More men are single than women?

What do you consider a good job? Manager at a Jiffy Lube?

Our construction industry is hurting. My former line of work is looking for anybody willing to drive a truck. Our industrial areas are littered with help wanted signs. Plenty of work here.
Social programs only influence people to work many less hours. I worked with industry, I seen what's going on. States that increased their minimum wage got people to work less hours because too much money meant a reduction in benefits.

If you want kids, fine, but support them yourself. Don't depend on your neighbor supporting your kids because you weren't responsible enough to learn a trade or career to make enough money to support them.
You have no idea how expensive it is to raise kids these days.

If you don’t support families, no one will be there to support you.

Although I imagine you’ll blame someone else for the consequences that you brought on yourself.
Our construction industry is hurting. My former line of work is looking for anybody willing to drive a truck. Our industrial areas are littered with help wanted signs. Plenty of work here.
People are looking for careers. Not driving trucks.
Society handed you a highly functional economy with good infrastructure, cheap education, significant economic opportunity and practically no debt.

You cashed all that in and took it for yourselves leaving the next generation with none of it.

Crumbling infrastructure
Massive debt
Expensive education

And now you expect us to pay your social security and Medicare because you’re entitled to my paycheck.

That's exactly what I expect for contributing to those programs all of my life. You're not paying me shit, I worked for every dime of the money I get today.

It's your commie leaders that allowed our infrastructure to crumble; trying to pass bills loaded with green pork and vote buying schemes. DumBama and Biden are both debt hawks, so don't say it was baby boomers or Republicans. Colleges are mostly liberal so blame them for ripping people off.
People are looking for careers. Not driving trucks.

What an idiot. What do you think driving a truck is? It's a career. You can't just jump in a truck and go driving. You need to go to school, pass the CDL test, maintain a good driving record. Driving can pay into the six figure range depending on what you're willing to do.

You have no idea how expensive it is to raise kids these days.

If you don’t support families, no one will be there to support you.

Although I imagine you’ll blame someone else for the consequences that you brought on yourself.

What consequences? I opted not to have children because of the expense. Other people should do the same if they don't want to have a family.
What an idiot. What do you think driving a truck is? It's a career. You can't just jump in a truck and go driving. You need to go to school, pass the CDL test, maintain a good driving record. Driving can pay into the six figure range depending on what you're willing to do.

What an idiot. What do you think driving a truck is? It's a career. You can't just jump in a truck and go driving. You need to go to school, pass the CDL test, maintain a good driving record. Driving can pay into the six figure range depending on what you're willing to do.

It’s not a career. It’s a job.
The lack of significant social relationships is bad for people’s health.

Substance abuse
Premature death.

We should never prioritize playing with toys over being part of society.
Like those conditions don't exist within any kind of relationship. 'Sides I don't recall any mention of a lack of any kind of social relationship. However, I am multitasking and unable to follow all the posts in this interesting thread.

Out for now.....have fun. :)
It’s not a career. It’s a job.

Yeah, a job Americans are too lazy to do. You're always in demand, can make a pretty good living, and can move to any part of the country you want to live in and always be guaranteed a job. Yes, that's a career.
What consequences? I opted not to have children because of the expense. Other people should do the same if they don't want to have a family.
Too many to count. The economy depends on labor, you know.

What do you think is going to happen to you when you get older?
Yeah, a job Americans are too lazy to do. You're always in demand, can make a pretty good living, and can move to any part of the country you want to live in and always be guaranteed a job. Yes, that's a career.
Laziness has nothing to do with it. They just don’t want to work shitty jobs.
I have dated some older women and find they are very attentive. Many younger women are self-centered.

Exactly. And they can't keep their fingers outta the custard...then blame you...

Laziness has nothing to do with it. They just don’t want to work shitty jobs.

Aww, poor babies. They don't want to work these jobs so let them go on social programs because we don't want to have to put them out. We want jobs where you work from home in your PJs, watch television half the time, and not have to answer to any meanie supervisor. But we're not lazy. :eusa_shhh:
Adults living at home is a huge problem today because the parents welcome it. They want their adult children to live at home for as long as possible.

In my day we had what was called the generation gap. We loved our parents and they loved us, but on many issues we didn't see eye to eye. Today parents are friends more than parents. They won't kick your ass out of the house because you want to play video games in the basement all day smoking pot. When I was young, if a kid was doing that, the parents threw them right out; not because of anger, but because they knew that was the only way to force them to grow up already.
Almost 1 in 5 young "adults" 25-30 are still living at home. That is staggering.
More than double the number of my generation. 3 times as many as Baby Boomers.
Which is why I told the kid in this thread... you guys want to extend your teenage years into your 30s. And expect the world to take care of you so you can still go outside and play all day. Or go to pride parades.
You didn’t pay for it. Those social security checks are coming straight out of my paycheck. That’s a fact.

The only thing that's a fact is you're an idiot. Your comment is as stupid as saying if I got into a car accident, you're paying for the repair even though I paid insurance premiums all of my life. You're not paying shit.

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