More Incredible Data on Inflation this Morning !!!

Just because prices keep going up in no way means inflation is also going up.

After all, you people don't even know what a woman is anymore.

So screw you!!
You don’t even know what a recession is.

Where’s the hyperinflation you promised?
Core PCE, just a 0.1% inc MoM!!!!

Bye bye inflation !

Inflation is now very low and the FED can cut rates !

Inflation was transitory after all !


Core PCE, just a 0.1% inc MoM!!!!

What was PCE, MoM?
Right, I need a biologist to splain it to me.


As for hyperinflation, it will get here eventually.
You remind me of one of those apocalyptic preachers who says the world is ending and then nothing happens.

Oh, just got the date wrong.

Hell, you said we were in a recession 6 months ago. You clearly have no idea what a recession is.

Maybe have an economist explain it to you.
Core PCE, just a 0.1% inc MoM!!!!

Bye bye inflation !

Inflation is now very low and the FED can cut rates !

Inflation was transitory after all !


With such great news on inflation, the stock market is down 200 points.

What a joke.
Trump spending .. because of COVID .. why are libtards so stupid on the reason, and only focus on the data? Tell us Banker.
Trump spending
Alll before covid

you people try to blame covid for all your problems
It wasn't covid
Trump blew up the deficit pre covid
inflation up by 0.1% MoM.
accept it and deal with it

Inflation is fake news
Facts prevail
And then I went to the store. Just to start. Facts. You guys told us from Nov. 2016 that Trump was worst and never stopped. Then took over telling us we are utopia. You lied. At some point if Republicans elected do not start standing up and facing you then others will start running for office in this Democracy who will be ruthless. And that is doable.
Core PCE, just a 0.1% inc MoM!!!!

Bye bye inflation !

Inflation is now very low and the FED can cut rates !

Inflation was transitory after all !


Funny how the figures strip out food and energy, two of the main things people have to pay.

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