More men are single than women?

More bullshit.
Kids aren't having kids because they are being taught that traditional family structure is wrong.
Over 20% of kids are literally now mentally ill and claiming to be non binary. trans etc.
Getting married and having children is not attractive to them. Doesn't have a freaking thing to do with paying for it.
Kids aren't having kids because we tell them to work work work and there's no time for them to have them. Young people aspire for nice things and travel and such and kids get in the way of that.
More bullshit thinking.
Who is going to pay for caring for me when I get old... ME! It's called retirement savings, 403, 401k, pensions, SS I paid into for 40 years. ME! Equity in our home... all paid by ME!
Actually the bullshit thinking is yours.

Money doesn’t take care of people.

People take care of people.

Without population and economic growth what happens?

Economic stagnation will harm your 401k, pension
Without a working population, there won’t be people to pay your social security benefit.
The housing market and your home equity depends on people willing to buy your house.

You guys really don’t think ahead.
More bullshit.
Kids aren't having kids because they are being taught that traditional family structure is wrong.
Over 20% of kids are literally now mentally ill and claiming to be non binary. trans etc.
Getting married and having children is not attractive to them. Doesn't have a freaking thing to do with paying for it.
Jesus, who the hell told you that bullshit?
I'm dating a woman 7 years younger than me. We both have good careers and share many of the same interests.
Kids aren't having kids because we tell them to work work work and there's no time for them to have them. Young people aspire for nice things and travel and such and kids get in the way of that.
As I said, has nothing to do with economics. Has everything to do with not wanting to have children, and that stems from society teaching then that family/children is less important than extending childhood into your 30s.
Have your fun. But expecting society to pay for your shit because you insist on living the life of a teenager when you are 25 is - AGAIN - bullshit.
As I said, has nothing to do with economics. Has everything to do with not wanting to have children, and that stems from society teaching then that family/children is less important than extending childhood into your 30s.
Have your fun. But expecting society to pay for your shit because you insist on living the life of a teenager when you are 25 is - AGAIN - bullshit.
I am self sufficient and don't expect society to pay my way. I am still single by choice because I am not ready for the responsibility of marriage. I enjoy my freedom.
As I said, has nothing to do with economics. Has everything to do with not wanting to have children, and that stems from society teaching then that family/children is less important than extending childhood into your 30s.
Have your fun. But expecting society to pay for your shit because you insist on living the life of a teenager when you are 25 is - AGAIN - bullshit.
Young people are choosing work over families so that's exactly how you want things. The 50s are over.....thankfully.
Kids aren't having kids because we tell them to work work work and there's no time for them to have them. Young people aspire for nice things and travel and such and kids get in the way of that.

I think the problem is education and people wanting less and less commitments, especially long term commitments like children.

According to the CDC, to raise a middle-class child today, the cost is $244,000. if you want to have your standard two child family, you better be ready to part with a half-million dollars in the next 20 years or so. Now what would all the money earn if you invested it in a conservative growth account like an IRA instead?

People are avoiding responsibility like never seen before. They simply don't want the problems. We have a record amount of young adults living at home with their parents. The new trend is parents moving in with their adult children. As a landlord for 30 years, I never seen the rental market this nuts as I have the last ten years or so. Shortage of houses to buy? Hardly. It's just younger people today don't want to deal with the responsibilities, care and maintenance of home ownership. They don't want to learn to take care of things. They don't want to get estimates from plumbers or electricians. They just want to make one phone call to solve all their problems, and that call is to the landlord.
As I said, has nothing to do with economics. Has everything to do with not wanting to have children, and that stems from society teaching then that family/children is less important than extending childhood into your 30s.
Have your fun. But expecting society to pay for your shit because you insist on living the life of a teenager when you are 25 is - AGAIN - bullshit.
This is nothing but pathetic culture war bullshit. You clearly have no idea what people in their 30s think.

They’re working their asses off and see that everything the previous generations enjoyed is out of reach. Housing and child care are massively more expensive than anything you ever could understand. Meanwhile boomers who had everything handed to them act entitled to all the benefits and none of the cost.
I think the problem is education and people wanting less and less commitments, especially long term commitments like children.

According to the CDC, to raise a middle-class child today, the cost is $244,000. if you want to have your standard two child family, you better be ready to part with a half-million dollars in the next 20 years or so. Now what would all the money earn if you invested it in a conservative growth account like an IRA instead?

