More men are single than women?

That doesn't tell us anything.

UE is calculated by surveys. If you are surveyed and tell the worker you are unemployed but looking for work, you are considered as unemployed. If you tell the worker you are not employed nor looking for work, you are not considered unemployed and therefore not considered in the labor participation rate.
You’re not totally wrong but I don’t see what your point is.

People who aren’t employed and not looking for work are considered in labor force participation rate because they’re in the denominator.

You seem to think that social programs keep people out of the labor force but this graph shows you that we are at near historical peaks in of people participating in the labor force, or to put it a different way, we are at near historic lows or people staying out of the labor force.

Your belief system doesn’t jive with the data.
It's not a concern...10 years from now. The trend is going to be more and more work at home. Deal with it.
We should. Contracting labor force is going to screw the economy if we don’t do something.

The older generation is way more sick and needy and is going to occupy a significant chunk of our time, leaving less time for more beneficial endeavors.
The older generation is way more sick and needy and is going to occupy a significant chunk of our time, leaving less time for more beneficial endeavors.
Now we have an 80 year old senile President that you voted for.
Maxed out. Same with IRAs and HSAs. The rest is in brokerage accounts.

If this country were sane, we would have added means testing to social security ages ago.
I'm only 33 and doubt that Social Security will be there when I retire.

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