More Evidence To Debunk The RW Talking Point of A "Free Market" In Radio

It's a myth that the programming on radio is based on demand from the public.
Anyone who WANT'S to be informed knows that RW radio was pushed onto the public via a well-financed, highly organized campaign.
Many of the shows we know and "love" today were on air for up to 2-3 years w/o much ads, being financed by backers who's goal was to see them get out their message on the airwaves.
Once they were able to saturate the market with their RW propaganda, the public became used to it and RW talk radio was born.
If you read the article you will notice references to the numerous times the powers that be attempted to and shut down HIGHLY POPULAR LW shows. Shows that were making money...lots of it from advertisers, but were shut down because of the RW agenda.
Ever heard of Randi Rhodes?
Well guess what, she works for the same company that Lush Rimbaugh works for, and in earlier years TROUNCED him in the ratings, so much so that the powers that be decided to put her on AFTER him, instead of at the same time.
This was years ago. In more recent years she ended up in the same time block as lush again, and again TROUNCED him, so they put her back on after him.
This is well-documented and well-known in the industry.
RW talk radio is propoganda.
How else could you explain how in one small cowpoke town you have THREE stations playing Glenn Beck at the same time.
Does that even make SENSE?!? Common, financial or otherwise?

A myth?

Just because there are a bunch of progressives in San Francisco does not mean they listen to the radio. Here is a list of the tap rated shows in the city by order of popularity, why don't you point out the top rated progressive political shows? - San Francisco, CA Radio Show Ratings

Thanks for that info. Although those numbers are quite dated.

Here's a bit of information much more recent... MillerInterview.pdf

Stephanie Miller, Talkers Magazine nominated as Woman of the Year. You don't get that by being un-popular.

Oh, in case you thought I wouldn''s Randi Rhode's ratings:

Rush Limbaugh: 2.3
Randi Rhodes: 3.5

And this is from your own post.

Thanks again.
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Green 960 in going off the air on Jan 3 | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Clear Channel, THE defacto talk radio source, has been on a campaign to rid the airwaves of anything progressive. And as you can read in the article, are hard at work at doing just that.

And at a crucial time as this, a re-election year, when it really counts. Their moves aren't based on least not the demand of the listening public, it's based on the Corporate Agenda propaganda. Just as it always has been.

Read it and weep folks. Read it and weep.

If people wanted to listen to your crap, they would.

The First Amendment doesn't guarantee you an audience. True story.
Thanks for that info. Although those numbers are quite dated.

Here's a bit of information much more recent... MillerInterview.pdf

Stephanie Miller, Talkers Magazine nominated as Woman of the Year. You don't get that by being un-popular.
So what?

Talkers Magazine ain't Arbitron, Buckwheat.

When potential advertisers look for the numbers for biggest potential audience, guess who they use for the source?
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Here's your chance, Marcie. Just convince some suckers to pony up a few hundred grand and you're in the spittle-spraying leftist radio business:

Thanks for that info. Although those numbers are quite dated.

Here's a bit of information much more recent... MillerInterview.pdf

Stephanie Miller, Talkers Magazine nominated as Woman of the Year. You don't get that by being un-popular.
So what?

Talkers Magazine ain't Arbitron, Buckwheat.
I updated my post Spruce.

Face it....You have NFI what you're talking about.

If leftist moonbat radio sold the kind of advertising it takes to be viable on a continuous basis, Airhead America would be a juggernaut.

But it doesn't and they went broke.
Face it....You have NFI what you're talking about.

If leftist moonbat radio sold the kind of advertising it takes to be viable on a continuous basis, Airhead America would be a juggernaut.

But it doesn't and they went broke.
Air America's demise is a long complicated story. I could get into the details with you, but it would be a waste of pixels. Not to mention time.
When you think about it, Rush created the talk radio concept. Before Rush the radio was dominated by heavy metal static and inane Country music. The only talk radio was sports and Agra stuff and taxpayer funded left wing propaganda. Rush brought radio back from extinction. Clear Channel was smart enough to get in on the ground floor and Rush is a self made success. Maybe that's why the left hates him. The problem with the left is that their limited union based education failed to give them a basis in Constitutional freedom and the difference between government and the private sector. Competition governs the private sector and the company that sells the best product will dominate the competition. For some reason probably because of union based public education and secondary liberal one sided education the libs think competition isn't fair and the government should "level the playing field" even though congress can't even operate a post office without stealing from it. Now they resort to convoluted Alinsky logic and try to tell us that private sector competition is unfair and the Country should operate like Fannie Mae.
Face it....You have NFI what you're talking about.

If leftist moonbat radio sold the kind of advertising it takes to be viable on a continuous basis, Airhead America would be a juggernaut.

But it doesn't and they went broke.
Air America's demise is a long complicated story. I could get into the details with you, but it would be a waste of pixels. Not to mention time.

No, it's a short story. They couldn't get listeners so they couldn't get ratings so they couldn't get advertisers so they couldn't get money.

