More Jobs Created.

That's right...

"President Reagan added 16.5 million jobs during his eight-year term, a 16.5 percent increase."

Which President Created the Most Jobs?
Actually, Clinton added about 23 million...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Carter added about 10 million in 4 years.

And Obama added 16 million during his last 7 years after the Great Reccesion stopped bleeding jobs

Why are you lying....Here let's use a site you trust concerning Obama....

Obama's Final Numbers

If you look at it, it says Obama created 11.6 million jobs....NOT 16 million as you claim...

1/2010: 129,807,000
1/2017: 145,695,000
TOTAL: 15,888,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Just as I said.

"And Obama added 16 million during his last 7 years after the Great Reccesion stopped bleeding jobs" ~ Faun

Nope....Not being truthful with the stats are you? I already gave you proof that more than 90% of the "jobs" that Obama "created" were either part time, or contract positions that disappeared once over....Obama's stats on this were all smoke and mirrors...

Nope....That's the fact, I understand you don't like it, but it is what it is....
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

The short answer to that from libs would be not to even address it, because any success from this administration is anethma to their 'American guilt', and shame of being lucky enough to be born in the most moral, most prosperous, most benevelent country in the history of the world.

They hate their own country, and those that support it even more.
Sorry you can't use "moral" in any statement that includes Donald Trump.

You can vote for Trump & claim you give a shit about morality.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion to pump up the economy. It is just a house of cards. Like the one George Bush built.

Um, who controls the purse again? Is it Trump? or the House?
It's the Senate too. And both were in Republican hands during Impeached Trump's first 2 years.

So, was Obama responsible for the debt increasing from 9 Trillion, to over 19 Trillion during his terms?
Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

The short answer to that from libs would be not to even address it, because any success from this administration is anethma to their 'American guilt', and shame of being lucky enough to be born in the most moral, most prosperous, most benevelent country in the history of the world.

They hate their own country, and those that support it even more.
Sorry you can't use "moral" in any statement that includes Donald Trump.

You can vote for Trump & claim you give a shit about morality.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion to pump up the economy. It is just a house of cards. Like the one George Bush built.

Um, who controls the purse again? Is it Trump? or the House?
It's the Senate too. And both were in Republican hands during Impeached Trump's first 2 years.

So, was Obama responsible for the debt increasing from 9 Trillion, to over 19 Trillion during his terms?
Not entirely, no. Bush handed Obama a cratered economy. Much of the debt was from that. Such as the lost revenue of 8 million jobs being lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Why on Earth would that lost revenue be Obama's fault? :cuckoo:

Obama is to blame for every bill he signed though that added to the debt.
He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts

Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

It wasn't just partisans on a message was reported on....

"A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions."

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Liar. That study was was from 2005-2015. You must be especially retarded to think Obama was president in 2095. :cuckoo:

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Nope...You're lying here...That study was specifically from the Obama era....Just stop while your behind.
Actually, Clinton added about 23 million...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Carter added about 10 million in 4 years.

And Obama added 16 million during his last 7 years after the Great Reccesion stopped bleeding jobs

Why are you lying....Here let's use a site you trust concerning Obama....

Obama's Final Numbers

If you look at it, it says Obama created 11.6 million jobs....NOT 16 million as you claim...

1/2010: 129,807,000
1/2017: 145,695,000
TOTAL: 15,888,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Just as I said.

"And Obama added 16 million during his last 7 years after the Great Reccesion stopped bleeding jobs" ~ Faun

Nope....Not being truthful with the stats are you? I already gave you proof that more than 90% of the "jobs" that Obama "created" were either part time, or contract positions that disappeared once over....Obama's stats on this were all smoke and mirrors...

Nope....That's the fact, I understand you don't like it, but it is what it is....
Lying human scum, you idiotically claimed Obama was president since 2005. What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:
The short answer to that from libs would be not to even address it, because any success from this administration is anethma to their 'American guilt', and shame of being lucky enough to be born in the most moral, most prosperous, most benevelent country in the history of the world.

They hate their own country, and those that support it even more.
Sorry you can't use "moral" in any statement that includes Donald Trump.

You can vote for Trump & claim you give a shit about morality.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion to pump up the economy. It is just a house of cards. Like the one George Bush built.

Um, who controls the purse again? Is it Trump? or the House?
It's the Senate too. And both were in Republican hands during Impeached Trump's first 2 years.

