More LIES from the Democrat Party

DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
why do you lie so much man? first - you don't link to your claims. ergo, you're full of shit and making crap up hoping people just go "wow, maybe i was wrong here". but they never do.

your story is ONLY pertinent to 1 election but you leave that part out, don't you?

but if you insist on links to fraud:

and then twitter corrects the president on this and then OOPS - they were wrong:

" According to The Wall Street Journal, Twitter’s “fact check” about states which conduct mail-in voting was actually erroneous, leading to a revision of its disclaimer on Trump’s tweets." - your fact checkers can't even get the facts right.

now here comes a paragraph of how this is different and not relevant, even though it shows fraud.

look - if you really really really want to change how we vote - great. lets wait til AFTER this election and revamp our voting system.

1. everyone must re-register to the new system in order to update records and ensure anyone who have moved is no longer registered in other states.
2. voter registration will give you a voter ID and voter ID number like your SSN. this will check your eligibility to vote and ensure no one is trying to sneak into the system
3. show your card, match it to what they have in the system, and vote.
4. get a txt or e-mail showing you votes from your online profile you can update protected by 2 factor authentication. if you move you must change your info before you can vote again or it will be updated upon voting

and we're off to a baseline of something that we can examine and work out to ensure fairness, equal opportunity for both sides to vote and be a part of this system, and work to protect it from fraud.

it's a horrible idea to want to change how we vote in the most critical election of our time and you know it. you just don't care cause it's the only shot you think the left has, do justify it, or try to, and see what happens. if it fails, do what you always do - sit and bitch you were robbed and the mean right just doesn't get it.

no changes til after the election and then we update the entire system, not throw more wood on the firepit we have.

now - you up for revamping our entire system to ensure fairness? if no one is cheating or committing fraud, then this shouldn't be an issue for you, should it?

We had more than one thread on Trump being called out by the court. I shouldn't have to link to that.

Trump campaign fails to show evidence of vote-by-mail fraud, filing reveals | US news | The Guardian
i found your link - and he was referring to 1 election. you are implying he means everything. you also ignore the massive examples where fraud has been found.

you're suck a tool.

The administration was asked to provide proof of fraud. They came up with nothing.
great but it has nothing to do with the OP any more than my showing invalidated elections due to fraud.

we know fraud exists. if you wish to pick cherries, that's up to you. but now -sit there and TRY to tell me there is no voter fraud at all.

please. tell me that.

Sure there is. North Carolina had to do a do over because of it. No matter what you do someone will try and cheat. Despite that there is zero proof that the times people try and cheat aren't caught and overall it's minor.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back*

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
why do you lie so much man? first - you don't link to your claims. ergo, you're full of shit and making crap up hoping people just go "wow, maybe i was wrong here". but they never do.

your story is ONLY pertinent to 1 election but you leave that part out, don't you?

but if you insist on links to fraud:

and then twitter corrects the president on this and then OOPS - they were wrong:

" According to The Wall Street Journal, Twitter’s “fact check” about states which conduct mail-in voting was actually erroneous, leading to a revision of its disclaimer on Trump’s tweets." - your fact checkers can't even get the facts right.

now here comes a paragraph of how this is different and not relevant, even though it shows fraud.

look - if you really really really want to change how we vote - great. lets wait til AFTER this election and revamp our voting system.

1. everyone must re-register to the new system in order to update records and ensure anyone who have moved is no longer registered in other states.
2. voter registration will give you a voter ID and voter ID number like your SSN. this will check your eligibility to vote and ensure no one is trying to sneak into the system
3. show your card, match it to what they have in the system, and vote.
4. get a txt or e-mail showing you votes from your online profile you can update protected by 2 factor authentication. if you move you must change your info before you can vote again or it will be updated upon voting

and we're off to a baseline of something that we can examine and work out to ensure fairness, equal opportunity for both sides to vote and be a part of this system, and work to protect it from fraud.

it's a horrible idea to want to change how we vote in the most critical election of our time and you know it. you just don't care cause it's the only shot you think the left has, do justify it, or try to, and see what happens. if it fails, do what you always do - sit and bitch you were robbed and the mean right just doesn't get it.

no changes til after the election and then we update the entire system, not throw more wood on the firepit we have.

now - you up for revamping our entire system to ensure fairness? if no one is cheating or committing fraud, then this shouldn't be an issue for you, should it?

We had more than one thread on Trump being called out by the court. I shouldn't have to link to that.