The end.
It's a myth that the programming on radio is based on demand from the public.
Anyone who WANT'S to be informed knows that RW radio was pushed onto the public via a well-financed, highly organized campaign.
Many of the shows we know and "love" today were on air for up to 2-3 years w/o much ads, being financed by backers who's goal was to see them get out their message on the airwaves.
Once they were able to saturate the market with their RW propaganda, the public became used to it and RW talk radio was born.
If you read the article you will notice references to the numerous times the powers that be attempted to and shut down HIGHLY POPULAR LW shows. Shows that were making money...lots of it from advertisers, but were shut down because of the RW agenda.
Ever heard of Randi Rhodes?
Well guess what, she works for the same company that Lush Rimbaugh works for, and in earlier years TROUNCED him in the ratings, so much so that the powers that be decided to put her on AFTER him, instead of at the same time.
This was years ago. In more recent years she ended up in the same time block as lush again, and again TROUNCED him, so they put her back on after him.
This is well-documented and well-known in the industry.
RW talk radio is propoganda.
How else could you explain how in one small cowpoke town you have THREE stations playing Glenn Beck at the same time.
Does that even make SENSE?!? Common, financial or otherwise?

A myth?

Just because there are a bunch of progressives in San Francisco does not mean they listen to the radio. Here is a list of the tap rated shows in the city by order of popularity, why don't you point out the top rated progressive political shows? - San Francisco, CA Radio Show Ratings

Thanks for that info. Although those numbers are quite dated.

Here's a bit of information much more recent... MillerInterview.pdf

Stephanie Miller, Talkers Magazine nominated as Woman of the Year. You don't get that by being un-popular.

Oh, in case you thought I wouldn''s Randi Rhode's ratings:
Randi Rhodes Show - 38 Radio Show Reviews & Ratings -

Rush Limbaugh: 2.3
Randi Rhodes: 3.5

And this is from your own post.

Thanks again.

The numbers I posted might be dated, but at least they are numbers.

By the way, the numbers you posted are national, not for San Francisco. Since you are bitching specifically about San Francisco, and I posted actual ratings from the city, you need to do the same.
Face it....You have NFI what you're talking about.

If leftist moonbat radio sold the kind of advertising it takes to be viable on a continuous basis, Airhead America would be a juggernaut.

But it doesn't and they went broke.
Air America's demise is a long complicated story. I could get into the details with you, but it would be a waste of pixels. Not to mention time.
It's not complicated at all.

They thought that they could defy the physics of how the radio business works.

They were wrong and they were the towering failure that anyone who knows jack shit about the industry, which obviously excludes you, knew in advance that they would be.
wahhh Wahhhh Whah Clear Channel is the only radio station

What fucking losers, Progressives are total fucking losers
Face it....You have NFI what you're talking about.

If leftist moonbat radio sold the kind of advertising it takes to be viable on a continuous basis, Airhead America would be a juggernaut.

But it doesn't and they went broke.
Air America's demise is a long complicated story. I could get into the details with you, but it would be a waste of pixels. Not to mention time.

Demand creates jobs, right?

Face it....You have NFI what you're talking about.

If leftist moonbat radio sold the kind of advertising it takes to be viable on a continuous basis, Airhead America would be a juggernaut.

But it doesn't and they went broke.
Air America's demise is a long complicated story. I could get into the details with you, but it would be a waste of pixels. Not to mention time.

Demand creates jobs, right?



Touche, dude. :lol::lol::lol: :thup:
The numbers I posted might be dated, but at least they are numbers.

By the way, the numbers you posted are national, not for San Francisco. Since you are bitching specifically about San Francisco, and I posted actual ratings from the city, you need to do the same.

I was not specifying San Fran, you did. I simply used this instance as an EXAMPLE of the RW propaganda.

The dated numbers you posted, Randi Rhodes was not on the radio at that time.

With that said, what difference does it make...national or local. Post Rush's national numbers then.

Speaking of Rush's numbers, here's a nugget based on a quick Google search.

Note: At his height it was 3.0. Again, Randi's was 3.5

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Here's your chance, Marcie. Just convince some suckers to pony up a few hundred grand and you're in the spittle-spraying leftist radio business:


Yo, Marc. Instead of whining about fairness, get off your ass and do something.

I mean, hey, you know all about the radio business, right? There's no way you could fail.
The numbers I posted might be dated, but at least they are numbers.

By the way, the numbers you posted are national, not for San Francisco. Since you are bitching specifically about San Francisco, and I posted actual ratings from the city, you need to do the same.

I was not specifying San Fran, you did. I simply used this instance as an EXAMPLE of the RW propaganda.

The dated numbers you posted, Randi Rhodes was not on the radio at that time.

With that said, what difference does it make...national or local. Post Rush's national numbers then.

Speaking of Rush's numbers, here's a nugget based on a quick Google search.

Rush Limbaugh's Ratings Have Fallen 30% In The Last Six Months - Business Insider

Note: At his height it was 3.0. Again, Randi's was 3.5


What's the point? Does a private sector conspiracy control talk radio? Is the concept of "profit margin" a bad agenda according to the neo-fascists? Should information be controlled by the government?
What's the point? Does a private sector conspiracy control talk radio? Is the concept of "profit margin" a bad agenda according to the neo-fascists? Should information be controlled by the government?

Ahhhh...all of a sudden ratings are no longer important in the debate.

Boy you guys are so easy to figure out.


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