More LIES from the Democrat Party

DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
Maybe he didn't hear about Broward County, Florida's "find" of the votes in a box in a precinct chairman's car trunk that contained 100% democrat "voters" among whom were Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Goofy, Donald Duck, etc. DOH!!!!!

So ballots that were not valid and were caught and removed?
Not valid ?? Yet was removed, and then put into a suspicious vehicle that wasn't the normal protocol for such an action ??

Should I really have to explain why a ballot with the name of Mickey Mouse on it isn't valid?
Mickey Mouse ? Now how did that get in there ? Must be those Democrats up to no good again. LOL

Maybe the Republicans in North Carolina should have thought to go this route and they would't have been caught.
They were stuffing the ballot boxes with fake voter names ??

No, with real names but if they would have used fake names they would have been removed and the state wouldn't have had to do a do over.
By sidestepping picture ids, the courts might not take actions against perceived egregiously appearing malpractice in any and all precinct political self-indulgences into uncharted waters.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well
It’s well documented that Trump is a serial liar bar none.
The first 5,276 false things Donald Trump said as U.S. president are indicated by Toronto Star ... until they ran out of gas last year!

More View attachment 378659 from Communist Democrats who are getting damn desperate going into the November 3rd Election with Senile Joe and Knee Pads Kamala's Campaign being a sinking ship :smoke:
Sorry, your extremist misrepresentations will only influence fellow idiots.
To say that Democrats are communist is like saying Republicans are fascist.
No the Communist Democrats are stupid as fuck and i will keep on calling them that:fu:
The Democrats are unaware of Hillary's college dissertation that supported Saul Alinski's how-to list of extinguishing America's Constitution through illegal means of seizing power away from the people. That's got to be the reason Democrats are spending recklessly, to indebt all of us to hostile foreign countries, killing off 70 million unborn Americans in order to import foreigners to vote for their party and funded by shennagans like having a Joe Biden extort every country they voted billions to support to pay for their incessant vote purchases. They weren't expecting President Trump 's leadership to stop their lies, their low grassroot support, the lies paid for by Soros and other multibillionaires, and rigged elections when they "found" precinct "lost" ballots to find 99% votes favoring themselves to "prove" the polls they paid for were "close." They think outloud that people who put America first have no right to call out their lies that have no probity whatsoever.
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DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
Maybe he didn't hear about Broward County, Florida's "find" of the votes in a box in a precinct chairman's car trunk that contained 100% democrat "voters" among whom were Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Goofy, Donald Duck, etc. DOH!!!!!

So ballots that were not valid and were caught and removed?
Not valid ?? Yet was removed, and then put into a suspicious vehicle that wasn't the normal protocol for such an action ??

Should I really have to explain why a ballot with the name of Mickey Mouse on it isn't valid?
Mickey Mouse ? Now how did that get in there ? Must be those Democrats up to no good again. LOL

Maybe the Republicans in North Carolina should have thought to go this route and they would't have been caught.
They were stuffing the ballot boxes with fake voter names ??

No, with real names but if they would have used fake names they would have been removed and the state wouldn't have had to do a do over.
By sidestepping picture ids, the courts might not take actions against perceived egregiously appearing malpractice in any and all precinct political self-indulgences into uncharted waters.

If politicians really wanted to do picture I.D.'s they could have started long ago. They don't.
Trump was not specific on who he was calling "animals". That he was only talking about gang members is how people presented it only after his words went over very poorly.
So? It was clear to me. He was talking MS-13 gangsters when he said they are animals. And they are. Cockroaches who need to be stepped on. Even the Islamic terrorist have a "Cause". MS-13 just murders for FUN. The Marquis de Saad would be proud.

Bull. If that was all we built a wall for, what a waste. They can float or fly in with no problem. They have the means to get in without walking.
So it is time to use the ARMY. They are supposed to guard the USA. Maybe it is time to start. Illegals suck.

Or you could address the issue. The employers that hire them. It's funny how so many want the expensive hard divisive solutions over the easy solutions.
Both. Arrest the employers. And people who RENT to this dross. Then keep 'em out. Most of 'em are disease carriers.

It isn't going to happen. It could be front page every day. Hundreds of employee's busted daily. Why do you suppose that doesn't happen and is never going to happen?

You want me to go further in debt for something because we won't address the actual issue?
Just use the ARMY. Keep these unpersons out. At ANY cost.

Well there goes the corporate money. Think any politician will do that? Of course you don't. Why make suggestions for something you know will never happen?
How do you know? Besides ,Trump is not a Politician. He is a Regular American.

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