More Gun Safety In Washington State

Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

If it is a state issue as you claim it is, then why do you care what another state's citizens do?

Also what proof do you have that it will make us any safer?

Because I care about innocent people.

It's not a blue or red situation with me. It's an American thing with me. I want all of my fellow Americans to be safe from being mowed down by some crazy person with a gun.

It's a simple as that.

Look at the state of Massachusetts. They have some of the most strict gun safety laws in the nation. They also have the lowest rate of gun deaths in the nation. I give mitt Romney credit, he signed legislation to ban assault weapons in Massachusetts when he was the governor in 2004. I wouldn't be surprised if you supported him. They've taken several other steps in gun safety that have obviously worked.

Are Massachusetts Gun Laws a Model for the Country?

Now, tell me how people aren't safer with good gun safety laws.

The way to keep somebody you care about not getting "mowed down by a gun" is to convince them stay out of these big city Democrat controlled shitholes with stringent gun control laws because there is where most of the gun crime in the US happens.
Under this bill...

1. Gun owners can now be CRIMINALLY charged if someone else takes their gun without permission.

A lie of omission. Your bullet items 1 and 5 are the same thing.

3. You must now be age 21 to purchase a semiautomatic rifle. The bill claims "the brain is not fully mature until age 21", seriously the bill says that.

Actually, it's a physiological fact the part of the brain which governs judgement does not reach full maturity until the age of 25.

However, this restriction will have little effect on the approx. 10,000 gun homicides each year.
Every time a gun safety law is on the ballot here in Washington the people overwhelmingly vote to approve it.

This time it's a far reaching law. Including regulation on semi automatic weapons.

When the issue is taken out of the hands of politicians the people of my state overwhelmingly pass proper gun safety laws.

So when it's taken away from a politician who is bribed by the nra, we get proper gun safety laws.

Washington state voters pass ballot measure to further regulate guns, including semi-automatic rifles

Expanded background checks and extending waiting periods beyond what is already in place is not passing 'proper gun safety laws' as much as it is spoon feeding the anti gunners bs to make it more difficult for legal responsible gun owners to own them. And you along with 60% fell for it.

If the Dems thought they had it in the bag, why wasn't this on a Presidential election cycle where more people tend to vote, instead of a mid term election when turn out is much lower?????

Included was fines for not keeping guns 'safely' stored and raising the age to 21.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no ‘anti-gunners’; to advocate for firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-gun.’

Indeed, an overwhelming number of gun owners support universal background checks, for example.

QU Poll Release Detail
Every time a gun safety law is on the ballot here in Washington the people overwhelmingly vote to approve it.

This time it's a far reaching law. Including regulation on semi automatic weapons.

When the issue is taken out of the hands of politicians the people of my state overwhelmingly pass proper gun safety laws.

So when it's taken away from a politician who is bribed by the nra, we get proper gun safety laws.

Washington state voters pass ballot measure to further regulate guns, including semi-automatic rifles
the mob does not get to violate Constitutional rights.
Under this bill...

1. Gun owners can now be CRIMINALLY charged if someone else takes their gun without permission.

2. Enhanced background checks and longer waiting periods, holds of up to 30 days, creation of a state background check system. The burden for this bureaucratic nightmare falls on local law enforcement to process, no funding for it shocker.

3. You must now be age 21 to purchase a semiautomatic rifle. The bill claims "the brain is not fully mature until age 21", seriously the bill says that.

4. You must now have a concealed carry permit to purchase a handgun, more road blocks to our 2nd amendment rights.

5. Vague gun storage laws that make gun owners subject to CRIMINAL prosecution if they do not store guns in their home as government dictates.

6. Gathers massive amounts of documentation about the gun purchaser, in triplicate.

This is how fragile the people up in washington have become.

No, millions of freaks from California invaded Washington, now does it make sense now why Washington is screwed up?


Our population is very diverse.

However I was born and raised in Seattle. So were most of everyone I know. Others are from other parts of the state. I know people from other states, New York, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho and other states. Mostly people who said they escaped the crazy people of the red states they left. All saying they're much happier in a state with a majority of sane and mature adults.

The people of my state spoke and we spoke loudly this year.

