More Fauci hypocrisy. Silent on Obama Super Spreader Party, condemns outdoor bike rally.

I think there is a massive difference between 300,000 unvaccinated and untested attending an event and maybe a 100 tops all vaccinated and tested attending.....
Or even Trump's rallies which are walking killers..

If you are that clueless on the science then I would advise you to keep quite, as people might get the impression that you are a fucking idiot...

I know you are not a fucking idiot, just too blind from hatred to care for the truth...
From someone who thinks a man can be a woman. Follow the science! Lol
Could this clown make a bigger fool of himself? Why yes, he does it daily.

Clown, we're supposed to belive guys like you who think that the vaccine is a plot against our freedom, who supports a jerkoff who thinks windmills cause cancer & who thinks numbnuts Trump won the election due to numerous deranged conspiracy theories?

What's your take on China using high tech thermometers to change the vote count in Dominion machines to favor Biden? All good?

Clown, we're supposed to belive guys like you who think that the vaccine is a plot against our freedom, who supports a jerkoff who thinks windmills cause cancer & who thinks numbnuts Trump won the election due to numerous deranged conspiracy theories?

What's your take on China using high tech thermometers to change the vote count in Dominion machines to favor Biden? All good?

All you dumbassess are wearing masks again, despite being vaccinated. You’re wearing masks again because the CDC and Biden Admin said you have to, despite being vaccinated.

Masks mandates are back in many areas, and the ones in charge telling you to wear masks and social distance are all partying together as if it were 2019.

these tyrants have ruined lives with all of their restrictions. Meanwhile, they’re having all the fun

Fuck you
He's just mad he can't attend....

All you dumbassess are wearing masks again, despite being vaccinated. You’re wearing masks again because the CDC and Biden Admin said you have to, despite being vaccinated.

Masks mandates are back in many areas, and the ones in charge telling you to wear masks and social distance are all partying together as if it were 2019.

these tyrants have ruined lives with all of their restrictions. Meanwhile, they’re having all the fun

Fuck you
More stupidity from the Trump/Desantis/Johnson/Noem Death Cult.

Hey didga hear the one about China using thermometers to change the vote count to favor Biden?

Better rip out that NEST thermometer from your house before it's too late, Ace!
Better rip out that NEST thermometer from your house before it's too late, Ace
I got one of them Nests and it's a constant battle. The damn thing is constantly changing the temp on its own. I'll set it to 72 and lock it....3 hours later it's at 71 or 74. I turned off all that learning shit and it still does it.
Super frustrating
CNN explains why arrogant, wealthy, elitist, liberal extremists who have elevated themselves above rules / the law while wanting to control your life and every decision in it is less likely to contract COVID-19 when gathered in extremely large numbers than others beneath their status:

NYT writer stuns with explanation of COVID risk at Obama bash

YOU are NOT!

YOU are lowly, 'poor', dirty, uneducated, uncouth, beer swilling, beer-belching, pot-bellied, lower / middle class, average, ordinary, 9-5, blue-collar peasant.

While hob-knobbing, attending elaborate functions, and violating all of the oppressive, Constitutional and civil-right violating, business/life-destroying edicts they have imposed on the rabble and riff-raff, your biggest decision is whether to remain on Enhanced-Unemployment or go back to work, to pay the rent with the stimulus and other socialist peasant-payments or buy a new TV and surround system, since Democrats just told your landlord he can't kick you out for a few more months...until the USSC reminds Biden that they have already ruled doing so is Un-Constitutional.

In short, their 'shit don't stink', they have money, power, and are Liberal Democrats, rules/laws are for the 'little people', the unclean, unwashed masses...the sheep, and YOU are one of the sheep...and all the Democrat tyrants and 'upper-crust' know the virus only targets the sheep.
Could this clown make a bigger fool of himself? Why yes, he does it daily.

Oh, I didn't realize everyone at that rally were vaccinated and tested before attending.

Obama's party: A couple hundred
Sturgis Motorcycle Ralley: 485,000 people

Kinda like comparing apples to rocks.

Were is that rally being held again? South Dakota?


"All Obama party guests will be required to undergo COVID testing, and a coordinating medical professional will be onsite."

"the birthday party is being held outdoors, guests were asked to provide a negative COVID test result and that a COVID coordinator had been enlisted to ensure the event followed all public health guidelines."

“This outdoor event was planned months ago in accordance with all public health guidelines and with COVID safeguards in place,” Obama spokesperson Hannah Hankins said in a statement. “Due to the new spread of the delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends.”

What's that, a couple hundred?

