More Liberal Over-Reach


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
If you don't adhere to Liberal ideology you get punished by Liberal government....

If Farmers refuse to allow Gay Weddings on their farms they can not sell their goods at market.


Michigan city bans farmer from selling at public market because he won’t hold gay weddings on his property - Hot Air

"As is usually the case with these standoffs involving someone claiming the right not to cater gay weddings, the business owner, Steve Tennes, doesn’t have an anti-gay policy. He says he has gay customers and has employed gay workers. He draws the line at weddings because he considers that a religious ritual which his faith limits to men and women. Result: He can’t sell carrots or whatever in East Lansing’s market anymore."
Isn't Separation of Church and State' supposed to protect American citizens from government punishment for their choice of religion and practices on their own property? A farm is not a public Bakery.

(If Liberals someday, somehow manage to win enough of government to pass a law that legalizes a person's right to engage in necrophilia, will they punish Americans who refuse to allow people to hold weddings to marry dead people on their property?)

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