Gun safety laws are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Yes the state is diverse, you have the traffic, congestion, the rude drivers, the hurried lifestyle and rain in the Puget Sound and then you have the beautiful eastern part of the state with little traffic, more sun, slower lifestyle and friendlier people.
I've lived in the Seattle area for about 10 years. Yes, we have a lot of rain and terrible traffic particular in the densely populated areas, however I found people in general very polite and friendly and certainly not a hurried lifestyle compared to most large cities. Seattle is one of the most literate cities in country with great libraries and lots of little bookstores. I do a lot hiking and camping and I have found the Western Washington one of the most beautiful areas in the nation. It has a great combination of civility and wildness. Eastern Washington is basically farm country, conservative, really cold in winter compared to the Puget Sound area. It's beautiful country but in a different way.

To each his own, I lived there and will never live there again, I'm done with rain and traffic. Central and eastern Washington have beautiful areas to camp and hike.
Under this bill...

1. Gun owners can now be CRIMINALLY charged if someone else takes their gun without permission.

2. Enhanced background checks and longer waiting periods, holds of up to 30 days, creation of a state background check system. The burden for this bureaucratic nightmare falls on local law enforcement to process, no funding for it shocker.

3. You must now be age 21 to purchase a semiautomatic rifle. The bill claims "the brain is not fully mature until age 21", seriously the bill says that.

4. You must now have a concealed carry permit to purchase a handgun, more road blocks to our 2nd amendment rights.

5. Vague gun storage laws that make gun owners subject to CRIMINAL prosecution if they do not store guns in their home as government dictates.

6. Gathers massive amounts of documentation about the gun purchaser, in triplicate.

This is how fragile the people up in washington have become.

No, millions of freaks from California invaded Washington, now does it make sense now why Washington is screwed up?


Our population is very diverse.

However I was born and raised in Seattle. So were most of everyone I know. Others are from other parts of the state. I know people from other states, New York, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho and other states. Mostly people who said they escaped the crazy people of the red states they left. All saying they're much happier in a state with a majority of sane and mature adults.

The people of my state spoke and we spoke loudly this year.

Gun safety laws are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Yes the state is diverse, you have the traffic, congestion, the rude drivers, the hurried lifestyle and rain in the Puget Sound and then you have the beautiful eastern part of the state with little traffic, more sun, slower lifestyle and friendlier people.

We also have most of the population on the west side of the state.

The population on the west side supports the east side. They don't have enough people to properly support themselves. For example, until the 1990s the east side didn't have a full and proper 9-11 system. So we on the west side voted to increase our own taxes to pay to establish and provide that very much needed service. We pay for their roads to be paved and for their children to be educated. Along with much more.

We voted to increase our gas tax, establish new taxes on property and car tabs for ourselves to build a new light rail system, enlarge our other mass transit systems and for improvements on our existing roads. We know that the large influx of people has caused our roads to be clogged with traffic.

We're also doing something about it. We aren't forcing anyone outside our area of Washington to pay for it either. We're doing that ourselves. Just as we always do.

If you don't like Washington. Don't live here. It's as simple as that. Meanwhile we in Washington have again voted for more good gun safety laws.

Deal with it.

That is just your opinion, I'd take the less population over the mess in Seattle and I did move away from Seattle because of the noise, the traffic, the crime and the weather. The eastern part of the state is the better part, that is why you see many in the Seattle area moving to eastern Washington.

Mass transit is terrible, go south to Portland or north to Vancouver BC and see two very good transit systems, Seattle lags behind. Hell, give me LA traffic over Seattle.

I don't need to deal with, I don't live there, I stay away from there.
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

What kind of gun safety laws?

I'll bet you can't answer cherently.

Same shit the left pulled in NJ, render the gun useless by requiring that it be locked up and unloaded in your home. Anyone who owns an semiautomatic rifle must now complete training every 5 years. A whole bag of crap designed to discourage people from exercising their 2nd amendment rights. The criminals will ignore these gun control laws, this is aimed square at law abiding citizens.

The courts will strike it down in a few months,
Many of the law’s provisions have already been upheld by the courts – there’s nothing about the measure that violates Second Amendment case law.
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

What kind of gun safety laws?

I'll bet you can't answer cherently.

