More indoctrination from Lefty: "Catcher in the Rye"


Doge of Venezia
Oct 22, 2013
Liberals have once again donned the diadem of ignorance, and have sought to dilute the onus that delineates Americans through an elixir of languid sedition.

I want the leftists to juxtapose themselves with me and my fellow students for a moment - we have to suffer through the libertine attitude of a man that epitomizes liberalism... Holden Caulfield.

We are forced to observe his impious and blasphemous behavior, and sit hapless as our minds are defiled by this worthless trash. The leftists' somnambulatory trance makes them blind to how desiccated J.D Salinger, and his "novel" were. You have caused a fissure in countless minds, libbies, and the next generation of Americans will never forget, nor forgive.
Looks like someone found

The Catcher in the Rye is not for everyone. Even a lot of the people that liked it don't really get it IMO. The people that try and censor it are misguided and ignorant. I think it is a book that is a great example of the writer getting in touch with something very personal and letting it out through a story. Holden is a real part of JD Salinger.

Atlas Shrugged is poorly written nonsense and is on the same level as L Ron Hubbard novels.
Atlas Shrugged sucked even worse.

Atlas Shrugged was a defining piece of American literature that emanated with reason and truth. On the other hand, most leftist prattle is a garish mix of idolatry for the evil, and adulteration of moral values.
i'm not sure how anyone thinks holden Caulfield was a "lefty". I don't think his politics were ever discussed.

but I guess in opposite world it might be the case.
Atlas Shrugged sucked even worse.

Atlas Shrugged was a defining piece of American literature that emanated with reason and truth. On the other hand, most leftist prattle is a garish mix of idolatry for the evil, and adulteration of moral values.

atlas shrugged was an okay piece of literature. as a political concept it's a joke.

and ayn rand died collecting social security.

go figure.
Catcher in the Rye was a mediocre work at best. It was only read because it was banned.
Catcher in the Rye was a mediocre work at best. It was only read because it was banned.

it was read because it was angst-filled and teenagers identified with it.

was never one of my favorites, though I enjoyed it.
ayn rand was political ideologue. Salinger was an odd duck, but he was never political. Holden Caufield is a symbol of adolescent disenchantment, but he's a distinctly upper class creation, and most in the middle class are not disenchanted with their parents, but more or less grateful, and those who are disenchanted with their parents cannot really grasp Caufield's reasons for disenchantment until they, like Salinger, on on their way towards their own middle age mediocrity. Catcher in the Rye has nothing to do with adolescents who are disenchanted with politics or the govt.
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He wrote a lot of it in the army, liberating Normandy, Paris, and a concentration camp. He was a NE GOP. Your ignorance and brainwashed idiocy continues to be amazing, and Read it again.
Atlas Shrugged sucked even worse.

Atlas Shrugged was a defining piece of American literature that emanated with reason and truth. On the other hand, most leftist prattle is a garish mix of idolatry for the evil, and adulteration of moral values.

atlas shrugged was an okay piece of literature. as a political concept it's a joke.

and ayn rand died collecting social security.

go figure.

You idiots throw out Social Security as if it's a welfare program. It's not. It's money that is funded through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) and/or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA). In other words, it's money you paid into the system.

You people are stupid!
He wrote a lot of it in the army, liberating Normandy, Paris, and a concentration camp. He was a NE GOP. Your ignorance and brainwashed idiocy continues to be amazing, and Read it again.

Actually, I suspect Salinger was more or less libertarian leaning, like WF Buckley from that neck of the woods. But, none of his books or stories was implicitly ideological. They were about people affluent enough to afford to be pseudo intellectuals, who focused clearly upon their own needs and wants.

Sort of Seinfeldish.

I think the OP with Caufield as some liberal symbol is pretty hilarious.

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