their radio to be wingnut opinions all day long.

But that means that the people want their news to be Leftwing. And that's because they equate news and facts with The Left, while equating opinions with The Right.
Read what and weep, asswipe.

No one gives a fuck.

Apparently, we're supposed to be all hearbroke because a spittle-spraying leftist ranter can't attract an audience.
No, you are correct: the free market says that people want their radio to be wingnut opinions all day long.

But that means that the people want their news to be Leftwing. And that's because they equate news and facts with The Left, while equating opinions with The Right.

True, that's because people who watch TV aren't all that bright. True statement.
What freaking business is it yours, any one else's, or the governments for that mater on how one receives their news or entertains them selves. The problem those on the left have is that they can't seem to locate sponsors so they revert to demanding government support or tap the wallets of their fellow travelers. Should the government help those nut cases fund their political rant shows? I can think of Trillion$ of reasons why not. But then again I live on what I earn.
Lol, the lefties are still wetting their pants because nobody wants to listen to their lunatic ranting.
Green 960 in going off the air on Jan 3 | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Clear Channel, THE defacto talk radio source, has been on a campaign to rid the airwaves of anything progressive. And as you can read in the article, are hard at work at doing just that.

And at a crucial time as this, a re-election year, when it really counts. Their moves aren't based on least not the demand of the listening public, it's based on the Corporate Agenda propaganda. Just as it always has been.

Read it and weep folks. Read it and weep.
Oh brudda....guess who had eggnog spilled on their face this season?
And Captn Save-A-Hoe just got upset for badmouthing the cry-baby...

The Infidel said:
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for whining about neg rep...

The Infidel

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RWers absolutely CRACK ME UP!!! :lol:
Warrior102 said:
Hi, you have received -374 reputation points from Warrior102.
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Here - add this to your collection, you assfucking little beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch


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No comment necessary. LOL!!! :lol:
Read what and weep, asswipe.

No one gives a fuck.

Apparently, we're supposed to be all hearbroke because a spittle-spraying leftist ranter can't attract an audience.
No, you are correct: the free market says that people want their radio to be wingnut opinions all day long.

But that means that the people want their news to be Leftwing. And that's because they equate news and facts with The Left, while equating opinions with The Right.

:lol: You SUCK at logic. Don't even attempt it.
Since the wingnuts are arguing that the free market has put wingnut programming at the top of radio, they must argue that the free market has put Liberal programming at the top of TV and print media.

Just giving Americans what they want, right? would stand to reason.

Excellent points. :clap2:
Since the wingnuts are arguing that the free market has put wingnut programming at the top of radio, they must argue that the free market has put Liberal programming at the top of TV and print media.

Just giving Americans what they want, right? would stand to reason.

Excellent points. :clap2:
I think so. daveman is left flailing and failing once again, only able to eek out a half-hearted "no, YOU!!". :lol:
Since the wingnuts are arguing that the free market has put wingnut programming at the top of radio, they must argue that the free market has put Liberal programming at the top of TV and print media.

Just giving Americans what they want, right? would stand to reason.

Excellent points. :clap2:

You know you can listen to your precious moonbat streaming, right?
Since the wingnuts are arguing that the free market has put wingnut programming at the top of radio, they must argue that the free market has put Liberal programming at the top of TV and print media.

Just giving Americans what they want, right? would stand to reason.

Excellent points. :clap2:
Then the explanation should be simple as to why the rapid decline of broadcast and cable news networks in ratings, particularly left leaning networks, has been increasing precipitously in the last decade. It must be the public doesn't like the product and are going elsewhere to get their news.

Should stand to reason for that too. Shouldn't it?
Face it....You have NFI what you're talking about.

If leftist moonbat radio sold the kind of advertising it takes to be viable on a continuous basis, Airhead America would be a juggernaut.

But it doesn't and they went broke.
Air America's demise is a long complicated story. I could get into the details with you, but it would be a waste of pixels. Not to mention time.

Actually, it is not a long complicated story. Here's a good link that explains it all in simple terms:

The Demise of Air America
Since the wingnuts are arguing that the free market has put wingnut programming at the top of radio, they must argue that the free market has put Liberal programming at the top of TV and print media.

Just giving Americans what they want, right? would stand to reason.

Excellent points. :clap2:
Then the explanation should be simple as to why the rapid decline of broadcast and cable news networks in ratings, particularly left leaning networks, has been increasing precipitously in the last decade. It must be the public doesn't like the product and are going elsewhere to get their news.

Should stand to reason for that too. Shouldn't it?
If they let you tell it...sure.

However, the networks are making money hand-over-fist. They're making more money than ever before.


Fry_-snap-out-of-it.jpg would stand to reason.

Excellent points. :clap2:
Then the explanation should be simple as to why the rapid decline of broadcast and cable news networks in ratings, particularly left leaning networks, has been increasing precipitously in the last decade. It must be the public doesn't like the product and are going elsewhere to get their news.

Should stand to reason for that too. Shouldn't it?
If they let you tell it...sure.

However, the networks are making money hand-over-fist. They're making more money than ever before.


"If they LET me 'tell it'?" What? viewership is going to go up if someone else tells the truth of the matter? What horseshit is this you're shovelling? Oh the same stuff where Randi Rhodes is pulling a higher share than Rush. Gotcha.

Just because suckers pay the higher rates while viewership is dropping does not mean more people are listening or viewing liberal outlets. Their market share is dwindling.

Snap out of it? You ain't Cher, and this ain't Moonstruck. But you are acting like Nick Cage in that movie.

[ame=]Snap out of it Moonstruck - YouTube[/ame]

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