More Illegal activity by States in regards families

Family Courts are illegal and Unconstitutional. They deny the parents their Constitutional rights. Further they deny them the right to freedom of Speech and protest. Family Courts have and continue to order parents involved in their courts that they can not complain to law enforcement, other Courts or the press or Government.

They are not required to even tell the parents what the accusation is or who made it. The accuser does not even have to come to court. And they can remove your rights without even taking you to court while requiring you to continue to support monetarily children they have illegal seized.
And the incidence of child abuse in foster care is astronomical.

My best friend is a child welfare worker. Her sanctimonious judgmental, power mad crap makes me want to slap her. Her insistence that a child should be removed from a home because the dad was a burglar, for example, and the mother wouldn't dump him. A burglar...not a child molester, not an abuser. He robbed someone. So CW told the mom she couldn't see him anymore and when she did, they removed the child from the home.

I could go on and on but it just makes me sick. Particularly when you know how miserable children in foster care are, and how vulnerable they are, and how frequently they are abused by their foster families.
Family Courts are illegal and Unconstitutional. They deny the parents their Constitutional rights. Further they deny them the right to freedom of Speech and protest. Family Courts have and continue to order parents involved in their courts that they can not complain to law enforcement, other Courts or the press or Government.

They are not required to even tell the parents what the accusation is or who made it. The accuser does not even have to come to court. And they can remove your rights without even taking you to court while requiring you to continue to support monetarily children they have illegal seized.

Family Court is a civil court, not criminal. And Abuse/Neglect actions are quasi criminal, not criminal ...... different standards.

So sorry to burst your bubble.

As for the freedom of speech rant, I have no clue what you're talking about. They actually care about protecting the kids... and people don't talk (especially kids) if they think the abusers are going to find out they told).
I love the consensus that it's okay to trample human rights and civil liberties in the name of "protecting" children, and the assumption that if the State SAYS they don't remove children for frivolous reasons, why, that's all the explanation needed and nobody should question them.
As for your other post they said they would not remove the children if they didn't have a reason. It usually takes a few complaints for CPS to even think about taking the children out of the home.
And as for civil liberties maybe if they had jumped the gun on some other cases the children would still be alive.
"They said" does not = "truth".

Besides which, saying they wouldn't remove them if they didn't have a reason isn't saying that their reason wasn't faulty.

There is no justification for the trampling of civil rights. NObody has the right to exactly their own form of justice based on their own "feelings". We have laws for a reason, and people must be safe from CW or the police busting down their doors in the night and scattering families to the wind.

The Nazis justified doing just that in the way you're justifying offenses by CW. They were doing it for the "good" of the whole. Unfortunately,their idea of what was "good" was skewed. And that's where you get into trouble.

Some kids fall through the cracks. But if you allow an organization to just ignore the law and remove kids at will for no better reason that you don't like the lifestyle the parents lead, or the names they saddle their kids with, then eventually you're going to have all sorts of abuses going on.
We just had a couple convicted 60 plus years each for murder by abuse. They were dunking the girl under water when she wouldn't listen, burn her with a cigarette, and pulled out chunks of her hair and before the night she died they had no CPS file!

If no neighbor, teacher, medical professional reports it, how would CPS know? Had they been alerted?

It's truly shameful that parents and foster parents can get away with doing this sort of stuff and no one knows and/or nothing is done.
And the incidence of child abuse in foster care is astronomical.

My best friend is a child welfare worker. Her sanctimonious judgmental, power mad crap makes me want to slap her. Her insistence that a child should be removed from a home because the dad was a burglar, for example, and the mother wouldn't dump him. A burglar...not a child molester, not an abuser. He robbed someone. So CW told the mom she couldn't see him anymore and when she did, they removed the child from the home.

I could go on and on but it just makes me sick. Particularly when you know how miserable children in foster care are, and how vulnerable they are, and how frequently they are abused by their foster families.

Hey, I think I agree with you about this case.
Family Court is a civil court, not criminal. And Abuse/Neglect actions are quasi criminal, not criminal ...... different standards.

So sorry to burst your bubble.

As for the freedom of speech rant, I have no clue what you're talking about. They actually care about protecting the kids... and people don't talk (especially kids) if they think the abusers are going to find out they told).

Even in "civil" Court one is still protected by the Constitution. The Family Courts violate the Bill of Rights. They forcably steal your children and then force you in a court where you do not even have a right to know who the accuser is unless the Court agrees to let you know.

I suggest you do some research, Family Courts order the accused to not talk to ANYONE except the Court. Even after they have made a ruling. They threaten you with removal or permanent removal of your rights , you know what that word means right, if you talk to anyone the Court does not approve. Including the Press, other parents and the Government.

