More men are single than women?

The fact is the labor pool has never been bigger. It is saturated with beyond hard working people. There is no shortage of labor.

Right. Companies are overpaying people and have help wanted signs in front of their businesses just to fool us. :eusa_shhh:
Adults living at home is a huge problem today because the parents welcome it. They want their adult children to live at home for as long as possible.

In my day we had what was called the generation gap. We loved our parents and they loved us, but on many issues we didn't see eye to eye. Today parents are friends more than parents. They won't kick your ass out of the house because you want to play video games in the basement all day smoking pot. When I was young, if a kid was doing that, the parents threw them right out; not because of anger, but because they knew that was the only way to force them to grow up already.
And yet YOU never did grow up.
Right. Companies are overpaying people and have help wanted signs in front of their businesses just to fool us. :eusa_shhh:
Those companies are bad places to work and are being avoided. It's their job to step up. Do you not know basic economics? Do you really believe companies have a right to employees?
They ask people if they’re working or looking for work.

What exactly is your problem with the data? It clearly shows that the percent of people working or looking for work is near historic highs.

If people were really just sitting around taking government benefits, why is the labor force participation so high?

Because again, they base the labor participation force rate from the unemployment numbers.

Let's say we have 10 million people that are not working or looking for work, but they are of working age just living off the dole or still living with their parents. Those people are not counted as unemployed. When they calculate the labor force participation rate, they use unemployment numbers which means those 10 million people are not counted as people who can potentially work. That falsely increases the labor participation rate.
Those companies are bad places to work and are being avoided. It's their job to step up. Do you not know basic economics? Do you really believe companies have a right to employees?

That has nothing to do with it. We don't have enough people to take these jobs. Therefore we have a labor shortage.
Using a few examples to stereotype all women in this way is misogynistic.
Who said all women? They never seem to run out of different women saying it. Yes there are still good women out there. Evidently there are enough superficial that it is screwing stats.
I'm just guessing, but I think men outnumber women in Muslim countries (ill-treatment of women), in China (one-child policy, and they favored boys), and in the US (the vast majority of illegals are male).

Most elderly in the world are women. I remember reading somewhere that men outnumber women 51 to 49.
Huh. Good post.

It is true that all countries that practice infanticide and sex-selective abortion heavily favor males. They don't want to raise the females, and they don't.

Where this doesn't happen (us, if not many other places?) there are more females born and more that live.

However, I think you make a thought-provoking point.
Who said all women? They never seem to run out of different women saying it. Yes there are still good women out there. Evidently there are enough superficial that it is screwing stats.
If you think women are "superficial" because we won't have anything to do with no-good losers, think again.
Perhaps those jobs don't need filling. They aren't essential.

Of course they need filling, that's why companies have those help wanted signs in front of their buildings. Military recruitment is down, many cities can't find applicants for new police officers, and many industries including my former one needs tens of thousands of workers they can't find.
Of course they need filling, that's why companies have those help wanted signs in front of their buildings. Military recruitment is down, many cities can't find applicants for new police officers, and many industries including my former one needs tens of thousands of workers they can't find.
Oh well none of that is earth shattering.
Oh well none of that is earth shattering.

Perhaps not earth shattering but certainly concerning. Remember the more businesses have to pay for labor to attract them to work, the higher and higher our costs go to get those products or services. That's where some of our inflation is coming from.
Statistics say that the number of males born every year is just about equal to the number of females. If the assumption is that a marriage is between a male and a female how is it possible for more females to be married than males?
Statistics say that the number of males born every year is just about equal to the number of females. If the assumption is that a marriage is between a male and a female how is it possible for more females to be married than males?

Maybe the women are marrying each other.

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