More Incredible Data on Inflation this Morning !!!

Gas today in AZ and CA is $6.45 per gal for the cheap stuff... give me a break with this fake bullshit news from investing .com a libtard trading house where everyone but the top loses their shirt....
Noooooo, I'm simply asking you or any maga fool here if they know why the fed strips out fuel and food to find "core pce."

Yes. You don’t provide an answer because you have no clue as to what it might be.

And your pretense to the contrary is utterly unpersuasive.

If the gubmint provides “stats” for inflation which don’t include the actual cost of living increases to the people, then the use of that “stat” is obviously misleading.

I mean, shit. Why should the core rate exclude food and fuel costs merely because they happen to be “volatile?”

Answer: to hide the truth about the actual gigantic increases in our cost of living.
I was a main street republican until Dobbs.

I don't even have a "dog" in this fight,
You sure seem to.
other than enjoying seeing you guys flail with nothing. LOL
And you fail there, too. 👍
It's easy for you because you'r too LaZY to figure it out yourself, and I for sure won't help you. Carry on with your alternative facts
70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction because they can't afford to live anymore. Giving them a formula to explain to them that they're wrong isn't working. They still have to buy things, no matter how many so called "facts" and formulas you want to give them.
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People can't afford to eat at McDonalds anymore. It's about 10 bucks per person and that's a lot when you already couldn't make ends meet. The poor used to be able to afford McDonalds. Groceries and gas are both high. But inflation is under control!
For real. The costs at McDonald's are pretty ridiculous for their shitty food. All thanks to the push for 15 per hour but now ours pays even more. You can literally goto a butcher counter now and get a small STEAK for less than the cost of fast food. A slab of pork back ribs is cheaper. A pork butt roast is cheaper. Plus at McDonald's now you have to use those stupid fucking kiosks or learn Spanish.
For real. The costs at McDonald's are pretty ridiculous for their shitty food. All thanks to the push for 15 per hour but now ours pays even more. You can literally goto a butcher counter now and get a small STEAK for less than the cost of fast food. A slab of pork back ribs is cheaper. A pork butt roast is cheaper. Plus at McDonald's now you have to use those stupid fucking kiosks or learn Spanish.
Yup, a poor family of four used to be able to clog their arteries and get fatter for less than $20. Now they have to pay double that to clog their arteries and get fat.
Food and energy prices are volatile and don’t necessarily reflect economic changes.
Food and energy prices are volatile and don’t necessarily reflect economic changes.
They may be economic changes, but there's little the Fed can do by raising or lowering rates. People have to go to work, and they have to eat.

Back when inflation reared its ugly head, I was at my local mega grocery store looking at olive oils. There was a young couple talking, and I overheard them saying the prices of "fat" had gone way up. Their cart was filled with soups and other fairly low cost food that would fill them up.

And the costs of food and fuel are not going to get cheaper soon. There's little the govt can do even if Trump gets elected. Actually, it'd get worse, because we need more fuel sources (which he opposes) and we need farmers to grow more, with less fertilizer and more heat.
They may be economic changes, but there's little the Fed can do by raising or lowering rates. People have to go to work, and they have to eat.

Back when inflation reared its ugly head, I was at my local mega grocery store looking at olive oils. There was a young couple talking, and I overheard them saying the prices of "fat" had gone way up. Their cart was filled with soups and other fairly low cost food that would fill them up.

And the costs of food and fuel are not going to get cheaper soon. There's little the govt can do even if Trump gets elected. Actually, it'd get worse, because we need more fuel sources (which he opposes) and we need farmers to grow more, with less fertilizer and more heat.
Progs did this. You are so much better. You promised. Every day on TV they laugh and smirk at those deplorables. And you still deny as people suffer.
Progs did this. You are so much better. You promised. Every day on TV they laugh and smirk at those deplorables. And you still deny as people suffer.
JFC, try googling M2 money supply historical data. I'll make it easy, money in the economy is sorta like sperm, once its in the fallopian tubes it's too late to pull out.
Yup, I'm spending more on my fuel than my house payment. Filling up 2 to 3 times a week. I see the reality of this inflation everyday from fuel costs to materials cost to lunches. Today's sweet pork burrito special at Costa Vida is nearly 20 bucks with chips and a drink.
Couple years ago it was about 12 bucks.
Bought sheetrock the other day at 18.99 sheet. Couple years ago it was under 12.

This Banker dude is either a paid hack or one stupid motherfucker
Don't get it? you think the president is raising the cost of gas & food?
Why? corporations are the ones raising prices. You think company's that can pay the CEO, 5,850 an hour
are in money need? & fight every raise or benefit to the average worker?
Don't get it? you think the president is raising the cost of gas & food?
Why? corporations are the ones raising prices. You think company's that can pay the CEO, 5,850 an hour
are in money need? & fight every raise or benefit to the average worker?
Fuel costs are reflected in EVERYTHING we buy. Fuel has skyrocketed in part thanks to Bidens onerous regulations and promise to bankrupt the oil industry.
So yes, this VERY MUCH remains squarely in Bidens lap.
inflation up by 0.1% MoM.
accept it and deal with it

Inflation is fake news
Facts prevail

Really, how about the more than 20% price increases during the xiden years, has it gone away, it's good that things will only cost 21.2% more with xided, but that's not the 3-4% Trump would have had. I guess it good people will only be hurt a little more than in the previous months, but they're still being hurt MORE.

Fuel costs are reflected in EVERYTHING we buy. Fuel has skyrocketed in part thanks to Bidens onerous regulations and promise to bankrupt the oil industry.
So yes, this VERY MUCH remains squarely in Bidens lap.
Deflect from Bidenomics AT ANY COST.....

Deflect from Bidenomics AT ANY COST.....

I'm sorry historical prices are complex for you. But hey, Trump could fix it in a sec if he shut down the econ AGAIN

Given your "logic" Obama should be credited with "lowering" the cost of gas by around 50%.

dimissed, u little snide punk
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I'm sorry historical prices are complex for you. But hey, Trump could fix it in a sec if he shut down the econ AGAIN

Given your "logic" Obama should be credited with "lowering" the cost of gas by around 50%.

dimissed, u little snide punk
The economy collapsed as soon as Obama took office.
The economy boomed as soon as Trump took office.
The economy collapsed as soon as the left locked down the nation in an effort to wreck a Trump second term.
I suspect if Trump wins the economy again will boom.

History does offer some clues....

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