There is nothing Quasi about it. I had a run in with these Gestapo tactics in the military. Twice a disgruntled College kid working in the Summer where my wife worked made a charge against her beating our daughter. The first time they called me and told me to bring my children in. No information was provided except it was amilitary order and I had to obey. After the interviews with the children they still would not tell me anything except that a claim of abuse had been made. They found no evidence and so ruled it to be not true. Even then they would tell me nothing except the ruling.

The second time they snatched my kids from school and my command told me to go to Family Services. Again nothing. Just that a charge had been made. Another round of interviews and a finding of unsubstantiated.

I only found out who made the claim and why when my Commanding Officer told me because he did not believe they were acting in good faith.

The Bitch claimed my wife beat our 6 year old with her shoe and strangled her in the parking lot. Of course there was absolutely no other witness at the Youth Center, no parents, no children no other employees that had EVER seen this. Our daughter had no marks or bruises, and she was not afraid of her mother at all.

Ohh and guess what this turds did while conducting interviews about possible physical abuse? They ask my kids if they had been sexually assaulted and I do not mean one question but a series of them. After the interview I wanted to know why they ask those questions and the answer was " ohh that is just standard practice for ANY child brought in for ANY reason".

They could order me to talk to them but they could not force my wife she refused to go the second time. And it turns out the Family Services KNEW the accuser did not like my wife and had been trying to cause trouble for her at work.
Even in "civil" Court one is still protected by the Constitution. The Family Courts violate the Bill of Rights. They forcably steal your children and then force you in a court where you do not even have a right to know who the accuser is unless the Court agrees to let you know.

I suggest you do some research, Family Courts order the accused to not talk to ANYONE except the Court. Even after they have made a ruling. They threaten you with removal or permanent removal of your rights , you know what that word means right, if you talk to anyone the Court does not approve. Including the Press, other parents and the Government.

There is nothing Quasi about it. I had a run in with these Gestapo tactics in the military. Twice a disgruntled College kid working in the Summer where my wife worked made a charge against her beating our daughter. The first time they called me and told me to bring my children in. No information was provided except it was amilitary order and I had to obey. After the interviews with the children they still would not tell me anything except that a claim of abuse had been made. They found no evidence and so ruled it to be not true. Even then they would tell me nothing except the ruling.

The second time they snatched my kids from school and my command told me to go to Family Services. Again nothing. Just that a charge had been made. Another round of interviews and a finding of unsubstantiated.

I only found out who made the claim and why when my Commanding Officer told me because he did not believe they were acting in good faith.

The Bitch claimed my wife beat our 6 year old with her shoe and strangled her in the parking lot. Of course there was absolutely no other witness at the Youth Center, no parents, no children no other employees that had EVER seen this. Our daughter had no marks or bruises, and she was not afraid of her mother at all.

Ohh and guess what this turds did while conducting interviews about possible physical abuse? They ask my kids if they had been sexually assaulted and I do not mean one question but a series of them. After the interview I wanted to know why they ask those questions and the answer was " ohh that is just standard practice for ANY child brought in for ANY reason".

They could order me to talk to them but they could not force my wife she refused to go the second time. And it turns out the Family Services KNEW the accuser did not like my wife and had been trying to cause trouble for her at work.

This is exactly the sort of shit that happens when you start removing rights based on amorphous claims that in doing so, you are "protecting" those whose rights are being trampled on.
If no neighbor, teacher, medical professional reports it, how would CPS know? Had they been alerted?

It's truly shameful that parents and foster parents can get away with doing this sort of stuff and no one knows and/or nothing is done.

Several years ago, there was a little black girl here in foster care. Her foster parents wanted to adopt her, the foster parents being white, all kinds of flags went up. They took the girl away from the foster parents and gave her back to her abusive mother and in spite of numerous complaints from the free daycare the state provided, no one did anything and the little girl was eventually killed by her mother. All because they didn't want a black girl adopted by a white couple. Talk about racism.
When my son attended our local elementary school, EVERYONE of my friends was turned into CPS for abuse for various reasons. The cops showed up an one of my friends houses and said "We understand your son showed up at school with a black eye this morning". My friend said, "That's news to me. He has a rug burn on his check from rough housing with his friends, but if he's got a black eye, it happened at the school." She lost her daycare license, home, everything. Another friend didn't understand why the school wouldn't talk to her at all and ended up removing her kids from school before finding out that the school had turned her in for child abuse because her son had been sick in second grade and messed his pants.

I think the only reason they didn't turn me in is because when they threatened to turn me in if they found bruises after I admitted spanking my son, I said point blank, "If I find out you've been pulling down my son's pants to check for bruises, I'm gonna turn you in!"

I have another friend that lost her daycare license because the school reported child abuse on one of the children she took care of and the mother blamed her, when the culprit was the mother's boyfriend. You don't have to have proof to take away someone's daycare license, only an accusation.

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