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has a solid track record when it comes to large turnouts. Average rally attendance each year has totaled about 485,000 rallygoers for the past two decades. Despite the social limitations of the coronavirus pandemic, last year's rally brought in roughly 460,000 attendees

So let's compare (kinda difficult comparing apples to oranges, but I'll give it a shot)

Sturgis Motorcycle Ralley: 485,000 people
Obama's party: A couple hundred

Sturgis Rally: South Dakota, third highest state for infections
Omama's party: Massachussettes, not even on the list.

Obama's party: Fully vaccinated, tested for COVID, medical people on staff.
Sturgis Rally: Gee. Let's guess.

How's that degree in virology going for you? Gee, sorry that bothers you so much.

Fault finding, myopic, troll.


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Not the point at all, CDC recommends all indoor events wear masks and that tent makes it indoor. Vaccinated people are infecting and are being infected by delta. BUT back to outdoors if that is ok then what's your problem with Sturgis, it is out door too. ) And what about Looloo palooza?
Clown, we're supposed to belive guys like you who think that the vaccine is a plot against our freedom, who supports a jerkoff who thinks windmills cause cancer & who thinks numbnuts Trump won the election due to numerous deranged conspiracy theories?

What's your take on China using high tech thermometers to change the vote count in Dominion machines to favor Biden? All good?

Feel free to quote my posts saying the vaccine is a plot against our freedom and saying Trump won the election.

Do so, or admit you are a lying sack of shit.

I've made it known that I do not trust Fauci and I believe he should be fired but the blame seems to me to be misplaced. He was directly asked about Sturgis. Hence he answered that question. He was not asked about Obama or anything else.

Seems to me that the complaints should be directed at Todd and those who have seemed to have not asked him about these other events.
I think there is a massive difference between 300,000 unvaccinated and untested attending an event and maybe a 100 tops all vaccinated and tested attending.....
Or even Trump's rallies which are walking killers..

If you are that clueless on the science then I would advise you to keep quite, as people might get the impression that you are a fucking idiot...

I know you are not a fucking idiot, just too blind from hatred to care for the truth...
^^^ what dumb looks like. So 1,000 parties of 100 okay, 1 party of 100,000 not okay that is your logic? Put your dunce cap on fool.
I think there is a massive difference between 300,000 unvaccinated and untested attending an event and maybe a 100 tops all vaccinated and tested attending.....
Or even Trump's rallies which are walking killers..

If you are that clueless on the science then I would advise you to keep quite, as people might get the impression that you are a fucking idiot...

I know you are not a fucking idiot, just too blind from hatred to care for the truth...
Because you are a hypocrite. First, you haven't got the slightest idea how many are vaccinated at either event and second a spreader is a spreader. One or fifty is no different. It is all moot because it isn't the pandemic that democrats would lead you to believe it is. It is great that the democrats are exhibiting their hypocrisy for the world to see though.
CNN explains why arrogant, wealthy, elitist, liberal extremists who have elevated themselves above rules / the law while wanting to control your life and every decision in it is less likely to contract COVID-19 when gathered in extremely large numbers than others beneath their status:

NYT writer stuns with explanation of COVID risk at Obama bash

YOU are NOT!

YOU are lowly, 'poor', dirty, uneducated, uncouth, beer swilling, beer-belching, pot-bellied, lower / middle class, average, ordinary, 9-5, blue-collar peasant.

While hob-knobbing, attending elaborate functions, and violating all of the oppressive, Constitutional and civil-right violating, business/life-destroying edicts they have imposed on the rabble and riff-raff, your biggest decision is whether to remain on Enhanced-Unemployment or go back to work, to pay the rent with the stimulus and other socialist peasant-payments or buy a new TV and surround system, since Democrats just told your landlord he can't kick you out for a few more months...until the USSC reminds Biden that they have already ruled doing so is Un-Constitutional.

In short, their 'shit don't stink', they have money, power, and are Liberal Democrats, rules/laws are for the 'little people', the unclean, unwashed masses...the sheep, and YOU are one of the sheep...and all the Democrat tyrants and 'upper-crust' know the virus only targets the sheep.
Attendees at Obama's party wete vaccinated, wore masks & followed CDC guidelines. Where were you when your boy was holding hate rallies all over the USA, other then fantasizing about polishing Trump's knob?
Attendees at Obama's party wete vaccinated, wore masks & followed CDC guidelines. Where were you when your boy was holding hate rallies all over the USA, other then fantasizing about polishing Trump's knob?
The video here shows nobody with a mask, including Birhday Dumbass.


The video here shows nobody with a mask, including Birhday Dumbass.

He should have worn a mask. Now, where were you when your boy after released from hospital with COVID walked into the W.H. spewing virus particles all over the place? Thousands attended his hate ralles. All good, Ace?

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