More men are single than women?

The demands on men have changed.

When women were excluded from gainful employment, they needed men for economic security. It was sufficient for a man to just have a job.

Women no longer need that now that the business climate isn’t stacked against them (to a large extent).

Men now need to be actual partners in relationships. That means they need to be supportive, emotionally available, and fulfill needs and roles they haven’t been taught to fulfill.

Conservatives blame this problem on some mythical attempt to make men effeminate. The opposite is true. It’s because society has raised men to believe they need to fulfill a role that no longer exists.
Progressive Culture breaks down society.
It divides Men and Women.
It divides people by race, religion, region and income.
It is going to cause a population crash.

Russia has a perfect storm of what your ilk would consider 'conservative values'. They have a partnership between the church and the state. They're hostile to muslims. They are violently hostile to gays. They will put you in prison for spreading 'woke' values. They have some of the most toxic views of masculinity you've ever seen. They fucking hate transpeople.

They're your kinda folks.

And they're in a demographic death spiral. And have been been for 20 years.
Not all women, but women as a mainstream idea or a generalized group in today's time is not attractive to me in the least. Sure they can be physically attractive, but I'm not attracted to today's woman from the view of wanting to spend time with the

They act like they don't need a man, super independent, strong, can do anything a man can, and all of this other nonsense is a turn off. Why would I want to be with someone that acts like they don't really want to be with me?

Women are quick to destroy a guys life by making baseless accusations online with 0 proof, they can bad mouth men, society will automatically take a woman's side, we have seen way too many ruin a guys life and see it end up not being true and the whole thing just fades away with no repercussions.

Most younger women today are not attractive because they dress like whores. Giant ass fake eyelashes, ugly ass long pointy fake nails, booty pants, have flea market quality shitty tattoos allover the place, dermal piercings, gauge piercings, pink and purple hair and so on. No one wants a relationship with that person.
Since there are essentially the same number of men as women, the only possible explanation is that women are marrying someone (or something) other than a man.

Absolutely not, look at the census data.
Nearly the entire country has more males than females for the age in the 20's.

There are some hucksters out there training men on approaching women. And there are some honest tutors, but enough dishonest ones to cause men to give up. Approaching women is as much about demographics as is it is about ability to create attraction.

I reckon with increasing LGTB stuff, with more women hitting for the other side, that makes sense.

Otherwise, it doesn't

Then again, what is a woman?


Well, once again good news for democrats, more LGTB types and a decreasing population

It's a win/win
I still haven't found a woman I'd consider marrying. Many young women today are too self-centered and only good for a roll in the hay.
Approaching women is as much about demographics as is it is about ability to create attraction.
I never had a problem attracting women because I have self-confidence and stay in good condition.
Progressive Culture breaks down society.
It divides Men and Women.
It divides people by race, religion, region and income.
It is going to cause a population crash.
Progressivism is really a depopulation movement.

You see this with all their polices as they promote abortion, gender confusion, the LGBT movement, an open border that allows drugs to flow across killing about 300 Americans every day, destroying the economy which leads to a higher suicide rate, more heart attacks, more drug abuse, etc.

Now is this intentional or just a coincidence? Then again, does it matter whether it is or not, they just need to be defeated is all.

But at the end of the day, they will all celebrate a depopulation because they are "saving the planet" from such things as climate change since there will be fewer carbon footprints.
Progressivism is really a depopulation movement.
Then why do progressives work so hard to extend benefits to families to take care of children?

Child tax credit
Subsidized child care
Maternity leave

If Republicans want people to have kids, they should put their money where their mouths are
Then why do progressives work so hard to extend benefits to families to take care of children?

Child tax credit
Subsidized child care
Maternity leave
Child mutilation is a progressive solution.
I never had a problem attracting women because I have self-confidence and stay in good condition.
if you live in a good demographic, then yes, thats enough.

All throughout the USA today though, more women are college educated, and wont accept a man who isnt economically viable. In other cases, a large proportion of this country has more single men than single women.
if you live in a good demographic, then yes, thats enough.

All throughout the USA today though, more women are college educated, and wont accept a man who isnt economically viable. In other cases, a large proportion of this country has more single men than single women.
A good income is always a plus in attracting women. I check all the boxes.
Nah, it just means there are more dudes in their 30s willing to date women in their 20s than there are women in their 30s willing to date men in their 20s.

The studying being cited makes it clear that older men are far more likely to be partnered than the younger ones. So it tracks.
Of my significant female others (I am male, now 52) one was 4 years older than me, one was 9 years older and one was 16 years older! My wife is almost 2 years older. Other than them I dated a few younger girls. The youngest was 6 years younger, with the rest being more like 2 or 3 years younger.
Russia has a perfect storm of what your ilk would consider 'conservative values'. They have a partnership between the church and the state. They're hostile to muslims. They are violently hostile to gays. They will put you in prison for spreading 'woke' values. They have some of the most toxic views of masculinity you've ever seen. They fucking hate transpeople.

They're your kinda folks.
Except for being Russkies, they do sound like sensible people.
A good income is always a plus in attracting women. I check all the boxes.
What KIND of women?? Ones looking for money!! I have the same philosophy with that as I do with playing the lottery. If I ever won it big and I mean like a million bucks or something, I would never advertise it to anybody for any reason. I wouldn't even quit my job right away. I would just make it look like I found something better. Likewise I would never advertise to a woman in the beginning that I had a lot of money. IMO you would only be asking for trouble.

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