More men are single than women?

No I don't agree with the OP

More women are single than men

But this is only what I believe!:)
Its impossible for there to be more single men than women, if there are more women in the US. For example, if there were 1000 men and 1200 women, if 500 men were single, then 700 women would be single.
It could also be how the person answering the poll defines single. A woman who is engaged considers herself in a relationship, while a man who is engaged considers himself to be single.
That's the way they've been measuring LFPR for decades.
Thats one way to measure it but in this instance is not the most useful way. They’ve been measuring labor force participation by age for decades too. We don’t care what the participation rate of old people is.
Just had a really great night. I approached some ladies at the mall and at a Walmart of all places. Because I know that that’s where a lot of working class ladies are. But I actually got this Russian lady‘s number she’s in her 30s tall thin blonde good looking. Very beautiful. And I had asked maybe five girls before(they were all very nice) and had no luck but once I got the Russian girls number I was filled with confidence and it certainly is an exhilarating thing as I’ve said before. This is the best way to go. Doing things in the traditional manner as opposed to going onto the online dating.

So for the posters here and whatever your age is if you’re saying that you’re giving up on dating that’s just not the American way my friend. It is very much possible for you to right now or even tomorrow or even now just go to the mall go to the grocery market and go after some ladies. Don’t be intimidated you might see a lady who has an expressionless face but it’s pretty easy to get a smile out of a woman. you try and get a read on the situation you should be able to do this. And don’t have “categories” what I mean is don’t have preferences you really need to open up your horizons go after a black girl or a Asian go after a larger girl you can have a ton of fun.

With the Russian lady we were talking about the history of the USSR and Russia… I talked with her for a good 15 minutes. We’re going to go out for a coffee date at least that’s the plan. The thing is you can get a lady’s number but it really means nothing until you actually meet her again. But I certainly feel good about this one and this was a very smart lady from Russia wow really awesome.
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In the worst-case scenario, the young American man’s social disconnect can have tragic consequences. Young men commit suicide at four times the rate of young women. Younger men are largely responsible for rising rates of mass shootings, a trend some researchers link to their growing social isolation.
Ane exactly what are we supposed to do to eliminate this threat to our vulnerable male youth? Eliminate technology? You're bitching about things you can't possibly control. Boring. A waste of time. :rolleyes:
On the Joe Rogan podcast there was a stat shown which said that in 2019 51% of men age to 18 to 29 were single but by 2022 that number had risen to 63% …while the number of single women effectively remain the same.

The source is the pew research center

As has been said before by many people this is due to the rise of drug use, the rise of feminization of men, the ultra feminist women, anti-Americanism the belief that America is systemically racist , cancel culture… as well as TikTok, Instagram turning many young men into zombies. It would not be surprising if this number goes up. And that means the downfall of American society ….less children being born last happy people…. it’s a terrible thing for society.

Far left people accept even applaud this kind of thing. What’s very interesting though is it’s going to come back and bite them because these types of things are bad for all society.

The more young people that get off the computer, get off the video games, stop using social media so much ….the better off our country will be.
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From the same Source this was interesting when you look at age of 65+

25% of men are single while 39 % of women are single.

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