More men are single than women?

I'm 6'2" but I never had a woman inquire about my income.
Lol, me either but I married long ago. I am sure they can guess by clothes, cars, house and such. I am divorced now have not really put my hat in that romance arena. Too busy building a new business. Get two more boats and trips to fill them with, maybe then. Probably not though after that I want to build a camp ground for my daughter and son in law to run. After that a business for my son to run. Just sure what to build for my son. He will have a business degree at the end of this year but plans to kinda fool around and try to establish his band for a couple of years after graduation.
Well, if you want to get into the weeds, then we can. The graph I first provided you was prime working age, which was 25 to 55. They divide by the civilian non-institutional population. That would exclude active duty military, anyone in prison, anyone who is living in a mental institution, anyone who is living in a nursing home. It would include illegal immigrants. It might include some retirees but very few people are retired at 55. It would not include children since it only includes people older than 25.

So when I presented the labor force participation rate of prime age workers, it was how many people were working (or looking for work) out of everyone that theoretically could work between the ages of 25 to 55 when you would expect the highest likelihood to work.

Yes, people "living on the dole" would lower the labor force participation rate, which is why I was showing you this graph in the first place.

Your theory about all these people living on the dole just doesn't hold up with the data. As I said earlier, the labor force participation rate is extremely high historically. The highest it's ever been was in the 1990s when welfare benefits were the most generous they've ever been (welfare reform passed in the 1990s under Clinton/Gingrich). Even now, we are at nearly historic highs as the labor force participation rate is less than 2% off the peak.

So if there are so many people living off the dole as you complain about, why is the labor force participation rate so damn high?

You are only using the primary age bracket. But as my link points out, government doesn't use that. They use the ages of 16 and older.

This is the site to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It clearly shows that we are nowhere near any all time high. In fact we are lower than before covid. After 911 we were still over 66.0 After the housing crash it dropped to 63.0 and it leveled off until covid with a slight increase after Trump took over. Once again it crashed with covid and went to 60.0, and today barely at 62.0 once again.

Now before you say anything, according to the AARP, we have twice as many senior citizens working past the age of 65 than we did in 1985. Increased full retirement age plays a part, but remember people are also depending on their 401Ks in which to retire like my sister is. Smart investors realize pulling money out now would be a huge loss for them down the road. So they are getting jobs or keeping the ones they have.

Okay, lower labor participation rates, more seniors working, so where are the prime age workers at? After all we all need a roof over our head and food on the table. They're getting it somehow.

The only two reasonable conclusions are expanded social programs and adults still living with their parents which currently, we are at record highs.

Women have always been attracted to older men. They also tend to want to marry up the socio-economic ladder.

It's called 'Hypergamy'.
Why not? I was worth it. Be hard to catch but easy to live with, that's the trick. :)

But that's pretty materialistic.

I'm 6'3" and there are not many other men taller than me, so you are really narrowing down your options. Physical makeup is no indication of a good mate.

It's like me being a landlord. I tried to do what others did by assuring the applicant had a good credit score, good references, good job and such. Many of them turned out to be nothing but a problem. So I switched my criteria to instinct. Some of my best tenants had no credit, no rental history, but the excitement of possibly getting an apartment on their face at such a young age showed me that they would value it much more than people that had various apartments in their past.

I've had very attractive women in my life and others nobody would look at twice. Once all the mattress magic gets old, your friends and family in envy you were able to get such a hot girl, what are you left with when dealing with the actual person themselves? In many cases not much.

That's why instinct is the best judge on just about anything.

I reckon with increasing LGTB stuff, with more women hitting for the other side, that makes sense.

Otherwise, it doesn't

Then again, what is a woman?


Well, once again good news for democrats, more LGTB types and a decreasing population

It's a win/win
It truly is a remarkable number if it’s true. And I wonder what that number was say back in the 1940s or even the 1980s. You know another thing is we have a very high divorce rate in our country today. My mom went through a divorce when she was younger.

As I said maybe in this thread there’s perhaps a few reasons for this. And it’s something that we will never hear from most politicians except for maybe some from the freedom caucus. It’s because for w/e reason the politicians a disgrace to America they don’t actually care about their population.
Where in the world is Kamala Harris or the squad why aren’t they out there talking about this terrible situation in America with young men who are glued to their computer all day. Don’t they care about the country.? Maybe they don’t give a shit about this country do they. They’re only trying to get more money for themselves when they talk about racial nonsense and being woke.

There are politicians who care like Senator Josh Hawley and the former congressman Madison Cawthorn. And also Andrew Tate …They’re out there telling guys to get off the computer get the hell off the computer just meet a woman in real life.