Trump campaign fails to show evidence of vote-by-mail fraud, filing reveals | US news | The Guardian
I had an experience with leftist voter fraud on the part of people who claimed to be precinct chaimen in their local states. The. conversation was sometime in the 1997-2003 years, and for some reason, I was up late the night of this bragfest I was watching of Democrats boasting about who voted the most times for getting Democrats elected. All of them owned up to voting more than one time. One of them said he had voted 30 times, and another said she didn't keep an exact count, but claimed she probably voted at least twice that. I could hardly believe the discussion, because here smart political Democrats were having a field day as if doing something so horrifying as cheating was good guy stuff, when in truth they were stacking the deck, which made me very worried. Funny how it is still the Democrats suggesting the easiest way to insure an election of their own members by cheating, and 2 of them claimed to be precinct chairmen in 2 different states. The next morning, I thought the Time Magazine editors ought to know that people engaging in criminal fraud, so I went back to find where to tell them to look on their political forum, but the thread had already been removed. I figured that I wasn't the only subscriber who saw that since the thread had vanished into thin air. A few weeks later, the Time Magazine people withdrew public discussions all claiming that the editors did not have time to police the things people were saying. So lol, that was the end of Solomon Grundy.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
What a stupid question they asked, and they knew it. Trump suggested that there definitely could be fraud in such a thing, and after all that the Demoncrat's have done to our republic to date, it is garanteed that there is going to be fraud. Anyone in their right mind knows this, yet we are all just demanded or expected by the leftist to stand down, and just let it happen.

Only a fool ignores the overwhelming evidence thus far, and Trump is no fool. Hopefully the American patriot's are no fool's either.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
What a stupid question they asked, and they knew it. Trump suggested that there definitely could be fraud in such a thing, and after all that the Demoncrat's have done to our republic to date, it is garanteed that there is going to be fraud. Anyone in their right mind knows this, yet we are all just demanded or expected by the leftist to stand down, and just let it happen.

Only a fool ignores the overwhelming evidence thus far, and Trump is no fool. Hopefully the American patriot's are no fool's either.

No, he said over and over there "was" fraud.
All of them are savage fucking animals on two legs.

Trump knew who he was addressing when he said what he said.
Yes he adresses good people as good, bad people as bad, sometimes good people mean just good people and bad people just bad and blending them in propaganda and spining for political gain and ads is the insult to cultures(your racist act saying they are too dumb to notice differences) you try to blanket label and pander to through lying.
If he was so bad and you guys had a better mouse trap then why would you need to push a fake narrative? Answer, you were losing them to your opposition party, that which you rely on through propaganda & pandering was starting to wise up to your fascist tendencies.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
Maybe he didn't hear about Broward County, Florida's "find" of the votes in a box in a precinct chairman's car trunk that contained 100% democrat "voters" among whom were Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Goofy, Donald Duck, etc. DOH!!!!!
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
Maybe he didn't hear about Broward County, Florida's "find" of the votes in a box in a precinct chairman's car trunk that contained 100% democrat "voters" among whom were Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Goofy, Donald Duck, etc. DOH!!!!!

So ballots that were not valid and were caught and removed?
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.

Yet another post from an unknown website catering to some WRNJ.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
Maybe he didn't hear about Broward County, Florida's "find" of the votes in a box in a precinct chairman's car trunk that contained 100% democrat "voters" among whom were Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Goofy, Donald Duck, etc. DOH!!!!!

So ballots that were not valid and were caught and removed?
Not valid ?? Yet was removed, and then put into a suspicious vehicle that wasn't the normal protocol for such an action ??
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
Lying is about the only thing Communist Democrats do well :smoke:
If they fool enough people with easy-to-deceive mailin votes, the state murders will begin forthwith, and the press will gush about the craven rats as heroic instead ofcowzrdly. That's how all socialists in mass societies do it. Walk away, if you are against state assassinations of their enemies for being opposed.

Trump was asked by the courts to provide examples of fraud by mail in voting. He came up empty handed.
Maybe he didn't hear about Broward County, Florida's "find" of the votes in a box in a precinct chairman's car trunk that contained 100% democrat "voters" among whom were Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Goofy, Donald Duck, etc. DOH!!!!!

So ballots that were not valid and were caught and removed?
Not valid ?? Yet was removed, and then put into a suspicious vehicle that wasn't the normal protocol for such an action ??

Should I really have to explain why a ballot with the name of Mickey Mouse on it isn't valid?
It's not child abuse. It's called "taking children into
custody" It's been going on for millennia
If a Republican is in charge, small children should just be abandoned in the streets of America to fend for themselves according to the pizzagate Democrats
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
It doesn't surprise me, but what I don't get is why Trump doesn't have them arrested for yelling fire in a crowded theater in violation of the constitution (i.e. attempting to incite riots by doing so)???? He is our law and justice president right ? Ok, now let's see some law and justice then.

Yelling fire is not a violation of anything.
You're mistaken. Especially if people get trampled to death.

No, only if people get hurt. I posted the link. I am not wrong. You can yell "Fire" in a crowded theater legally.

So if a court can prove that you incite imminent lawlessness by falsely shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, it can convict you. If you incite an unlawful riot, your speech is "brigaded" with illegal action, and you will have broken the law
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
It doesn't surprise me, but what I don't get is why Trump doesn't have them arrested for yelling fire in a crowded theater in violation of the constitution (i.e. attempting to incite riots by doing so)???? He is our law and justice president right ? Ok, now let's see some law and justice then.