Same shit the left pulled in NJ, render the gun useless by requiring that it be locked up and unloaded in your home. Anyone who owns an semiautomatic rifle must now complete training every 5 years. A whole bag of crap designed to discourage people from exercising their 2nd amendment rights. The criminals will ignore these gun control laws, this is aimed square at law abiding citizens.

The courts will strike it down in a few months,
Many of the law’s provisions have already been upheld by the courts – there’s nothing about the measure that violates Second Amendment case law.

Depends on how it is argued and what both the state and federal constitution allow. I think it will be upheld but every challenge can yield a different result.

Our population is very diverse.

However I was born and raised in Seattle. So were most of everyone I know. Others are from other parts of the state. I know people from other states, New York, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho and other states. Mostly people who said they escaped the crazy people of the red states they left. All saying they're much happier in a state with a majority of sane and mature adults.

The people of my state spoke and we spoke loudly this year.

Gun safety laws are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Thats GREAT news!!!
Now criminals will find it much easier to kill liberals!!!

Brilliant! I actually never thought about it like that.

Take away the firearms from law abiding citizens and then only the crooks will have the fire power. Higher population density on the commie side of Washington State so more Liberal fatalities.
Strange. Our homicide rate is 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control. You need to rethink.
Other countries do not have the right to firearm ownership, hell they don’t even have the right to freedom of speech you dumbass motherfucker
I’m aware you choose guns over life.

Guns save innocent life from criminals and socialist mass murderers....
This is how fragile the people up in washington have become.

No, millions of freaks from California invaded Washington, now does it make sense now why Washington is screwed up?


Our population is very diverse.

However I was born and raised in Seattle. So were most of everyone I know. Others are from other parts of the state. I know people from other states, New York, California, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Montana, Idaho and other states. Mostly people who said they escaped the crazy people of the red states they left. All saying they're much happier in a state with a majority of sane and mature adults.

The people of my state spoke and we spoke loudly this year.

Gun safety laws are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Thats GREAT news!!!
Now criminals will find it much easier to kill liberals!!!

Brilliant! I actually never thought about it like that.

Take away the firearms from law abiding citizens and then only the crooks will have the fire power. Higher population density on the commie side of Washington State so more Liberal fatalities.
Strange. Our homicide rate is 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control. You need to rethink.

No, our knife murder rate is higher than the total murder rate of some of those countries...for now.....and on the other side of that ledger is the 1.1 million times a year that Americans use their legal guns to save lives.....get back to us when you can match that number.
Under this bill...

1. Gun owners can now be CRIMINALLY charged if someone else takes their gun without permission.

A lie of omission. Your bullet items 1 and 5 are the same thing.

3. You must now be age 21 to purchase a semiautomatic rifle. The bill claims "the brain is not fully mature until age 21", seriously the bill says that.

Actually, it's a physiological fact the part of the brain which governs judgement does not reach full maturity until the age of 25.

However, this restriction will have little effect on the approx. 10,000 gun homicides each year.

And yet at 17 we can send them over seas to kill other human beings for our country, yet when they come home, they can't buy a gun to protect themselves and their families....
Every time a gun safety law is on the ballot here in Washington the people overwhelmingly vote to approve it.

This time it's a far reaching law. Including regulation on semi automatic weapons.

When the issue is taken out of the hands of politicians the people of my state overwhelmingly pass proper gun safety laws.

So when it's taken away from a politician who is bribed by the nra, we get proper gun safety laws.

Washington state voters pass ballot measure to further regulate guns, including semi-automatic rifles

Expanded background checks and extending waiting periods beyond what is already in place is not passing 'proper gun safety laws' as much as it is spoon feeding the anti gunners bs to make it more difficult for legal responsible gun owners to own them. And you along with 60% fell for it.

If the Dems thought they had it in the bag, why wasn't this on a Presidential election cycle where more people tend to vote, instead of a mid term election when turn out is much lower?????

Included was fines for not keeping guns 'safely' stored and raising the age to 21.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no ‘anti-gunners’; to advocate for firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-gun.’

Indeed, an overwhelming number of gun owners support universal background checks, for example.

QU Poll Release Detail

The people who support Universal Background checks do not understand that issue, which is why those asking the question never explain it to them...

Universal Background checks are only desired so that anti gunners can then demand universal gun registration...which they want so that when they get the power, they can ban guns...but first, they need to have a record as to which Americans own the guns.....
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

What kind of gun safety laws?