This is a big one from Andrew Tate and it’s just common sense anyone can probably say …it. But if your a young guy trying to meet a woman on tinder or Instagram and they’re not messaging you back just block that person and delete them. Look there’s billions of women there so beautiful , plenty of nice women out there of all sizes all colors so just forget about the ones on tinder and Instagram. go for the ones in real life like at the mall at the bar at the grocery store.

Too many single American young men is a problem and it’s probably due to overt marijuana usage …. the government likes it because they’re making a bunch of money off of it because their drug dealers. The rise of feminism among men is something that’s very very bad. And the rise of weak Democrat men who will bow down and get on their knees before BLM and give them all their money.

Let’s look at some more reasons because so many young Democrat voters are nothing like the men of the past. They’re not as strong, they’re not as well-built. They’re on Instagram they’re on Facebook they’re literally looking at their phones all day. And then they go on the dating sites instead of trying to meet a woman in real life. The thing with the dating site is you could be a guy who is a 7/10 but you’re gonna be lucky if you could even match with a woman who’s at 3/10. It’s much much easier for the women whether it’s at the bars whether it’s online dating you could have a woman who is a 1/10 she can get sex anytime she wants. That’s just how it is in someway it’s probably always been like that …. whether it’s like that in the past who knows but that’s how it is in the modern era

And in somewhat of a scary way there’s a lot of young man with simply have given up on dating they don’t even want to do it. If every young man was like that guess what we wouldn’t have a country anymore.

Just another thing we have work to do on in this country
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In the worst-case scenario, the young American man’s social disconnect can have tragic consequences. Young men commit suicide at four times the rate of young women. Younger men are largely responsible for rising rates of mass shootings, a trend some researchers link to their growing social isolation.
Also a lot of those young male shooters were on marijuana all the time.
Given how effeminate and voluntarily cucked young lads are today, I am not surprised. Women are fine with a nice, safe cuckboi friend who will bring her things, play video games with her, and discuss commonly held stupid leftist beliefs. But unless the chick is a dyke, or is a ruthless feminazi who prefers to peg male partners, then at some point she is going to want an honest-to-goodness hardcore schlonging from a real man. Take me, for example. I am not good for shit. I am focused on myself and my endeavors. I failed at marriage every time I tried. So I am now sadly spending my older years alone, fishing, riding my 2 Harleys, shooting guns, and of course, making lots of money. Boo hoo hoo!! No chick will come to me to be their confidant. But they will come for something else. Even the chicks in their 20s with daddy issues...They love the Lord Long Rod. But young dudes are not like this anymore. They are so desperate for the touch of a lady that they would go around wearing a bra and panties if they thought it may result in a girl talking to them. They have never gone hunting and killed something. They have never repaired a truck. They are on the internet 12 hours a day doing stupid shit and getting fat. It is no secret that virility in men is declining. I think this is God's way to put a stop to cuck males. Think about it. If it is not a female, but is a male, but does not act like a male is supposed to naturally act, then it is a third type of person altogether. It is a person who hates himself so much that he chooses to be celibate. What fucking losers!!

So yeah, I get why there are so many single young guys around. They are generally a bunch of useless shit heads.
It’s a really unfortunate thing that if you go on some of the dating profiles or Instagram there’s women on there who are openly celebrating abortion and saying I refuse to date someone who doesn’t support BLM or the saying I refuse to date somebody who is a Trump supporter. And I want nothing to do with those women. There’s good news there’s tons of women actually a lot of the immigrants from South America from the Middle East are traditional women are incredibly beautiful and they like to cook for men. They are like I said incredibly beautiful and so that’s something to look at right there. There you go. So some guys just need to expand their horizons
It truly is a remarkable number if it’s true. And I wonder what that number was say back in the 1940s or even the 1980s. You know another thing is we have a very high divorce rate in our country today. My mom went through a divorce when she was younger.

As I said maybe in this thread there’s perhaps a few reasons for this. And it’s something that we will never hear from most politicians except for maybe some from the freedom caucus. It’s because for w/e reason the politicians a disgrace to America they don’t actually care about their population.
Where in the world is Kamala Harris or the squad why aren’t they out there talking about this terrible situation in America with young men who are glued to their computer all day. Don’t they care about the country.? Maybe they don’t give a shit about this country do they. They’re only trying to get more money for themselves when they talk about racial nonsense and being woke.

There are politicians who care like Senator Josh Hawley and the former congressman Madison Cawthorn. And also Andrew Tate …They’re out there telling guys to get off the computer get the hell off the computer just meet a woman in real life.

