MORE leaked questions to Clinton campaign discovered

Dear Dot Com
Playing games with the press and Internet media is one level, which this election proved as "manufactured consensus" in the words of Noam Chomsky.

Trump also dressed down the press and called them on their BS biased coverage that isn't neutral journalism but lobbying.

What remains is addressing the Co opting of our legal system by corporate abuse and our political parties abusing collective power to oppress individual representation and to skew media and govt as well.

Trump beat the media game.

What about legal and judicial abuse.
What about party and corporate abuse.

Can the Greens and Libertarians be heard on those issues?
I think Wikileaks is sitting on more things. I think they never had any intention of releasing everything before the election. I think the plan was always to hold to most damning things until after the inauguration, regardless of the winner.
Wikileaks has noted that there will be another release in December. It's noted that they "have a Christmas present for us." No idea what it'll be related to though, they like to play games with their leaks.
What makes Trump's victory so impressive is he won in spite of having to battle not only his opponent, but the over the top biased media, underhanded cheating and rigging, and torpedo's from the GOP establishment assholes who had sour grapes their man Jeb Bush lost. I'm so proud of the American people, well done!

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