I'll bet you can't answer cherently.

Same shit the left pulled in NJ, render the gun useless by requiring that it be locked up and unloaded in your home. Anyone who owns an semiautomatic rifle must now complete training every 5 years. A whole bag of crap designed to discourage people from exercising their 2nd amendment rights. The criminals will ignore these gun control laws, this is aimed square at law abiding citizens.

The courts will strike it down in a few months,
Many of the law’s provisions have already been upheld by the courts – there’s nothing about the measure that violates Second Amendment case law.

Every one of those new laws violates the 2nd Amendment....that some left wing judge or judges have ignored Supreme Court rulings doesn't make them Constitutional.
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

If it is a state issue as you claim it is, then why do you care what another state's citizens do?

Also what proof do you have that it will make us any safer?

Because I care about innocent people.

It's not a blue or red situation with me. It's an American thing with me. I want all of my fellow Americans to be safe from being mowed down by some crazy person with a gun.

It's a simple as that.

Look at the state of Massachusetts. They have some of the most strict gun safety laws in the nation. They also have the lowest rate of gun deaths in the nation. I give mitt Romney credit, he signed legislation to ban assault weapons in Massachusetts when he was the governor in 2004. I wouldn't be surprised if you supported him. They've taken several other steps in gun safety that have obviously worked.

Are Massachusetts Gun Laws a Model for the Country?

Now, tell me how people aren't safer with good gun safety laws.

No you don't .... if you cared about innocent people being murdered with guns, you would not vote for the democrat party...they are the ones who fight to release violent gun criminals from prison and to get prison sentences for violent gun crimes reduced....

Baltimore has stricter gun laws and a higher rate of gun murder than New York isn't gun laws, it is the culture of the criminal, and the effectiveness of police....

And you didn't do your research...

Gun crimes increase in Massachusetts despite tough gun laws |

Massachusetts has a national reputation as a bastion of gun control, but crimes and injuries related to firearms have risen — sometimes dramatically — since the state passed a comprehensive package of gun laws in 1998.

Murders committed with firearms have increased significantly, aggravated assaults and robberies involving guns have risen, and gunshot injuries are up, according to FBI and state data.

In 2011, Massachusetts recorded 122 murders committed with firearms, a striking increase from the 65 in 1998, said Fox, the Northeastern professor. Nationwide, such murders increased only 3 percent from 1999 to 2010, the CDC says.


Homicides in Massachusetts up slightly from 2015 - The Boston Globe

Every time a gun safety law is on the ballot here in Washington the people overwhelmingly vote to approve it.

This time it's a far reaching law. Including regulation on semi automatic weapons.

When the issue is taken out of the hands of politicians the people of my state overwhelmingly pass proper gun safety laws.

So when it's taken away from a politician who is bribed by the nra, we get proper gun safety laws.

Washington state voters pass ballot measure to further regulate guns, including semi-automatic rifles

Expanded background checks and extending waiting periods beyond what is already in place is not passing 'proper gun safety laws' as much as it is spoon feeding the anti gunners bs to make it more difficult for legal responsible gun owners to own them. And you along with 60% fell for it.

If the Dems thought they had it in the bag, why wasn't this on a Presidential election cycle where more people tend to vote, instead of a mid term election when turn out is much lower?????

Included was fines for not keeping guns 'safely' stored and raising the age to 21.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no ‘anti-gunners’; to advocate for firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-gun.’

Indeed, an overwhelming number of gun owners support universal background checks, for example.

QU Poll Release Detail

Sure there are anti-gunners and you know it but won't admit it.

The only reason they haven't taken our guns is because there is that Constitution to deal instead they keep twisting and turning the laws to make it more & more difficult to own one.

And you still rely on a poll to back up the bs they're trying to push.

We already had background checks and waiting periods before this bill came along...….and I'll bet this new updated law still won't stop gun violence
Every time a gun safety law is on the ballot here in Washington the people overwhelmingly vote to approve it.

This time it's a far reaching law. Including regulation on semi automatic weapons.

When the issue is taken out of the hands of politicians the people of my state overwhelmingly pass proper gun safety laws.

So when it's taken away from a politician who is bribed by the nra, we get proper gun safety laws.