This is a big one from Andrew Tate and it’s just common sense anyone can probably say …it. But if your a young guy trying to meet a woman on tinder or Instagram and they’re not messaging you back just block that person and delete them. Look there’s billions of women there so beautiful , plenty of nice women out there of all sizes all colors so just forget about the ones on tinder and Instagram. go for the ones in real life like at the mall at the bar at the grocery store.

Too many single American young men is a problem and it’s probably due to overt marijuana usage …. the government likes it because they’re making a bunch of money off of it because their drug dealers. The rise of feminism among men is something that’s very very bad. And the rise of weak Democrat men who will bow down and get on their knees before BLM and give them all their money.

Let’s look at some more reasons because so many young Democrat voters are nothing like the men of the past. They’re not as strong, they’re not as well-built. They’re on Instagram they’re on Facebook they’re literally looking at their phones all day. And then they go on the dating sites instead of trying to meet a woman in real life. The thing with the dating site is you could be a guy who is a 7/10 but you’re gonna be lucky if you could even match with a woman who’s at 3/10. It’s much much easier for the women whether it’s at the bars whether it’s online dating you could have a woman who is a 1/10 she can get sex anytime she wants. That’s just how it is in someway it’s probably always been like that …. whether it’s like that in the past who knows but that’s how it is in the modern era

And in somewhat of a scary way there’s a lot of young man with simply have given up on dating they don’t even want to do it. If every young man was like that guess what we wouldn’t have a country anymore.

Just another thing we have work to do on in this country

Yes, anytime there is a shooting you will hear one of two things

If the shooter is black then the cause is related to racial injustice, but if the shooter is white, we need more gun regulations.

That's it, and it is all virtue signaling. As you say, they could care less about these people.
There is one more thing to be said here for a why there are twice as many single young men compared to single young women. And it is because a lot of young men are just top Gs, they have anywhere from 2 to 10 girlfriends if not more. That’s the result of working out and having success and believing in yourself…
It truly is a remarkable number if it’s true. And I wonder what that number was say back in the 1940s or even the 1980s. You know another thing is we have a very high divorce rate in our country today. My mom went through a divorce when she was younger.

As I said maybe in this thread there’s perhaps a few reasons for this. And it’s something that we will never hear from most politicians except for maybe some from the freedom caucus. It’s because for w/e reason the politicians a disgrace to America they don’t actually care about their population.
Where in the world is Kamala Harris or the squad why aren’t they out there talking about this terrible situation in America with young men who are glued to their computer all day. Don’t they care about the country.? Maybe they don’t give a shit about this country do they. They’re only trying to get more money for themselves when they talk about racial nonsense and being woke.

There are politicians who care like Senator Josh Hawley and the former congressman Madison Cawthorn. And also Andrew Tate …They’re out there telling guys to get off the computer get the hell off the computer just meet a woman in real life.

This is a big one from Andrew Tate and it’s just common sense anyone can probably say …it. But if your a young guy trying to meet a woman on tinder or Instagram and they’re not messaging you back just block that person and delete them. Look there’s billions of women there so beautiful , plenty of nice women out there of all sizes all colors so just forget about the ones on tinder and Instagram. go for the ones in real life like at the mall at the bar at the grocery store.

Too many single American young men is a problem and it’s probably due to overt marijuana usage …. the government likes it because they’re making a bunch of money off of it because their drug dealers. The rise of feminism among men is something that’s very very bad. And the rise of weak Democrat men who will bow down and get on their knees before BLM and give them all their money.

Let’s look at some more reasons because so many young Democrat voters are nothing like the men of the past. They’re not as strong, they’re not as well-built. They’re on Instagram they’re on Facebook they’re literally looking at their phones all day. And then they go on the dating sites instead of trying to meet a woman in real life. The thing with the dating site is you could be a guy who is a 7/10 but you’re gonna be lucky if you could even match with a woman who’s at 3/10. It’s much much easier for the women whether it’s at the bars whether it’s online dating you could have a woman who is a 1/10 she can get sex anytime she wants. That’s just how it is in someway it’s probably always been like that …. whether it’s like that in the past who knows but that’s how it is in the modern era

And in somewhat of a scary way there’s a lot of young man with simply have given up on dating they don’t even want to do it. If every young man was like that guess what we wouldn’t have a country anymore.

Just another thing we have work to do on in this country

Bunk. Let them do what they do. We should NOT be encouraging young men to find women if they'd rather not. That's stupidity. There is nothing wrong with a man being single, focusing instead on other things. You are way off. This is NOT an issue and not a problem for the country.
There is one more thing to be said here for a why there are twice as many single young men compared to single young women. And it is because a lot of young men are just top Gs, they have anywhere from 2 to 10 girlfriends if not more. That’s the result of working out and having success and believing in yourself…
Women are more promiscuous today because of birth control and abortion and more willing to have casual sex.

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