So, was Obama responsible for the debt increasing from 9 Trillion, to over 19 Trillion during his terms?
Not entirely, no. Bush handed Obama a cratered economy. Much of the debt was from that. Such as the lost revenue 8 million jobs being lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Why on Earth would that lost revenue be Obama's fault? :cuckoo:

Obama is to blame for every bill he signed though that added to the debt.

Ah, so Obama get a pass from you, while Trump get not only the opposite, but outright lying from you...Thanks for exposing yourself....You're dismissed.

{just noticed that Faun is now "offline".... Typical pussy, hit and run specialist. Just like others of his ilk in here.}
Why are you lying....Here let's use a site you trust concerning Obama....

Obama's Final Numbers

If you look at it, it says Obama created 11.6 million jobs....NOT 16 million as you claim...

1/2010: 129,807,000
1/2017: 145,695,000
TOTAL: 15,888,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Just as I said.

"And Obama added 16 million during his last 7 years after the Great Reccesion stopped bleeding jobs" ~ Faun

Nope....Not being truthful with the stats are you? I already gave you proof that more than 90% of the "jobs" that Obama "created" were either part time, or contract positions that disappeared once over....Obama's stats on this were all smoke and mirrors...

Nope....That's the fact, I understand you don't like it, but it is what it is....
Lying human scum, you idiotically claimed Obama was president since 2005. What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Show me exactly where I claimed on here that Obama was President in 2005, or admit you are lying about me....
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts

Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

It wasn't just partisans on a message was reported on....

"A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions."

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Liar. That study was was from 2005-2015. You must be especially retarded to think Obama was president in 2095. :cuckoo:

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Nope...You're lying here...That study was specifically from the Obama era....Just stop while your behind.
Lying human scum. The study was NOT specifically from the Obama era. You just can't stop lying, can ya?

The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the United States, 1995-2015

A striking implication of these estimates is that 94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Sorry you can't use "moral" in any statement that includes Donald Trump.

You can vote for Trump & claim you give a shit about morality.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion to pump up the economy. It is just a house of cards. Like the one George Bush built.

Um, who controls the purse again? Is it Trump? or the House?
It's the Senate too. And both were in Republican hands during Impeached Trump's first 2 years.

So, was Obama responsible for the debt increasing from 9 Trillion, to over 19 Trillion during his terms?
Not entirely, no. Bush handed Obama a cratered economy. Much of the debt was from that. Such as the lost revenue 8 million jobs being lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Why on Earth would that lost revenue be Obama's fault? :cuckoo:

Obama is to blame for every bill he signed though that added to the debt.

Ah, so Obama get a pass from you, while Trump get not only the opposite, but outright lying from you...Thanks for exposing yourself....You're dismissed.

{just noticed that Faun is now "offline".... Typical pussy, hit and run specialist. Just like others of his ilk in here.}

Dumbfuck, my status always reads "offline." Even while I'm posting.

So by "hit and run," you mean running you over on my steamroller and then looking back over my shoulder to laugh at the roadkill.


1/2010: 129,807,000
1/2017: 145,695,000
TOTAL: 15,888,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Just as I said.

"And Obama added 16 million during his last 7 years after the Great Reccesion stopped bleeding jobs" ~ Faun

Nope....Not being truthful with the stats are you? I already gave you proof that more than 90% of the "jobs" that Obama "created" were either part time, or contract positions that disappeared once over....Obama's stats on this were all smoke and mirrors...

Nope....That's the fact, I understand you don't like it, but it is what it is....
Lying human scum, you idiotically claimed Obama was president since 2005. What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Show me exactly where I claimed on here that Obama was President in 2005, or admit you are lying about me....
You cited a survey that covered the years 2005-2015 and falsely claimed it covered "specifically from the Obama era."

Now stop lying.
Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

It wasn't just partisans on a message was reported on....

"A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions."

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Liar. That study was was from 2005-2015. You must be especially retarded to think Obama was president in 2095. :cuckoo:

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Nope...You're lying here...That study was specifically from the Obama era....Just stop while your behind.
Lying human scum. The study was NOT specifically from the Obama era. You just can't stop lying, can ya?

The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the United States, 1995-2015

A striking implication of these estimates is that 94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Ok, show me where the article I posted is speaking of this specific study...

Here is the link again just to make it super easy for you to highlight....

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Nope....Not being truthful with the stats are you? I already gave you proof that more than 90% of the "jobs" that Obama "created" were either part time, or contract positions that disappeared once over....Obama's stats on this were all smoke and mirrors...