Washington state voters pass ballot measure to further regulate guns, including semi-automatic rifles

Expanded background checks and extending waiting periods beyond what is already in place is not passing 'proper gun safety laws' as much as it is spoon feeding the anti gunners bs to make it more difficult for legal responsible gun owners to own them. And you along with 60% fell for it.

If the Dems thought they had it in the bag, why wasn't this on a Presidential election cycle where more people tend to vote, instead of a mid term election when turn out is much lower?????

Included was fines for not keeping guns 'safely' stored and raising the age to 21.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no ‘anti-gunners’; to advocate for firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-gun.’

Indeed, an overwhelming number of gun owners support universal background checks, for example.

QU Poll Release Detail

Sure there are anti-gunners and you know it but won't admit it.

The only reason they haven't taken our guns is because there is that Constitution to deal instead they keep twisting and turning the laws to make it more & more difficult to own one.

And you still rely on a poll to back up the bs they're trying to push.

We already had background checks and waiting periods before this bill came along...….and I'll bet this new updated law still won't stop gun violence

Ooh, Ooh....let me answer that like an anti gunner would.....

We never said it would stop all gun crime......( and, of course, we never said it would stop any gun crime)
Every time a gun safety law is on the ballot here in Washington the people overwhelmingly vote to approve it.

This time it's a far reaching law. Including regulation on semi automatic weapons.

When the issue is taken out of the hands of politicians the people of my state overwhelmingly pass proper gun safety laws.

So when it's taken away from a politician who is bribed by the nra, we get proper gun safety laws.

Washington state voters pass ballot measure to further regulate guns, including semi-automatic rifles

Expanded background checks and extending waiting periods beyond what is already in place is not passing 'proper gun safety laws' as much as it is spoon feeding the anti gunners bs to make it more difficult for legal responsible gun owners to own them. And you along with 60% fell for it.

If the Dems thought they had it in the bag, why wasn't this on a Presidential election cycle where more people tend to vote, instead of a mid term election when turn out is much lower?????

Included was fines for not keeping guns 'safely' stored and raising the age to 21.
Ignorant nonsense.

There are no ‘anti-gunners’; to advocate for firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence is not to be ‘anti-gun.’

Indeed, an overwhelming number of gun owners support universal background checks, for example.

QU Poll Release Detail

Sure there are anti-gunners and you know it but won't admit it.

The only reason they haven't taken our guns is because there is that Constitution to deal instead they keep twisting and turning the laws to make it more & more difficult to own one.

And you still rely on a poll to back up the bs they're trying to push.

We already had background checks and waiting periods before this bill came along...….and I'll bet this new updated law still won't stop gun violence

Ooh, Ooh....let me answer that like an anti gunner would.....

We never said it would stop all gun crime......( and, of course, we never said it would stop any gun crime)

Dumbasses can't figure it out yet...…….new gun laws only make it more difficult for responsible gun owners and will never stop the criminals. :banghead:
Lets see if we get the same result here in Texas.


I am glad this is being done on a state level. We can go ahead and repeal all federal gun laws.

I'm hopeful that Texas is willing to pass some proper gun safety laws.

It looks like the only way it's going to be done is on the state level which leaves a patchwork of different laws all over the nation.

Like marijuana laws.

I don't think that's a good thing. Some states will be more safe than others but it's like that now. It shouldn't be like that. Everyone in the United States should be safe.

If it is a state issue as you claim it is, then why do you care what another state's citizens do?

Also what proof do you have that it will make us any safer?

Because I care about innocent people.

It's not a blue or red situation with me. It's an American thing with me. I want all of my fellow Americans to be safe from being mowed down by some crazy person with a gun.

It's a simple as that.

Look at the state of Massachusetts. They have some of the most strict gun safety laws in the nation. They also have the lowest rate of gun deaths in the nation. I give mitt Romney credit, he signed legislation to ban assault weapons in Massachusetts when he was the governor in 2004. I wouldn't be surprised if you supported him. They've taken several other steps in gun safety that have obviously worked.

Are Massachusetts Gun Laws a Model for the Country?

Now, tell me how people aren't safer with good gun safety laws.

No you don’t, otherwise you’d would look for solutions, not band aids. The issue is the culture, work to fix the culture. Putting the blame on an inanimate object is absolutely the epitome of stupid. It is not surprising we are violent.

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