Yelling fire is not a violation of anything.
You're mistaken. Especially if people get trampled to death.

No, only if people get hurt. I posted the link. I am not wrong. You can yell "Fire" in a crowded theater legally.

So if a court can prove that you incite imminent lawlessness by falsely shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, it can convict you. If you incite an unlawful riot, your speech is "brigaded" with illegal action, and you will have broken the law

It gets so old having to answer the same question over and over. This was already addressed by me AND the link I posted.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
It doesn't surprise me, but what I don't get is why Trump doesn't have them arrested for yelling fire in a crowded theater in violation of the constitution (i.e. attempting to incite riots by doing so)???? He is our law and justice president right ? Ok, now let's see some law and justice then.

Yelling fire is not a violation of anything.
You're mistaken. Especially if people get trampled to death.

No, only if people get hurt. I posted the link. I am not wrong. You can yell "Fire" in a crowded theater legally.

So if a court can prove that you incite imminent lawlessness by falsely shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, it can convict you. If you incite an unlawful riot, your speech is "brigaded" with illegal action, and you will have broken the law

It gets so old having to answer the same question over and over. This was already addressed by me AND the link I posted.
I didnt axe you a question. You cannot induce a panic that causes injury or destruction of property. It is not a "law", it is a PRINCIPLE. You cannot incite a riot and you cannot cause a panic with false information. These are "limits" to free speech.
DNC fact check! The ‘they’re animals’ lie is back

In keeping with their tactic of cheery-picking statements made by Our President and those who support him, they again take his words out of context to support their dishonest narrative.

Independent Sentinel said:
The video showed children held in immigration detention centers as a young girl featured at the DNC*, in a voiceover, said: “Some of those kids are orphans because of you,” referring to President Trump. The video proceeded to show three clips of the president saying: “These aren’t people,” “I don’t want them in our country,” and “They’re animals.”

Independent Sentinel said:
*About the young girl featured at the DNC. She gave a moving speech by her mother who was deported by President Trump. However, she was first deported by President Clinton and was targeted for deportation by Obama-Biden.
It doesn't surprise me, but what I don't get is why Trump doesn't have them arrested for yelling fire in a crowded theater in violation of the constitution (i.e. attempting to incite riots by doing so)???? He is our law and justice president right ? Ok, now let's see some law and justice then.

Yelling fire is not a violation of anything.
You're mistaken. Especially if people get trampled to death.

No, only if people get hurt. I posted the link. I am not wrong. You can yell "Fire" in a crowded theater legally.

So if a court can prove that you incite imminent lawlessness by falsely shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, it can convict you. If you incite an unlawful riot, your speech is "brigaded" with illegal action, and you will have broken the law

It gets so old having to answer the same question over and over. This was already addressed by me AND the link I posted.
I didnt axe you a question. You cannot induce a panic that causes injury or destruction of property. It is not a "law", it is a PRINCIPLE.

I didn't say you could. Some people are unteachable it seems.
Trump was not specific on who he was calling "animals". That he was only talking about gang members is how people presented it only after his words went over very poorly.
Bull crap. Again
President Trump Calls Gang Members "Animals"
During a roundtable with local California officials regarding "sanctuary cities" policies, President Trump says his administration is busy rounding up MS-13 gang members and deporting them. "These aren't people," he says. "These are animals."

it was clear to me as to AT WHOM the term animals
APPLIED---but it is also true that Trump does not speak clearly enough for an audience of marginals
Trump was not specific on who he was calling "animals". That he was only talking about gang members is how people presented it only after his words went over very poorly.
Bull crap. Again
President Trump Calls Gang Members "Animals"
During a roundtable with local California officials regarding "sanctuary cities" policies, President Trump says his administration is busy rounding up MS-13 gang members and deporting them. "These aren't people," he says. "These are animals."

it was clear to me as to AT WHOM the term animals
APPLIED---but it is also true that Trump does not speak clearly enough for an audience of marginals

"Covfefe" !!
Trump was not specific on who he was calling "animals". That he was only talking about gang members is how people presented it only after his words went over very poorly.
So? It was clear to me. He was talking MS-13 gangsters when he said they are animals. And they are. Cockroaches who need to be stepped on. Even the Islamic terrorist have a "Cause". MS-13 just murders for FUN. The Marquis de Saad would be proud.
Trump was not specific on who he was calling "animals". That he was only talking about gang members is how people presented it only after his words went over very poorly.
Bull crap. Again
President Trump Calls Gang Members "Animals"
During a roundtable with local California officials regarding "sanctuary cities" policies, President Trump says his administration is busy rounding up MS-13 gang members and deporting them. "These aren't people," he says. "These are animals."

it was clear to me as to AT WHOM the term animals
APPLIED---but it is also true that Trump does not speak clearly enough for an audience of marginals
Or to morons in the Media.

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