Nope....That's the fact, I understand you don't like it, but it is what it is....
Lying human scum, you idiotically claimed Obama was president since 2005. What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Show me exactly where I claimed on here that Obama was President in 2005, or admit you are lying about me....
You cited a survey that covered the years 2005-2015 and falsely claimed it covered "specifically from the Obama era."

Now stop lying.

That's a lie...You are just dishonest as hell.

How about this.

Are Wages Rising or Flat?

View attachment 299507

So like unemployment and everything else this was all happening long before Trump.

Well, welcome to the world where history started before Trump...However, Notice that wages from 2017 to 2019 are higher than from 2009 to 2016....Hmmmm.....Do you know how to read charts?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

It must really suck to be as God Damned stupid as you are.

So what other skill does Trump have?
Apparently making a room full of Russian models squirt lol
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

It wasn't just partisans on a message was reported on....

"A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions."

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Liar. That study was was from 2005-2015. You must be especially retarded to think Obama was president in 2095. :cuckoo:

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Nope...You're lying here...That study was specifically from the Obama era....Just stop while your behind.
Lying human scum. The study was NOT specifically from the Obama era. You just can't stop lying, can ya?

The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the United States, 1995-2015

A striking implication of these estimates is that 94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Ok, show me where the article I posted is speaking of this specific study...

Here is the link again just to make it super easy for you to highlight....

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Your article from December, 2016 cites a new study "by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University..." [falsely] claiming the study states "nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract."

I posted a link to the actual study, you fucking retard, from September, 2016, "by Lawrence F. Katz Harvard University and NBER and Alan B. Krueger Princeton University and NBER...." showing they actually said that nearly 95% of all new jobs that were part-time, or contract, were actually during the years, 2005-2015.

The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the United States, 1995-2015

A striking implication of these estimates is that 94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements.

Now stop lying.

Nope....That's the fact, I understand you don't like it, but it is what it is....
Lying human scum, you idiotically claimed Obama was president since 2005. What the fuck is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Show me exactly where I claimed on here that Obama was President in 2005, or admit you are lying about me....
You cited a survey that covered the years 2005-2015 and falsely claimed it covered "specifically from the Obama era."

Now stop lying.

That's a lie...You are just dishonest as hell.

Now everyone sees you're a piece of shit liar.

I even see the following comment from the link YOU posted...

I'm not sure who wrote this article but it's incredibly intellectually dishonest. . . Number 1, the study wasn't new, it was written in April, 2. the study wasn't political and covered years 1995 to 2005 then 2005 to 2015 (Ie did not isolate presidency). 3. They author of this article have take alternative work arrangement to mean part time and contract rather than what was written in the study.

Dec 22, 2016 03:27PM GMT

Now stop lying.

Yea he was such a failure that he got elected twice. Racist Trump Humpers are a joke.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts

Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

Here's one now
Literally impervious to facts or knowledge.
Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

He was a failure. But who he ran against was a bigger failure.

Just like I said that the reason Trump is in office is because the left ran Hillary. The reason Obama got a 2nd term is because the right ran "I'll bet you 10000 dollars" Mitt Romney.

Just because someone is elected doesn't mean they are a great candidate or did wonderful things, it could possibly mean that the person they ran against sucked so bad nobody could vote against them.

More and more blacks are supporting Trump and that's the LAST thing the left wants to hear.

But now that Trump has a booming economy, a terrorist whose pieces had to be carried away in a bucket and full employment he's a shoe-in for reelection. What do the dems have to run on? A Sham impeachment? What have you guys DONE in 2 years? Nothing.
Booming? economy 2.3% gd growth. 145K jobs created, trillion dollar deficit, Fed bailouts

Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

It wasn't just partisans on a message was reported on....

"A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions."

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Liar. That study was was from 2005-2015. You must be especially retarded to think Obama was president in 2095. :cuckoo:

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

He wasn't resident in 2095?
How about this.

Are Wages Rising or Flat?

View attachment 299507

So like unemployment and everything else this was all happening long before Trump.

Well, welcome to the world where history started before Trump...However, Notice that wages from 2017 to 2019 are higher than from 2009 to 2016....Hmmmm.....Do you know how to read charts?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

It must really suck to be as God Damned stupid as you are.

So what other skill does Trump have?
Apparently making a room full of Russian models squirt lol
Trump's money can buy anything but I see you think the Russian pissing on the bed is actually true.

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