More men are single than women?

Everyone I know feels the same way. But we all know that we are going to keep having to pay for it.
Well then you have all capitulated and the future government will be very aware of your surrender of your gifted money so they can have more proxy wars, give money away to foreign countries and enjoy the globalism they have built.
No, there are fewer men than women. Everywhere. Look it up.
I'm just guessing, but I think men outnumber women in Muslim countries (ill-treatment of women), in China (one-child policy, and they favored boys), and in the US (the vast majority of illegals are male).

Most elderly in the world are women. I remember reading somewhere that men outnumber women 51 to 49.
You’re not totally wrong but I don’t see what your point is.

People who aren’t employed and not looking for work are considered in labor force participation rate because they’re in the denominator.

You seem to think that social programs keep people out of the labor force but this graph shows you that we are at near historical peaks in of people participating in the labor force, or to put it a different way, we are at near historic lows or people staying out of the labor force.

Your belief system doesn’t jive with the data.

Of course it does when you figure how they calculate unemployment.
Just wait 10 years and that shortage will be considerably greater if we do everything your way.

The shortage will be more. They already figured that out with us baby boomers retiring and people that don't want to get their hands dirty.
My mom and dad are both in their seventies but in reasonably good health.
“You have to think that the pandemic had an impact on some of those numbers,” said Fred Rabinowitz, a psychologist and professor at the University of Redlands who studies masculinity.

Young men “are watching a lot of social media, they’re watching a lot of porn, and I think they’re getting a lot of their needs met without having to go out. And I think that’s starting to be a habit.”

Even seasoned researchers struggle to fully account for the relationship gap between young women and men: If single young men outnumber single young women nearly two to one, then who are all the young women dating?

Some of them are dating each other. One-fifth of Generation Z identifies as queer, and research suggests bisexual women make up a large share of the young-adult queer community.

Young women are also dating and marrying slightly older men, carrying on a tradition that stretches back more than a century. The average age at first marriage is around 30 for men, 28 for women, according to census figures.

Heterosexual women are getting more choosy. Women “don’t want to marry down,” to form a long-term relationship to a man with less education and earnings than herself, said Ronald Levant, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron and author of several books on masculinity.
In other words there are more socially awkward incel men whining about not being able to get a woman......

Guess that's women's fault...

We need more empathy and outreach for incels.....women need to start dating them more instead of being repulsed by them.....
In the worst-case scenario, the young American man’s social disconnect can have tragic consequences. Young men commit suicide at four times the rate of young women. Younger men are largely responsible for rising rates of mass shootings, a trend some researchers link to their growing social isolation.
It's the 6 ft tall six figure thing. It's all over the internet. I saw this 5ft 2 200 pound chick say 6ft tall and 6 figure income is minimum criteria. Good luck crazy lady. The guys that fit this description are dating multiple women. Lol, these women think they are in a relationship but they are not. They are just getting smashed by these guys and left on the road side when the guy is done with them. I do not feel sorry for these women when they are dumped by these guys that is what being superficial gets ya.
There are more women than men. Ergo, in the most extreme case, there would be more unmarried women than unmarried men if all people were single.
Can you blame people for taking better jobs?

If they're taking better jobs, good for them. If they're choosing to sit home on some government programs, that I have a problem with.

But you know, I can't tell you how many times I came across another driver that had a college degree. Whatever it is they studied for didn't have the job availability nor paid as well as being a driver. They told me they regret wasting all that money for nothing.
If they're taking better jobs, good for them. If they're choosing to sit home on some government programs, that I have a problem with.

But you know, I can't tell you how many times I came across another driver that had a college degree. Whatever it is they studied for didn't have the job availability nor paid as well as being a driver. They told me they regret wasting all that money for nothing.
As I’ve been saying, the data shows that people aren’t sitting at home taking government benefits. Labor force participation is at nearly historic highs.

The problem is those jobs still need to be done and if there aren’t enough people to do them, the economy suffers.

If the economy suffers, we all suffer.
If employers want jobs to be filled that's on them. If they can't find people it is 500 percent on the employer.
And how do you suppose they calculate those figures? That's right, by the unemployment numbers.
They ask people if they’re working or looking for work.

What exactly is your problem with the data? It clearly shows that the percent of people working or looking for work is near historic highs.

If people were really just sitting around taking government benefits, why is the labor force participation so high?

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