People are avoiding responsibility like never seen before. They simply don't want the problems. We have a record amount of young adults living at home with their parents. The new trend is parents moving in with their adult children. As a landlord for 30 years, I never seen the rental market this nuts as I have the last ten years or so. Shortage of houses to buy? Hardly. It's just younger people today don't want to deal with the responsibilities, care and maintenance of home ownership. They don't want to learn to take care of things. They don't want to get estimates from plumbers or electricians. They just want to make one phone call to solve all their problems, and that call is to the landlord.
What a load of nonsense. Have you see the cost of housing? Prices for housing are rising dramatically faster than wages. That’s why people are living together. To save money. No one wants to live with their parents.

Of course labor is a problem. Who do you think is going to take care of you when you become old and infirm? Who is going to grow your food? Who is going to build your house?

The people in our country today. Yes, labor is a problem because people don't want to work, not because we don't have enough people. You want more people to work, then vote conservative Republican and they will reduce social programs for people that can work but opt not to. That's how you solve that problem.

I reckon with increasing LGTB stuff, with more women hitting for the other side, that makes sense.

Otherwise, it doesn't

Then again, what is a woman?


Well, once again good news for democrats, more LGTB types and a decreasing population

It's a win/win
What we see in America has been a rise of metrosexual men, a rise of feminized men. I’ve been kind of out of the loop for the past three years I’ve been recovering from an injury. I’ve just been starting to get out and I’ve been seeing things that are a disgrace to America. I go into a coffee shop I see a bunch of feminine type men with women who are not even their girlfriends or wives but who are their platonic friends. What the hell was is that I say.

I respect the strong women I respect a woman who rises to the top of the business world. But ultra left feminist women well I don’t want anything to do with Them. For example if guy is on a date and the woman uses the term “bro “ it’s pretty much a red sign that this is not the way forward. Today we see women talking like men and men talking like women on dates ….it’s unacceptable.

We will still see sites of traditional America if you go to some of the bars in South Buffalo or Boston or places where they’re still working class white people and Black people who care about traditions. But if you go to the major cities like New York City apparently many of the bathrooms there are multi gender. It is disgusting. It is unacceptable. We don’t have that all over the country thankfully but again in New York City and many of the clubs and bars they have these bathrooms that are multi gender you literally see men and women passing by each other in the bathroom
What a load of nonsense. Have you see the cost of housing? Prices for housing are rising dramatically faster than wages. That’s why people are living together. To save money. No one wants to live with their parents.

That all hinges on where you live. For a $800,000 home in commie states, you can buy here in my state for $350,000. I watch HGTV. I'm stunned at what homes cost in these places compared to my state. Here homes are affordable, but people would sooner rent because they don't want the responsibilities. And mind you rents are not cheap either.
The people in our country today. Yes, labor is a problem because people don't want to work, not because we don't have enough people. You want more people to work, then vote conservative Republican and they will reduce social programs for people that can work but opt not to. That's how you solve that problem.
Reducing social programs won’t make more people. When population shrinks, there simply won’t be enough people to fill the needed jobs.

This should worry someone like yourself most of all who is going to be more dependent on the labor market than others given your lack of family.

You guys really aren’t thinking ahead. You’re leading us to a disaster.
This is nothing but pathetic culture war bullshit. You clearly have no idea what people in their 30s think.

They’re working their asses off and see that everything the previous generations enjoyed is out of reach. Housing and child care are massively more expensive than anything you ever could understand. Meanwhile boomers who had everything handed to them act entitled to all the benefits and none of the cost.

No, we boomers had nothing handed down to us because most of our parents didn't have much to hand down. We worked more hours than most people do today.
That all hinges on where you live. For a $800,000 home in commie states, you can buy here in my state for $350,000. I watch HGTV. I'm stunned at what homes cost in these places compared to my state. Here homes are affordable, but people would sooner rent because they don't want the responsibilities. And mind you rents are not cheap either.
People don’t want to live in your state because the economy sucks and there aren’t enough good jobs.
Reducing social programs won’t make more people. When population shrinks, there simply won’t be enough people to fill the needed jobs.

This should worry someone like yourself most of all who is going to be more dependent on the labor market than others given your lack of family.

You guys really aren’t thinking ahead. You’re leading us to a disaster.

What is with you leftists and your extremely terrible comprehension skills anyway? Does it have something to do with public education or something?

I never said a reduction in social programs will make more people, I said a reduction in social programs will make more people have to find a job and work.
Young people are choosing work over families so that's exactly how you want things. The 50s are over.....thankfully.
According to my dad the 50's were a great decade with close knit families and low divorce rates. Everyone admired President Eisenhower and taxes were low.

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